@F0rdPerfect nails it. Adding mods has big 'hidden' costs.
The end result of UWE making a mod 'official' is:
Slower updates to that mod
Slower updates to the main game
Greater liklihood main game is b0rked
Greater liklihood mod is b0rked
While I understand that supporting mods will lead to more work and cost for UWE, I think that at least the combat mod should be considered as some kind of "deathmatch mode".
I might be wrong on this and if so feel free to prove me so, but I think adding "combat" would give the new players, which are overwhelmed by Ns2 vanilla, a way to enjoy the combat mechanics and get into the game. It is a especially nice mode when new players want to test out the aliens without being punioshed to do so. In the end this could help to keep some "more causal" players playing who might have never heard of the mod otherwise.
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over. The more stable and polished the engine will be, the less problems modders will have. Trying to sidetrack the devs with additional game modes will work against the game in the long run, at least for the moment.
I want to say something about it: If the mods are often broken, it's because the game is often patched (and they update features that are used by mods).
If I stop the development of Forsaken, it's because I spend way too much time to maintain this mod for the latest updates (In addition, I got some IRL issues and other projects to do).
However, I do not blame UWE for that. They are doing a good work. I just want to say that making and maintaining a mod for this game is a lot harder than you think.
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over. The more stable and polished the engine will be, the less problems modders will have. Trying to sidetrack the devs with additional game modes will work against the game in the long run, at least for the moment.
Thanks for the info. I am still interested how aware rookies of the existence of the mod are and how it might affect their choice to play longer.
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over
Truth! If we took over, Combat would be way worse. The Combat guys are much better than any of us at creating Combat. (They're a bloody awesome team in general!)
I want to say something about it: If the mods are often broken, it's because the game is often patched (and they update features that are used by mods).
It is absolutely true that our modding system is not as friendly as we would like, or as it should be. It's not acceptable that every time we patch, every hardworking modder has to go and fix their mod. While we can't work on any solutions to this problem right now, it is possible development time could be devoted to addressing the issue in future. We certainly hope it can!
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over
Truth! If we took over, Combat would be way worse. The Combat guys are much better than any of us at creating Combat. (They're a bloody awesome team in general!)
I want to say something about it: If the mods are often broken, it's because the game is often patched (and they update features that are used by mods).
It is absolutely true that our modding system is not as friendly as we would like, or as it should be. It's not acceptable that every time we patch, every hardworking modder has to go and fix their mod. While we can't work on any solutions to this problem right now, it is possible development time could be devoted to addressing the issue in future. We certainly hope it can!
Create a modder group and give in general all modders access to the beta after they signed a nda. By this way we would be able to fix compatibility problems before a update gets out.
Create a modder group and give in general all modders access to the beta after the signed a nda. By this way we would be able to fix compatibility problems before a update gets out.
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over
Truth! If we took over, Combat would be way worse. The Combat guys are much better than any of us at creating Combat. (They're a bloody awesome team in general!)
I want to say something about it: If the mods are often broken, it's because the game is often patched (and they update features that are used by mods).
It is absolutely true that our modding system is not as friendly as we would like, or as it should be. It's not acceptable that every time we patch, every hardworking modder has to go and fix their mod. While we can't work on any solutions to this problem right now, it is possible development time could be devoted to addressing the issue in future. We certainly hope it can!
Create a modder group and give in general all modders access to the beta after the signed a nda. By this way we would be able to fix compatibility problems before a update gets out.
This woudnt help, the internal beta sees changes all the time, sometimes even 2-3 times during playtest. And atleast in the doubble digits over a week.
This woudnt help, the internal beta sees changes all the time, sometimes even 2-3 times during playtest. And atleast in the doubble digits over a week.
Everyone who is able to mod should expect this about a beta, but in fact hugh compatibility problems
only come from changes at the core functions. And as this is a beta and not a alpha those changed should be there early enought. Atm most modder need only access to the code one day before a patch is realeased to get their mods rdy for the update.
Also we could follow changes before the patch is out and not afterwards. In generall how much more work would be this for uwe?
They should make some custom maps, for exapmle ns_jumbi, as official.
Why not? business problem?
NS1 has so many cool official community made maps.
I think balance problem is not from maps but marine jumping and alien movement system and so on.
UWE should stop adding content and simply fix the game; let the modders add content. Why? Because UWE are probably broke so prioritise!
Ive said this before, when each patch breaks the mod due to more (often buggy) content is added, what incentive is there to build a mod?
in the old days a mod would use a framework. mods would pretty much work all the time and if a major patch was released then update the framework and voila mod work again. UWE shouldn't maintain mods but they should have had a framework.
If people dont like ns2 they wont buy it no matter what content you add. If they like a mod they will. Remember NS1 and CS? DayZ?
It is really hard to only keep playing original gameplay. No public players can play 7 or more great matches in a row. Players need to take a rest or even warmig up before or between matches. Combat has been always perfect for that, and if they adress it well, mods like Faded, Last Stand etc would be also fine. Well adressed mods are always the best way to maintain cocurrent players longer and that means larger player basement.
At the moment the combat mod is still being maintained by a group of dedicated individuals so I see no point in asking UWE to take over. The more stable and polished the engine will be, the less problems modders will have. Trying to sidetrack the devs with additional game modes will work against the game in the long run, at least for the moment.
If I stop the development of Forsaken, it's because I spend way too much time to maintain this mod for the latest updates (In addition, I got some IRL issues and other projects to do).
However, I do not blame UWE for that. They are doing a good work. I just want to say that making and maintaining a mod for this game is a lot harder than you think.
Thanks for the info. I am still interested how aware rookies of the existence of the mod are and how it might affect their choice to play longer.
Truth! If we took over, Combat would be way worse. The Combat guys are much better than any of us at creating Combat. (They're a bloody awesome team in general!)
It is absolutely true that our modding system is not as friendly as we would like, or as it should be. It's not acceptable that every time we patch, every hardworking modder has to go and fix their mod. While we can't work on any solutions to this problem right now, it is possible development time could be devoted to addressing the issue in future. We certainly hope it can!
Create a modder group and give in general all modders access to the beta after they signed a nda. By this way we would be able to fix compatibility problems before a update gets out.
That's one possibility, indeed.
This woudnt help, the internal beta sees changes all the time, sometimes even 2-3 times during playtest. And atleast in the doubble digits over a week.
Everyone who is able to mod should expect this about a beta, but in fact hugh compatibility problems
only come from changes at the core functions. And as this is a beta and not a alpha those changed should be there early enought. Atm most modder need only access to the code one day before a patch is realeased to get their mods rdy for the update.
Also we could follow changes before the patch is out and not afterwards. In generall how much more work would be this for uwe?
Why not? business problem?
NS1 has so many cool official community made maps.
I think balance problem is not from maps but marine jumping and alien movement system and so on.
Ive said this before, when each patch breaks the mod due to more (often buggy) content is added, what incentive is there to build a mod?
in the old days a mod would use a framework. mods would pretty much work all the time and if a major patch was released then update the framework and voila mod work again. UWE shouldn't maintain mods but they should have had a framework.
If people dont like ns2 they wont buy it no matter what content you add. If they like a mod they will. Remember NS1 and CS? DayZ?