Return to Eclipse - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Eclipse is one of the most iconic Natural Selection battlefields. Prepare to return.
Also: more props for mapping
Tuesday December 31st @11:59PM
Anyway, the map plays surprisingly well.
Speaking of returning to things, lets revert to 249 when you release that map.
I hope the map makers are able to incorporate the necessary changes to make the map play well in NS2 while still keeping a healthy dose of nostalgia.
Pfft let's not be too optimistic. Unknown Worlds may have an exceptional record of nailing deadlines, but Eclipse is a step up in terms of quality and attention to detail. We'll do our best to maintain our perfect history, but can't promise it.
You don't really think they let those 59 seconds left in 2013 pass by unused?
Summit is becoming like the old ex GF who stays true and reliable and is one you can always give a late night call to for a good time... but is beginning to look a bit ugly in comparison to the new hot ones you're dating lately, so you feel a little less inclined to answer those texts/votes.
Dont wanna lower detail now do I
Yeah there's also a point where the map is too good looking and doesn't perform well at all and destroys everyone's computers.
Even summit received hundreds of iterations and optimizations throughout it's life. (The original crevice fps - ugh)
And tram was simply un playable for ages, even when other maps were getting released like mineshaft, but its now amazing (remember the mechanical arm prop in the original shipping dropping fps into single digits?)
Its just the last 2 maps (descent and Biodome) have been a nightmare visually when they come out. Sure maybe the maps might get better, but how long for them to get to summits play-ability? How about the fact that Biodome was waaaay worse than descent. Is Eclipse going to be even worse? I don't want it to be at all.
i will be very pleased and surprised if it is in fact "the same" but i suspect, for example, where there used to be a ladder there is now a long ass ramp. shame, that was one of the most intense points of action and ambush - the bottom and top of that ladder from rine start to triad.
*fingers crossed for an early release!*
I doubt it, as i remember this map is more like Veil right? Marines north, aliens south (and east-ish).
We need a mini map teaser picture!!
Just gameplay wise I hope my fear of this map becoming 'overly immersive' ever since uwe took over from remedy isn't justified. You know, with the usual not enough lighting and low contrast against skulks, obscuring holograms and other effects, frustrating and complicated geo/props, performance issues, and so on.
This just reminds me how amazeballs the original NS and it's mappers were.
Basically, it was a perfect storm of events that led to that.
I really do hope they keep the lighting and effects..
It adds so much to the game and is a large reason why people first pre ordered way back when (dynamic lighting, dynamic infestation etc) ..
And lets be real honest here.. anyone who doesn't want these sorts of things (comp) are going to play the stripped down / bland / lifeless NSL versions anyways like they always do?
/shields self
Id rather have an ugly map and have it be structured perfectly.
Though Eclipse seems to be better in that regard (simple but nice, like the hallway shot), although some shots are still too noisy. We'll see
Well nsl maps are generally not too much better for visibility (except docking). More constant lighting, less dark corners, and no hologram effects. But the consequence being much lower contrast and overall brightness, which assumes that you are going to do some gamma boosting or white light tweaking in the first place.
Tbh, i'm more concerned with the overcomplex geometry and props than the lighting that was shown. Like that laser drill down in the corridor outside maint. Doesn't look good for walljumping flow, and a pain to get back up as a marine, so that there's just a huge bunch of essentially useless space for the sake of immersion. I mean, I hope the laser isn't going to have some silly death trigger.
Oh, and the performance concerns.. Just look at the performance impact of a more detailed map like biodome compared to stock summit. Bio would be one of my favourite maps if it wasn't constantly changing mouse behaviour every few meters due to rendering lag. It's not ms waiting on gpu anymore, as much as it is ms waiting on cpu rendering thread.