Lerk high level biomass ability (lerk lift)

SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
While I use to love lerk lift during ns1, I think it could have a place end game as the upper biomass tiers dont give any other abilities. I like things that encourage team work. Would help for anti-turtle and I think it is less cheap than the insta cyst + whip echo.


  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Only if:

    Can lift Skulk/Gorge/Light Marines only (fades dont' need it, Onos and Exo would be OP)

    Performing a lift would be a constant drain on Adren.

    Marines can fight back in some reduced way (axes/welders/something)
  • SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    make adril be a required to lift a gorge? I use to love lerk lift.
  • clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    I agree with the points Daxx mentioned.

    Also if it goes in an alien that get's lifted should be able to drop itself at any moment it likes. So we don't have troll lerks that throw skulks into crevice or landing pad :D

    And i think marines with a jetpack should not be able to get lifted.

    Lifting a marine should work for a really short distance like 3 meter.

  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    clankill3r wrote: »
    I agree with the points Daxx mentioned.

    Also if it goes in an alien that get's lifted should be able to drop itself at any moment it likes. So we don't have troll lerks that throw skulks into crevice or landing pad :D

    And i think marines with a jetpack should not be able to get lifted.

    Lifting a marine should work for a really short distance like 3 meter.

    Agree with everything except time limit on marines. That's what the fight back/adren drain is for.
  • clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    Agree with everything except time limit on marines. That's what the fight back/adren drain is for.

    I can agree with that but the adrenaline drain should be a lot more for a marine then for a skulk.
    Unless a marine can shoot the lifter it would be really bad if a lerk can lift marines for a long distance.
  • SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I am not avocating something op. Require adril. Can only pick up skulks and gorges on aliens. Reduces speed and adril when in use. I do like the idea about being able to grab a rine for a few seconds, until you are brought down by lack of adril. Also marine can knife or weld. This could be used for removing a welder for an exo or dropping a guy into lava falls.
  • RadimaXRadimaX Join Date: 2013-02-05 Member: 182840Members
    atleast have the lerk lift a marine from lets say flight to computer labs, like an entire corridoorr or more where onoses or fades can wait to ambush. An unknowing player gets grabbed imagine going in the mic:
    Flight extractor is secured comm give me gl ammo and medpack plz...oh never mind lerk took me to 4 onoses and a fade around the corner, beacon beacon BEACOOOOON!!! :D atleast that way it can be a mindgame at the same time because then they think shit its an ambush becouse he saw all the lifeforms and instead they gather up to go for subsector after a potential beacon or something along thoose lines :)
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    The Crevice troll factor is strong with this one
  • IeptBarakatIeptBarakat The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    What if the lerk presses the use key on what it wanted to carry, and the other player gets a notification telling it to press use on the lerk to accept lerk lift, and then either of them could press use at any point to let go/drop off.

  • clankill3rclankill3r Join Date: 2007-09-03 Member: 62145Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    What if the lerk presses the use key on what it wanted to carry, and the other player gets a notification telling it to press use on the lerk to accept lerk lift, and then either of them could press use at any point to let go/drop off.

    I would prefer to get picked up ns1 style. Since then you can be picked up by suprise.

    It would be nice if leap is researched that you can release yourself with leap :)
    Also a lerk lifting a gorge would look really silly i guess (and i think only lifting skulk would be better).
    But do imagine a lerk lifting a gorge, and that gorge bile bombing from the air :D
  • UncleCrunchUncleCrunch Mayonnaise land Join Date: 2005-02-16 Member: 41365Members, Reinforced - Onos
    Daxx wrote: »
    Only if:

    Can lift Skulk/Gorge/Light Marines only (fades dont' need it, Onos and Exo would be OP)

    Performing a lift would be a constant drain on Adren.

    Marines can fight back in some reduced way (axes/welders/something)

    The combo Lerk/gorge become the "bile bomber - destroyer of base". You would have a difficult time trying to balance it in NS2.

    Gorge + grappling hook was also fun, but ultimately OP.
    Bile bombing like Tarzan in a marine base was easy.
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