NS2 Trial available?
Germany Join Date: 2013-12-25 Member: 190777Members, Reinforced - Supporter

Hi guys,
short question: Does a trial edition of NS2 exist? And/Or will there be a trial option in the future?
I ask because I will be part of a medium sized LAN party in Germany with around 300 players (Link: http://www.lanrena.de). Although I am really happy to go there, there is one problem which grew in the last years. Most games aren't made to play over local networks. Because of this year after year the same games are played and LAN partys are getting boring. But NS2 could be the missing fun multiplicator!
I am sure most guests will already know NS from its old mod times and also few have already bought NS2 - like myself. But there will be also some players, who for sure never heard anything of NS or at least would want to play NS2 before buying it. Therefore I need the trial option for the party, which takes place from 28th to 30th March 2014. If this isn't planned, maybe UnknownWorlds will grant 300 trial keys, because it's a good opportunity for marketing
P.S.: Please note that this isn't an official request from lanrena.de. They don't know anything about my request and I only want to get the answer IF there is a possibility to get a trial option for NS2 until the given date, or if UnknownWorlds are willing to deliver keys at all. If so, I will contact the promoters of the LAN party and let them handle further actions.
short question: Does a trial edition of NS2 exist? And/Or will there be a trial option in the future?
I ask because I will be part of a medium sized LAN party in Germany with around 300 players (Link: http://www.lanrena.de). Although I am really happy to go there, there is one problem which grew in the last years. Most games aren't made to play over local networks. Because of this year after year the same games are played and LAN partys are getting boring. But NS2 could be the missing fun multiplicator!
I am sure most guests will already know NS from its old mod times and also few have already bought NS2 - like myself. But there will be also some players, who for sure never heard anything of NS or at least would want to play NS2 before buying it. Therefore I need the trial option for the party, which takes place from 28th to 30th March 2014. If this isn't planned, maybe UnknownWorlds will grant 300 trial keys, because it's a good opportunity for marketing

P.S.: Please note that this isn't an official request from lanrena.de. They don't know anything about my request and I only want to get the answer IF there is a possibility to get a trial option for NS2 until the given date, or if UnknownWorlds are willing to deliver keys at all. If so, I will contact the promoters of the LAN party and let them handle further actions.
The 1$ Humble Bundle with NS2 within will not popup within the next months again, and its questionable if it will in the future because they never had the same packages in the past. And on other sites NS2 cost at minimum 10-15$ which is far to expensive to be bought by the promoters and gifted to all guests.
Sure some keys can be bought and be used as tournament prices, but as mentioned before - with a trial phase it would be a grate promotion for Natural Selection.
Really nice of you to consider NS2 as a LAN game for such an event.
A lot of email and twitter contacts there. Hugh would probably the one to talk to I guess.
thanks a lot for all answers. I've send @Hugh an Message and waiting now for an Answer
PM me man, got a few copies to throw your way if you still need.
i really appreciate your offer to gift your precious keys, but before you throw your gold package into my direction, i want to wait for @Hugh 's reply
As soon as i get new information i will post it here
Basicly wait for a ns2 free weekend.
maybe my Question at the first Post was a little bit short formulated. I would like to have the possilitiby to play NS2 as a Trial game for a 300 Player Lan-Party at a specific Date. I don't think my Luck will work out in this case with Steams Free Weekends. Also i think the promoters want some kind of 'security' about this topic
i think the problem is that he needs like... 250 copies.
yeah, it seems like a no-brainer for UWE, introduce NS2 to some new people for the cost of some temporary keys.
if that's true, even better, but some kind of faq thread might go miles to spreading that information further.
About the 'hard' numbers, well, the last time the Lan Party was full. To be 100% sure everybody can play NS2 on the LAN it needs those 300 Keys. But thats only my Opinion, maybe the Promoter even don't want to have them. As i mentioned in the first Post, this is only a 'does a Trial System exist, and is it possible to get those Keys' Thread from my side as Visitor. If an Official Member confirm this i will establish a Connection to the Lan Party Promoters, and then we (Gamers) will see what happens.
For me its only important to 'spread NS2' as far as possible - and i guess this LAN Party is a good opportunity for this.
As some of you already mentioned, some are willing to gift their valuable NS2 Keys. So i want to ask those who really want to do it to send me the Key(s) within a Private Message in this Board. In return i will make Photos & Screenshots of ppl playing NS2 at the LanParty, and create a Hall of Fame within the LanPartys BBS with every donor, sorted by donated key count & date. I also play with the thought to let every recipient hold a sign with "THX -name of the key donor", make a photo + send it the donor back
My current 'plan' is to get the Tournament registrated. After that i will start a Thread which everyone can ask for a donated key. They have to fullfill some req. like - don't have already NS2, open Steam Profil to check their demand, and they have to participate on the tournament.
One Team min. 5 ppl = 8 Teams = ~40 Keys should be enough. (-2 Keys for me and a Friend, we have it already).
P.s.: If you have better Ideas - post it !
So, Hugh hasn't responded? Maybe drop his name again.
Right, like this