NS2WC Horizon Finals Match Mimic v. Singularity *Edit: VODs Posted*
Las Vegas Join Date: 2013-02-22 Member: 183267Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Gold, WC 2013 - Shadow

Hey folks!
So I guess technically, this match would be on the morning of 2/4 @ 2am for the Europeans. Quite early! But since this is basically two North American teams, the time seems to be appropriate across the pond.
If you can make it or have insomnia (for those Europeans), see you on at match time!
So I guess technically, this match would be on the morning of 2/4 @ 2am for the Europeans. Quite early! But since this is basically two North American teams, the time seems to be appropriate across the pond.
If you can make it or have insomnia (for those Europeans), see you on at match time!
So 3/3 am gmt?
It was originally scheduled for saturday but I had my moms birthday to go to saturday. Not sure if that was the official reason to reschedule though.
This match could have been prime time advertisement for the finals but due to poor scheduling your live audience has been cut at the very least in half before the game is even played.
And im sure there are a few people in EU who have no problem watching it at 2am. I was just making the point that when choosing a time for a match if you want as many people as possible to watch it, maybe at a weekend at a time that accommodates as many timezones as possible makes a little more sense than one that is going to be starting at 2am on a tuesday morning for at least half of your audience.
I get this isnt possible for EVERY game, but a final should be a bit different...
But the VOD will do.
Finals are no different. It comes down to when the people actually playing can play. Most of us playing have jobs and lives.
This weekend we couldn't do Saturday and the Superbowl was Sunday.
Was it no possible to schedule it for any of the two weekends coming up prior to the germany finals? If so then fair enough. It just seems like this weekend couldnt be done so it was just pushed to monday.
This is a fair point of course, but I think @Zinkey was saying that the match would be best served (in the communitys interest) to have been on a weekend, and also that there are multiple weekends before the live event that could have also been considered before choosing a monday night.
1. fuck superbowl
2. how old is your mom, is she hot?
3. let's just blame zefram
ps. I'll prolly be awake to watch it regardless.
Make it more concrete !
Cause frankly, streaming VODs from twitch is a version of hell nobody deserves.
Other things I learned:
To be honest, tap really tries to be honest in all honesty.
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:
Mimic scheduled for Monday. Did you forget we have a 15 man roster lol
Still got a large amount of views but I agree 100% with you. Both teams were anxious and just wanted to get to it... I don't think the teams had promoting NS2 on our minds when we were advancing to the finals (at least I didn't) so when the teams were scheduling, they picked a time most comfortable for both teams. Maybe the casters should have picked a time and then confirmed with the teams?
Honest to god though, thanks for the games.