Anyone else leaving because of Snobby players?
Australia (Land Down Under) Join Date: 2013-09-29 Member: 188516Members, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

Today and a few other days I've been playing on the Australian servers and I am greeted by players just being out right rude to each other, bragging about how good they are and how better they are then other players. And constantly putting down the lesser players and making them feel worse about how they play and making some players leave.
Now this Probably is not a big issue.. But its been ruining my nights on the game, and I was curious if anyone else has had this happen whilst they play.
Now this Probably is not a big issue.. But its been ruining my nights on the game, and I was curious if anyone else has had this happen whilst they play.
But seriously, the best thing to do is to ignore them, or better yet, try to outplay them so their ego is hurt ;D
When I started I encountered plenty of helpful people giving hints/tips. In my 300 hours I have only encountered a handful of "snobby" players who consistently insult others, and in some cases I've seen them get vote kicked... In my experience NS2 has one of the nicest communities out there.
Now that being said I have seen a lot of anger/frustration when rookie players without a clue try to command... but that's understandable since they're ruining the game for everyone. Nobody should command without first watching tutorials and learning the UI in training mode.
For the most part I think everyone gets along pretty well though.
Once in a marine game the commander called the whole team useless because we were outplayed by the alien team (they simply had better teamwork and players), I answered him with a simple comment being; "Sorry, I am no competitive gamer and can not work magic". Which he answered rudely; "Then get off this server". Mind you this was a Normal Pub server, not a open clan server or such.
Another marine game I gave our commander a tip that he should get one or more arcs to our mainbase after to many whip rushes. When whip rushes continue happening, lost proto and almost the power once I repeated myself sometimes. Which I just got a written "Shut up" by the commander. Which just made me play around the rest of that game being a harassing exo killing harverster (was fun :P )
And even if this can just be ignored by a lot of people, this is not being a complete good community and I don't like getting a "shut up" thrown in my face when I am just trying to help. But I am not calling this a bad community either, it just falls down as being average with rare good people, lots of normals and then the "bad" people that are going to ruin your day of games.
Hm. Which servers do you usually play on? I'm usually on UK Teamplay, YOClan or survival of the fattest, and I almost exclusively meet nice-ish people :-/
Every game has its idiots. It's like in real life. But NS2 is the better place in comparison to other games like LoL or CS.
@_Necro_ Yeah, I fully understand that. But I have never been playing games like CS and lol
Ha, yes^^
I'm Vetinari ingame, I think we met once (see sig. I have to make that note bigger...).
I think one of the UK Teamplay servers is 9v9, so if you don't mind that... there's some skilled players around, rookie friendly doesn't actually mean much outside of sales, imo.
Really?! I did wonder who Vetinari was on the SCC server!
Wanna play / avoid. Good, Avrg, beginner. Things like that.
The best advice I can give is try to ignore those players who are abusive or otherwise obnoxious. They're usually loud-mouthed idiots with no life, and you get to know their names pretty quickly. Hell, I recently added another to my mentally stored 'ignore this imbecile' list the other day.
To mute a player's VOIP, left click on the scoreboard to activate the mouse and then click the speaker icon to the left of their name.
Thankfully these destructive and rude people really are in the minority!
Yep, that's me
Adjusting my sig right now...
You're not that bad but you've had your fair share of "issues". Far be it from me to call a girl out in a public forum where 9999 white knights might defend her to the grave (for reasons one can surmise). I was playing one time and there was a marine putting a PG up in Monorail. When I got there I had around 10HP, so I didn't go in. I had regen so I decided to heal up and call for assistance. You must have died and then out of frustration said to me something to the effect of, "why don't you bloody going in there? Oh I forgot you care so much about your k/d" - not the reason at all. No point in engaging with him across the room with line of sight on me, and around 10hp. I can understand your frustration because I think we were losing quite badly, and you had just been killed, but such an attitude is unfavourable.
In other news, I am not quite sure what it's like in the Aus community. I cannot imagine it would be that different to the European one. Perhaps, as ghost mentions, it is because the community is so small - this might create rivalries that turn a tad sour.
I have come across elitists before in this game but it's usually just a show of impatience, as opposed to malicious intent. There's this guy (I won't say his name because of the "name and shame" thing) but he's incredibly rude and angry when he commands. He's British and sounds like he's from Manchester. Loves the sentry strat. I LOVE being commanded by him because he's so rude to everyone (in an OTT manner to the point that it's just hilarious). Even if he's rude to me. "WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU TWO DOING IN NANO YOU F***ING MORONS I TOLD YOU TO.....OMG DO I NEED TO SHI**ING BABY SIT THIS LOBOTOMISED TEAM OR SOMETHING".
But yeah - a bit of a tangent. Either way, try to find the silver lining of amusement when one gets so angry and competitive in a videogame when playing on a casual pub server - and encourage others to do the same.
Edit: Oh yeah and to echo the sentiments expressed above: I am highly critical of NS2 in a number of ways but if there is one thing for which I can praise it it is the player base. Most people are kind and helpful. The only game I have played more than NS2 on Steam is Zombie Panic:Source. Great game but most people are incredibly selfish and rude in it.
You can't categorize everyone like that just because you've met some really arrogant and rude people. There will always be individuals like that in every community and there's close to nothing that can be done about it, both because that's just how some people are today (sadly) and this is the internet. Lots of people have the constant need to boost their ego/pride in the online gaming world, trying to look good & tough. I still don't fully understand why but that's just how it is, I'm sure we've all done it at one point but realized it's wrong and stupid.
There's usually nothing you can do when you meet those people, you can't talk sense to them nor reason with them, believe me. Your best option would be to just ignore them and not -feed the troll-, despite the fact they're rude, arrogant, annoying or just plain retarded. I'm basing this off my experience so you might be dealing with something different.
Just look for a server and get to know the people, once you find a couple of servers that include a nice community just play there, odds are the same people will play on the same server(s). A game doesn't necessary need a polite and nice community to be good, but it does make it better and more enjoyable.
Just learn to ignore them, it's the easiest and most effective way.