Looking for some feedback on my first map.

EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
Hi, I'm making a map and was looking for some feedback or suggestions before I get too much farther with it.
I mainly have a floorplan mapped out and want to know if I should change things around before I begin to clutter the map up.


  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    If it is an NS2 map, then it looks like it may be a bit too small, although it is hard to tell from the shot there. The best thing to do is greybox the may up and get it tested, worry about decorating it once you have a layout that works :D
  • EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
    How do I go about getting the map tested? I can't join the collective because I work on sundays :(
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    People can play your map without you being there. :) It is not a problem, messages can be posted in this thread to let you know what people discover. Also the map would be on the server rotation if it worked, so more chance of playing it at any time.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    I agree with soul rider, it is a bit too small, unless I am seeing it wrong. As criticism, it seems that marines would be able to camp in corners of map and snipe the aliens.
  • MephillesMephilles Germany Join Date: 2013-08-07 Member: 186634Members, NS2 Map Tester, NS2 Community Developer
    Soul_Rider wrote: »
    If it is an NS2 map, then it looks like it may be a bit too small, although it is hard to tell from the shot there. The best thing to do is greybox the may up and get it tested, worry about decorating it once you have a layout that works :D

    look at the top right. the name is ns2_co_SpaceStation. So I guess it will be a combat map. But I don't know what the third Techpoint is for

  • EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
    coolitic wrote: »
    I agree with soul rider, it is a bit too small, unless I am seeing it wrong. As criticism, it seems that marines would be able to camp in corners of map and snipe the aliens.
    How do i stop marines from camping then?
    Mephilles wrote: »
    Soul_Rider wrote: »
    If it is an NS2 map, then it looks like it may be a bit too small, although it is hard to tell from the shot there. The best thing to do is greybox the may up and get it tested, worry about decorating it once you have a layout that works :D

    look at the top right. the name is ns2_co_SpaceStation. So I guess it will be a combat map. But I don't know what the third Techpoint is for
    I was told it's supposed to have co in the name when i asked someone what the conventions were I want it to be a standard map.
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    If you want a standard ns2 map, then just name your map ns2_spacestation, if you want to make a map for the combat mod, you can leave the name as it is.
  • EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
    I'll rename it and finish greyboxing it.
    Still not sure how to counter marines sitting in corners. Would rounding/beveling the exterior corners fix it? or do i need to do it to both exterior and interior radii?
  • joohoo_n3djoohoo_n3d Join Date: 2012-10-30 Member: 164703Members, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Supporter
    not enough information for us to give you good feedback
  • EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
    joohoo_n3d wrote: »
    not enough information for us to give you good feedback
    What more information do you require?
  • doesephdoeseph Join Date: 2009-11-22 Member: 69467Members, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
    edited January 2014
    I think the best thing you can do is to get your map to a point where the major design and layout decisions have been made and allow it to be tested to see how those decisions impact the game-play. Once it's been play-tested (most of the time this is an iterative process), people can give you feedback on what needs to be changed, altered, or downright removed.

    It's very difficult to determine how a map will play out based on screen shots alone; at some point you just have to roll up your sleeves and test it.

  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    Eutherin wrote: »
    I was told it's supposed to have co in the name when i asked someone what the conventions were I want it to be a standard map.

    This is my mistake! I thought you were making a combat map, due to the size! Sorry if I led you astray, get rid of the co_, but this layout won't really work for a classic map.

    I'd suggest doing some research on map layout, sketch it, graybox it, get feedback. There has been several good threads on layout here in the mapping forum and also some with advanced techniques that you might find useful.

    Also keep in mind developing a classic style map on your own takes a year at minimum, typically 2 years is the estimate.
  • LokiLoki Join Date: 2012-07-07 Member: 153973Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    while true it will take a long time on your own for a good quality NS mode map I would disagree with 2 years ! not unless you do like 1 min a day :D maybe around 1 year

    well first off join the SCC just because you work sundays should not stop you from joining we can still test your map on "OTHER" days sunday is just our main day when most of us are free but a lot of us are around during the week anyway. People will leave feedback for you map in here.

    Interms of you map will it be ns2 standard gameplay? in which case you do not need "co" in there just ns2_spacestaiton (i would give it a name other than just calling it a "space station"
    If it is going to be a combat map then it will need "co" in there aka ns2_co_spacestation

    I would advise you to sketch a layout on paper before you try to put anything in the editor as its quicker and easier to change things rather than delete / redo stuff.
    (if its NS)
    will it be a 4 or 5 techpoint map? How many res nodes? will it have a double res node? etc

    once you get a working greybox map out let us know and we can test it for you!
  • EutherinEutherin Join Date: 2013-12-04 Member: 189788Members
    Loki wrote: »
    while true it will take a long time on your own for a good quality NS mode map I would disagree with 2 years ! not unless you do like 1 min a day :D maybe around 1 year

    well first off join the SCC just because you work sundays should not stop you from joining we can still test your map on "OTHER" days sunday is just our main day when most of us are free but a lot of us are around during the week anyway. People will leave feedback for you map in here.

    Interms of you map will it be ns2 standard gameplay? in which case you do not need "co" in there just ns2_spacestaiton (i would give it a name other than just calling it a "space station"
    If it is going to be a combat map then it will need "co" in there aka ns2_co_spacestation

    I would advise you to sketch a layout on paper before you try to put anything in the editor as its quicker and easier to change things rather than delete / redo stuff.
    (if its NS)
    will it be a 4 or 5 techpoint map? How many res nodes? will it have a double res node? etc

    once you get a working greybox map out let us know and we can test it for you!

    It will be ns2 standard. I have a sketch on paper and a vague idea of what I want in my mind, but as I put it in to the editor it gets changed a little because of my skill limitations at the moment.
    it will have one double res node.
    I'll post again once I have it all greyboxed and stuff :)
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