Join Date: 2002-03-03 Member: 264Awaiting Authorization

<div class="IPBDescription">No, not mmorpg style!</div>I've played quite a few FPS games and combat sim games, and since I'm an avid roleplayer (Being one of the twenty founders of the Rhy'Din chatroom based roleplaying game, which aol claimed ownership of before we could copyright it) I tend to roleplay in a lot of games like this.
If you've read the Tutors thread, you probally have read my idea for a training map..
This in itself could also help roleplay...
For instance, you finish fragging some aliens, and you decide to return to HQ. <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo--> So you head into the planetside HQ, and the planet could be partially infected with Aliens, so the aliens could have the stuff outside the base, you know, like a cave or something, and the marines could have the base.
Anyway, this would allow in-game chatting, as well as introducing Roleplay to a FPS-type game.
You guys might not be interested by this..but..*Shrugs* I am. Very much so.
It basically kills two birds with one stone. Roleplay and Training.
If you've read the Tutors thread, you probally have read my idea for a training map..
This in itself could also help roleplay...
For instance, you finish fragging some aliens, and you decide to return to HQ. <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo--> So you head into the planetside HQ, and the planet could be partially infected with Aliens, so the aliens could have the stuff outside the base, you know, like a cave or something, and the marines could have the base.
Anyway, this would allow in-game chatting, as well as introducing Roleplay to a FPS-type game.
You guys might not be interested by this..but..*Shrugs* I am. Very much so.
It basically kills two birds with one stone. Roleplay and Training.
Although I do like Everquest <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
Alien 1: Grunt, grunt - I want to taste man flesh.
Alien 2: I want to upchuck slime balls and spit on them.
Alien 3: How do we tell who's a female around here anyway?
I suppose you could run a Marines only roleplaying game on IRC or something.
"You see a flying thing."
"I shot it."
"Role." 01 "You cack your buddy."
Personally, I 'd rather save that for an existing roleplaying game and just kill Marines on NS.
And, basically, there would be invulnerability on everyone everywhere on the map, EXCEPT a section between the caves and the HQ, you know, where the HQ and the cave would, and there aliens and Marines could practice combat.
Meanwhile, all the Oldbies could roleplay in so..
*Smirks as he watches the new recruits training and nods lightly to the instructor*
Instructor: *Nods towards the Marine,then looks back to the new recruits* Next you will learn to be a commander..Follow me.
It would basically be like that.
We can do it quite easily, if we get this mappy made <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
And it will also make a map just for training newbies.
I wouldent mind doing that.. I would be a alien probly <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
All you really need to do for this is make the tutorial map you talk about (which btw, I think sounds like a good idea) and then try and convince the teachers to talk in character. From there the amount of RPing you do is up to you.
Still, don't know how much the alien's will be able to do. Other than creep around and try to look all threatening and... bug-like.
Alien newbie: Oh wise one, teach me the ways of the acid spit.
Alien Sensei: *Hork*
Alien newbie: That's disgusting.
n00b appears in readyroom. (Hey, the readyroom could have that extra-planar feel, sorta a greyish mist and nothingness type thing! )
Secretary is there with two gates (Alien Training (essentially Join Aliens) and Marine Training (Join Marines)) that the n00b can pick from.
Hey, you could have multiple readyrooms, with a single spawn point in each (or are 32 tiny readyrooms too much?), with the 'secretary' as a scripted hologram sequence! S/he could say somethin' along the lines of "Welcome to the NS training center blah blah here we train n00bs how to pull triggers blah blah join the side you wish to become more experienced in." and stuff.
And the people running the server could teleport between different locations and such using commands (would we need new entities for this?) and greet the player when they enter. Heh, trainers could probably switch models at will... if we had models such as sargents and stuff, but we don't.
(Hey, there's an idea! Have skins designed for trainers! And they could appear in normal games as well, so they'd be people that others could look to for advice and such! )
I like this idea! A 'persistant' seeming world/map.
<!--EDIT|Moleculor|April 16 2002,13:24-->
I myself love roleplaying, and if this idea were to be realised I'd definately spend time in the bar of the Marine base getting to know the new players and talking about old battles.
We could have two kinds of servers, both running similar maps.
The training servers could have NPC (that's 'computer run, scripted bots that stand there and do what they're programmed to'<!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--> 'Veterans' in the Bar area and other places, just to give it that 'feel'. Some of them could even be named after some of the forumgoers, and mappers and such. And if we did name them after people here, those people could be given the option of writing several scripts for what they'd be doing/saying (if anything)/whatever. And then there'd be the trainers and such helping the newbies. Those'd be real people.
Then you'd have the other servers, where the people at the bar and such would be real, and the trainers/trainees would be NPC's. At least those doing training. Some trainers could actually be by the bar and such too.
We've still got an interesting question though.
What about Bob?
Does Bob have a bar? Belly up to the joy juice pod? Would this be any fun for the alien half of the game?
And when they get bored of that they can come to the middle area and snack on some marines.
I could not say what I rolled (for damage or what ever) I had to write it down and send it to the Game Master.
A Player Spawns in the Marine Training Half.
A Holographic version of a young TSA marine approaches him.
Holographic Marine: "Hello, New Recruit, I am Drill Master Tailbot. I'm Sorry I could not be there today to assist you in person, but I was able to get some away time to transmit this holographic here to assist you. Please follow me and we shall conduct our first type of training, building."
It could make for some memorable moments. <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
I am also hoping for some "Social" Areas, where people can just sit around, roleplay, and hang out. While Roleplay wouldn't be an enforced thing, those that wish to do it could..
And as for Aliens, Believe me, I roleplayed a wolf for 8+ years, and it's not that hard to roleplay using only body langauge and the ilk..Besides, the Aliens do have their form of communication with each other <!--emo&:D--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
All we need to really get this started is some help from some good Mappers..
Half Concealed.
All we need is the chat system..very simple.
Don't let me bring you down, I just want you guys to know this is a lot of work and it isn't to be taken lightly, or without a lot of planning and forethought. Some of these ideas will be present in our training servers, but that's down the road as well.
- Flayra (The Downer)
<!--EDIT|Flayra|April 17 2002,10:55-->
The automated things could easily wait, but the basic map is all I want to get done.
Basically, I'd rather start with just a stationary NPC that isn't destroyed, but gets hit and maybe a bit of blood spray, like it would if it were a player.
one simple command
changelevel2 (or changlevel_2 I forget >.< )
probably the MOST underused highest potential command
in HL
all your stats from the last game are transfered over to the new one!