Natural Selection 2 Build 256 is live Steam! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

G’day everyone! Build 256 is now live on Steam and your clients will update automatically over the next few hours. Official servers will drop offline momentarily while they are updated as well. We’ve broken our own rule: Never patch on Fridays. We do not normally patch on Fridays because on the off-chance we blow up the game, it is much harder to fix on a weekend than a weekday. But we feel unusually confident about 256, as it as been gestating for several weeks and not undergone too many changes over the last few days. Regardless of the day of release, as with most new NS2 builds, many mods will break. We suggest disabling mods until modders have a chance to …
Late night incoming
Anyone else got a broken UI?
EDIT: Ugh Nevermind fixed it. PC problem!
It freezes for a moment at that pop-up. How long are you waiting?
Seriously, good work. Did not expect it before next week.
And now, Mr. Scotty.... OPTIMIZE!
Same here, if you hit ESC that window disapear, but mouse pointer do not work properly if your resolution is lower than desktop one.
But the strange rectangle around my mouse cursor is still there.
Yeah I have the same problem, mouse is offset by quite a bit.
I tried the resolution thing, it works. Thanks.
open %APPDATA/Natural Selection2/system_options.xml
search for "<device>OPENGL</device>" (Or something similar, I am not sure if it is "OPENGL" or some abbreviation) and change it to "<device>D3D9</device>"
It also applies to all in game menus.
Great patch UWE! Thanks for the hard work!!