Spawn point protection.
Lithuania Join Date: 2013-12-31 Member: 191180Members, Reinforced - Shadow

Really annoing to see my char spawning in egg or in teleport after death and big bad ONOS or Marine in EXO waiting to kill me at same second after spawn. I even cant react... In other games are 1-3 secs of immortality (god mode) after respawn. I think it good idea to create in this game. Sure gate or egg can be destroyed but AFTER SPAWN 1-3 secs just to react is NEED.
If not god mode but maybe some shiled for marines that created from teleportation field that absorb 50% of damage for 1-3 secs? (Or egg shell with same ability.)
If not god mode but maybe some shiled for marines that created from teleportation field that absorb 50% of damage for 1-3 secs? (Or egg shell with same ability.)
Also a smaller version, if you sit on an IP (or phasegate) when they spawn there is knockback, giving marines a few secs of breathing room. Lastly, if your com is worth his salt he can drop a medkit or two for you to get some bearings.
EDIT: also you can look around a see the thing about to be hitting you, if its an onos I don't think 3 secs will do you much good :P
If you want spawn protection this bad, play a Combat server.
(Also, if you are worried about your K/D ratio in normal NS2 games, you have bigger issues than dieing on spawn)
Early game rushes for either team are part of the game (similar to any RTS game), Its not that difficult to counter (mines/1-2 marines that are aware it can happen and are ready to respond). Like an RTS game if they fully invest in a base rush from the get go, countering the rush then pretty much putting the defending team in a very powerful position (15+ seconds with little to no contention for map control). The other scenario is one or two skulks rushing the base and killing your whole team...which isnt really an issue with unfair strategy, more unfair teams.
And has been said by others, K/D ratio in this game is not important. There are far more valuable things that can be done which involve little to no killing, and there are far worse things that can be done that dont involve dying. I find more often than not players obsessed with a good K/D A. are pretty useless, and B. rarely ever achieve it because they are too busy being useless.
I like to think of NS2 as an RTS game you just get to play on the ground, the players who grasp this idea quicker tend to understand the game better and in turn tend to end up with those shiny K/Ds you seem to be after.
As an added point I would also ignore skill/KD ratings on the Hive, its far from finished and really is not an accurate depiction of who is good at the game. For example I think my "skill" is rated higher than the average Godar player which is total crap
Use cheats and get banned. Easy. You will never die after that.
Lots of disagree here with me, but i still think that this annoing. To see Onos waiting me on respawn to one shot kill. Another idea - possibility to choose gate to rewpawn.
I've got killed multiple times by some random marine jumping in the game late when I was rushing the ip ^^
Most of your posts is just bad game play. One mine will kill a skulk. You get three to use. It's easy to cover two IPs and the Obs just by that. Remine when they are destroyed.
If there is a base rush, the commander has many options available. He can beacon with an Obs. He can power surge if the power is out and a robot factory is powered somewhere else. He can nanoshield buildings. He can even hop out of the chair to engage the one skulk or two that's biting your IP - even if he dies he should of have bought enough time and done enough damage for the other person to spawn completely and finish off the damaged skulks, especially if he timed when he jumped out. He can spam medpacks on and around the IP. Hell if he's desperate and things are bad he can even sell up and relocate the base. There are many options. Usually people capping res nodes that are secondary to your base, or people in the middle will head back to base to help out, or phase back to base. But usually jumping out of the spawn and shooting the skulk will be enough - even if you only do half the damage on him the next person to spawn will kill him.
This is not another game. This is Natural Selection. Only the fittest will survive.
Skulk on your IP, get ready for some jumpNstrafeNshootNkillORBkilled action
Onos on your IP, jumpNstrafeNshootNdie them Onos will Stomp your behind
Now if you get your buddies to shoot them damn biting things of your point! Now we're talking about your "spawn protection" ;;)
P.S. Discussion closed. I wrote it for devs. not for "skilled" mostly players.
I see, you want games that never end....
Mods, He has advised the discussion is closed.....
Anyway, even if you and I completely disagree with them they still have a right to express themselves: To communicate their thoughts and experiences on the game, and post suggestions that they think would make the game better (at least, better for them).
I don't know what sinister interpretations you have put on my words, but the intention was good.
The post above mine was sarcastic as hell, I can't see why you picked mine out :P
@Neemh - This is the ideas and suggestions forum. It is intended for other players to comment on the suggestions posted and give their own opinions of the ideas that the topic brings to the table. You can't really just say 'Discussion closed' - that's not how it works around here.
Also this is a game which is going to be balanced around players who know the game mechanics and certainly not balanced around just 1v1 encounters. And it is very much possible to win the spawn camping engagement versus a Skulk. Versus an Onos in your base, you really need to make use of the team aspect of the game. Either other marines in or near your main base or using beacon to teleport all marines back to base, if things get too dangerous. And the commander could drop medpacks or a potential nanoshield, if he thinks the respawners need that assistance.
As mentioned before a "3 sec" damage sponge (medpack/nanoshield, it's already in game at a resource cost) or godmode, won't help much against an Onos if you are indeed on your own. And it would be quite overpowered if you already have marines in base helping to defend and way too powerful against a Skulk.
If you have an Onos in main base killing off your marines, your team is not in the correct position and failed for not spotting it and the alien team were successful in their sneaky offensive strategy. It's not just an FPS it's als an RTS and they would then have failed their RTS exam so to speak