Anything but the Drifter Turn Speed...
Join Date: 2013-06-06 Member: 185488Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow
These things always had to be baby sat because of how bad pathing is and how they die in 1 clip. Now that turning speed is set to infinity I really think there is a contradiction here. You want to micro-manage the drifter to safety because casually turning corners is dangerous for it. Now you can't; turn speed is so high that it would waste time and the drifter would get gunned down instantly. Seems like a cheap, quick fix to competitive drifter play and it is extremely frustrating to watch them run away. I made a reddit thread issuing the same complaints along with a video. What are your thoughts? Do we like this? Have any competitive players spoke out about it?

On a slightly different topic, does anyone know what the Drifter's acceleration is? It looks like it's instantaneous, and I think it might round out better for everyone if it would start moving sooner but accelerate more gradually.
Someone on the reddit thread brought up a great point about the frequency of crag openings with intense drifter micro. To be honest, I'd be terrified to open crag now that these changes are live. I'm more of a Shade opener myself, I stopped with the crag openers when mucous got nerfed the first time because my subjects started complaining about no early celerity/adren ;.; Besides, I couldn't deprive a gorge of his 8 minute adrena-bile or 3 minute celeri-gorge. That would just make me a horrible person.
And I'm not even sure why drifter speed needed to be nerfed - they cost 8 tres, and their abilities cost tres too. Was it really that big of an issue?
Something needed to give, whether it was costing 1.5 or 2 res for each ability's use, or reducing the AOE effect, or slowing it down, there were several options available. Personally, I think the resource cost would be the best way to fix it to still allow rewarding the khamm for good micro, but to make the ability less ridiculously overpowered. The turning as it is does look a little ridiculous...
May as well give it to gorges while your at it. Thanks
(sorry for double post, meant to edit)
I agree, something did need to change. However, all this has done is make drifters more annoying to use. An increase in drifter cost could work, although I think just toning down the mucous would really have been enough. I don't think anybody has really complained about storm or hallucination, and yet these abilities have effectively been nerfed too. This is like complaining meds are OP, and so adding a cooldown time to meds AND ammo.
I understand why the nerf had to happen, but it would be nice if pathing issues could have been addressed first, as the nerf only amplifies this problem.
EDIT: just watched the video. Seems the problem is worse than I expected. The drifter was actually turning the opposite direction it needed to (e.g. performing a 270 degree turn clockwise to perform a 90 degree turn counter-clockwise). That is actually really bad. I hope it's not intended.
Jesus... At one point (2nd/3rd turn depending on whether you count the initial turn to set the drifter in motion to it's first waypoint) it even decides to begin turning the other way mid turn, just because an additional waypoint is added to the queue? Wut. Am I watching this correctly? Is the direction the drifter turns somehow related to the last location in the queue? Rather than the next?
Drifter pathing is a whole different can of worms... but at least this helps the main problem. If the comm tries to make the drifter dance in your face, it is much easier to kill it.
I have to disagree on this point here. Drifters being hard to control (build 260) and weaker mucous basically nerfed crag opener a LOT which probably was intended. What I find completely disagreeable is how a crag hive nerf completely handicapped the drifter. Also, shift-queuing drifter move commands was always dodgy but now it's basically pausing them. Doing a 180 takes almost long enough to lose a drifter. It's just a pretty bleak situation when you want to consider yourself a drifter-heavy commander because they are just too damn expensive to bring far off into the map...
Edit: Essentially, I just wish there was a better way to discourage crag openers and drifter-harassment. Surely turning speed does the job, but damn. It's like working with arcs or something.
This is why I want a "res damage" counter on the scoreboard. With a cumulative total for the team at the top.
Its a very real indication of how much actual damage has been done to the enemy.
A little snip, use equivalent vector functions.
int getTurnDirection(float radians)
return -cross(radToVector(radians));
Then -1 or +1 would be returned. So turning speed * result.
Tbh I'm a little disappointed more people aren't talking about this. Whether you're for a nerf or not, it's unacceptable and frankly bizarre that a drifter would almost do a complete 360 just to perform a slight turn of a few degrees.
Even without the bug, I think it's way overkill. When I heard that turn speed was nerfed, I didn't think the drifter would stop dead in it's tracks and rotate at snails pace. I figured there would be some kind of smoothing applied to the pathing so that it couldn't be spammed back and forth instantly doing a 180 (i.e. such that a queued operation moving back and forth between two relatively close points a bunch of times might be be circular/oval, and that navigating a corner would also have a gradiant). This seems like a relatively cheap fix to the problem, and as I've already mentioned, serves to make the issues with pathing much more cumbersome to deal with.