N2WC : Inside player feedback
Join Date: 2013-03-18 Member: 184066Members, WC 2013 - Shadow
Woot Woot !
So great week end so far, never had such a great experience regarding games.
A big thank you to NS2WC crew, even if some stuff are to be worked on for next community-founded event, it's was a huge success.
A big thank you to spectators on Twitch (heard there were a lot of reactions in the chat, especially about RioS "We come from France, the center of Europe" LOL DEM FRENCHIES !).
A big thank you to spectators in the studio... They were so great and cheering so loud... During the first match, I was waiting and warming up in a different room. When i heard people shouting, slamming the ground with their foot and making so good atmosphere...
you all guys ! People can't imagine what it is when you are doing a great action and you can hear people cheering and slamming the ground, it gives you so much adrenaline that you think you are invincible !
To be honest, I was more worried about disappointing spectators than losing a round or the cup.
A big thank you to ESL studio. These guys were really welcoming and professional. We never had a computer issue for more than 5 minutes, we never lacked water, they were always here to filfull our needs (I felt I had so much importance, was so weird
A big thank you for the afterparty. Even if I was too much drunk to remember everything, it was awesome. As people said in other posts already, we all felt like we were part of the same family. So much trust between each others while it was the first time we met.
It was also great to meet UWE's staff, they are great guys and they are so generous (Charlie, I owe you a beer now, see you soon !).
Even if some of you guys might think you are not listened by them regarding your feedbacks on NS2, you can't be more wrong. You must understand UWE & the community have the same goal : rising NS2 higher, making it the best game ever !
So great week end so far, never had such a great experience regarding games.
A big thank you to NS2WC crew, even if some stuff are to be worked on for next community-founded event, it's was a huge success.
A big thank you to spectators on Twitch (heard there were a lot of reactions in the chat, especially about RioS "We come from France, the center of Europe" LOL DEM FRENCHIES !).
A big thank you to spectators in the studio... They were so great and cheering so loud... During the first match, I was waiting and warming up in a different room. When i heard people shouting, slamming the ground with their foot and making so good atmosphere...

To be honest, I was more worried about disappointing spectators than losing a round or the cup.
A big thank you to ESL studio. These guys were really welcoming and professional. We never had a computer issue for more than 5 minutes, we never lacked water, they were always here to filfull our needs (I felt I had so much importance, was so weird

A big thank you for the afterparty. Even if I was too much drunk to remember everything, it was awesome. As people said in other posts already, we all felt like we were part of the same family. So much trust between each others while it was the first time we met.
It was also great to meet UWE's staff, they are great guys and they are so generous (Charlie, I owe you a beer now, see you soon !).
Even if some of you guys might think you are not listened by them regarding your feedbacks on NS2, you can't be more wrong. You must understand UWE & the community have the same goal : rising NS2 higher, making it the best game ever !

*brain timed out*
And awake
Awesome meeting you all (some again!) and I cant wait for another. Glad you players had an awesome time, us in the audience loved the whole thing. Superb work everyone!
I remember getting to the event and everyone shaking hands, giving out some hugs and being genuinely happy to see each other.
From the second i sat down on stage to go up versus Saunamen, it was the most fun i've ever had playing and being part of the Natural Selection community.
Meeting my own team was amazing. The second we all finally met, it was just like we were on mumble all over again. Everyone was the same as they were online and turned out to be a weird family... though I dry humped 2 of my own members, sorry guys!
Saunamen, god damn Saunamen. You guys were a blast to hangout with, i was blown away by how passionate you guys are and how welcoming you are. I was first worried about talking to them because titus and sauna in the past haven't spoke a whole lot so I thought that it might be the same way in person, but damn was I wrong. Spent most of the night chilling with all of Saunamen. We spoke for ours about strategy and how each of our teams could improve. The next day afterwards, they took me under there wing and let me join them in the Sauna, where they said 50 Celcius was cold, and that the steam sauna (which was hot as hell) was "okay". hahh You guys were amazing to hang out with and i'm so glad we finally had the chance to meet. You guys are great.
Godar! You friggen guys. Godar was probably the european team i was closest too. Having merc'd for them for hours and hours, always talking with them on their teamspeak it was a blast to finally meet Mendasp, Skuggan, Valk, Grissi, Aioros, Eissfeldt, and Alcalde. Drinking all night, getting lost in the city, trying to find a taxi for 15 minutes while it takes Skuggan the wave of his hand to find one in 10 seconds. Everytime we met up you guys were great fun to hangout with and talk too. Had so much fun with you guys, just need to learn to walk faster
Snails, you amazing bastards. You guys are so passionate about this game its unbelievable, and you are all a riot to hangout with. Got the chance to really sit down and talk to these guys and always felt welcomed with them. Having them drop off 60 burgers at the cafe after the event was amazing of them and just goes to show how great these guys are in real life. They spent money on food for EVERYONE and purchased beer for EVERYONE. It was just a blast to talk with you guys, and i'm glad that i finally got to meet the guys who have helped me to improve so much over the past few months. Cheers guys!
UWE, RedDog, Blind and ESL. You guys are the greatest. You did so much and made the game look amazing to thousands of players. Even my dad and mom who know NOTHING of the game said you had their hearts racing just because of how enthusiastic you guys are during your casts. ESL you guys were the greatest, even when there were technical difficulties, you guys came right up to us and helped as fast as you possible could. You always brought us water and always managed to find extra time to let us get ready. UWE, Charlie and Hugh, it was amazing to meet you guys. Charlie, i'm glad that this tournament was such a success and that you got to see what the community is really about. For the most part we are a very close family and we all love this game and just want it to grow as much as it possibly can, and if these types of events happen i'm sure it will happen. @Hugh, I know in the past a lot of us have given you a hard time with everything, but I don't think anyone can disagree with me when i say that you did a GREAT job and it was awesome to see you rise to the occasion. Good job man.
Zefram and WasabiOne, you guys I find are the biggest reason to why Titus is what it is today. Zefram you put in so many hours recording our demos for us and being there to talk too when any issues come up, if it weren't for you and your generosity towards our team, I don't think we would have been able to be where we are today. WasabiOne, couldn't ask for a better person to have as part of the team, we give you grief sometimes when our servers go down and when you try to make us feel better and we just don't want to hear about it. But just like what i said about zefram, if you had not put in the hours upon hours helping us with the server, helping us get ready for the event and going above and beyond the team would not be the same. Thank you guys so much for all that you do!
The spectators as well, you guys were amazing, i've never seen people be so enthusiastic and pay so many compliments to us as players. We are all a strange weird family, thanks for all of your support, without it, this event would not have been possible!
All in all for me, I had a blast throughout the entire event and i'm still shocked by how welcoming each team was to me when I continuously bugged them to hangout. Thanks Sauna for making me a Temporary Saunamen, thank you Godar for all of your input and feedback and being so great of guys, and thank you Snails for the burgers, the beers, and all the time you spent in PCWs with Titus, you helped us to improve a lot of the past month. Cheers to all you guys!
ps @rayzou you are one crazy ass guy, we had a lot of fun! Don't forget we're putting up that video once leipa gets to it
I still remember that one day back in October that Wasabi came into mumble with the crazy idea of a 4-team live event. Like most of the community, I was extremely skeptical about community funding the event. Then to my amazement, Nvidia and Intel helped make the event happen with their contributions of 16k. A huge shoutout to Wasabi, Zefram, and Reddog for turning this idea into a reality. All of you really have created something incredible for the NS2 community.
I meet so many crazy ass people. I still remember waiting in the hotel lobby when I heard "you motha fukas." Instantly recognizing the voice, I turned to see Jaivol entering the building. That is one crazy Spaniard and also a super chill guy. I also got the chance to sit and talk with all the Godar guys. Each and every one of them were a blast to hang out with. I still remember drinking beer in the hotel bar with Charlie spouting out ideas in our NS2 think-tank. Good times!. The snails were also a crazy passionate bunch of guys. I ended up talking to Ray a lot until he passed out... or went into a coma (I'm not exactly sure which it was) after staying drunk for 2 days straight. Fckn crazy Frenchies. During the afterparty, Snails went to Burger King and bought 60 burgers for everyone! Unfortunately I was not able to attend the official Sauna time in the hotel sauna. I got dragged away to go eat food. Regardless, all the Saunamen members I talked to were extremely nice guys. It was amazing though. All 4 teams at the event just got along so well. Typically in FPS games, there is usually some bad blood or drama in the highest level of play. That really was not the case here.
Pretty much this ^^. In person, everyone was almost exactly the same as if we were on mumble. Except for Syknik... I didn't think that bastard could get any crazier (or creepier) in person... but ya. gg syknik hahaha. Overall I don't think I would be enjoying NS2 as much if it wasn't for our amazing team.
As for the event, I have not had the chance to watch the VOD yet. I plan to do that this weekend. From a players perspective, it went flawlessly. The SSDs ESL provided made rotating out players seamlessly. The actual PCs were more than adequate for getting good frames and the staff was extremely helpful. They provided refreshments between every single round making sure every player was comfortable.
Overall the event was blast and I look forward playing more NS2 with you all in the near future.
I only have one complaint from being there as a player - the headphones, heh. They were really quiet even jacked up to 100% volume on everything... and one pair just flat out died on Virsoul during our Veil alien round against Sauna for the last half of the match. However this could easily be solved in the future by having the players use their earbuds, I think.
Other than that, though, I was very impressed with the setup at the studio. It was incredibly convenient and professional - 12 computers on stage, 12 computers in the break room- so at any given point during the tournament, every team could be staying warmed up. Even 120hz BenQ monitors with lightboost... it felt pretty close to playing at home.
Watching the games was a 2nd priority for me, and just a added bonus.
I came to Cologne hoping to have the 13hour trainride pay off, and boy did it!
It was AWESOME meeting everyone and participate in the madness in the croud.
And another big thanks to the teams, UWE folks, and the playtesters for signing my "Onos Art-book"!
Edit: Syknik MVP.
Also, maybe I should make a big post like everyone else, but I derail myself too easily, it might be a trainwreck (man, I'm good with bad jokes).
FTFY: Syknik's shoes MVP. Almost knocking out Golden and I before the tournament even started. I don't know if I've ever smelled anything worse in my life.
WTF No way this is going on internet... T_T
It was a private coma no one except the sauna guys have to know ! (and all the fking snails who were making fun of me afterwards...)
Is there any final word on viewer numbers?
I remember there were above 4k viewers somewhere during the stream. but I don't know how many guys watched the vods so far
Maximum concurrent viewers: 5,095
Average concurrent viewers: 2,055
Total broadcast time: 7.5 hours (including pre-show/post-show studio cams)
Total views: 105,420
Total unique viewers: 82,260
Total hours watched: 22,808
Chat messages sent: 12,060
Great finals overall, gotta tip my hat to everyone that made it happen. Im actually looking forward to the next one.