Your comparing apples to oranges... The question is would you rather face 3-4 pub SGs or 7-8SGs. Imagine 7-8 of your scrim level players with shotguns. The higher player count does increase DPS just because average skill level out side scrims is low does not change that.... Again thus the 500 hour server (unless some one can come up with a reasonable skill based system) as the only currently available system.
I too have had good games as fade going >150/ <5 Bad players won't hit you, but if enough of them are in a room maybe 2 will get lucky.
I would much rather engage 7-8 pub level shotguns then engage just one Div 1 or Premier Div shotgun. You can't say that fades drop faster in pubs simply because of player count.
We're talking within the context of the KKG 250+/500+ servers, because it's not just 7-8 random pub-level shotguns, it's 7-8 shotguns that can decently aim, know how to cover, and don't just walk backwards in a straight line. I have to say, in terms of pubs, the KKG high-hour-requirement servers are the best times I've had playing public NS2 in a very, VERY long time. Before, I'd be lucky to have 1 or 2 'fun' games a week (assuming a few games a day). With KKG, it's the expectation to have fun and challenging games each and every time I load in, and that's all I could ask for.
I will try out this server some time, but today it only had a few people on any time I checked (like 2-5). It was a bit early in the US, to be fair.
In other news, I just came out of a series of games on the HBZ 18 player no rookie server, and they were absolutely superb. Good communication, reasonable zoning and map awareness all around, high level of individual skill, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening's entertainment. At 18 players, it was hard enough for alien lifeforms as it is (with almost entirely Div 2/3 or higher comp players). I simply cannot imagine trying to lerk against 10-12 such marines. If you're in Europe, you're lucky enough to have a set of really fantastic community servers to get some decent games on with high level players. I do quite frequently play on US servers, depending on the time of day (early morning UK time is great to kill some drunk/stoned/tired 'Muricans ), and there are some really good community servers there, too - but I've not found one to which all the comp players flock. I guess Reddit pugs are the place to be, though.
This server is too frustrating to play on. I played on it two days ago and didn't have much fun. Yea, teammates are competent and people know what they're doing, but just like any other server in this game, there's always one or two "hero" players who get 50 kills and 2 deaths and basically win the match themselves.
I really wish this game would go Free to Play, and that's coming from someone who paid money for it. The player base is too small and there's too much elitism in this game. My other favorite online FPS, Red Orchestra 2, isn't nearly as bad as this game when it comes to "hero" players.
This server is too frustrating to play on. I played on it two days ago and didn't have much fun. Yea, teammates are competent and people know what they're doing, but just like any other server in this game, there's always one or two "hero" players who get 50 kills and 2 deaths and basically win the match themselves.
I really wish this game would go Free to Play, and that's coming from someone who paid money for it. The player base is too small and there's too much elitism in this game. My other favorite online FPS, Red Orchestra 2, isn't nearly as bad as this game when it comes to "hero" players.
Yeah, there are a lot of "competitive" players that play here. They are a great resource to learn from. Good news for you, we did the filtering for elitism already. There are only a few with that attitude, but sometimes the loudest. Just treat it as noise friend.
This server is too frustrating to play on. I played on it two days ago and didn't have much fun. Yea, teammates are competent and people know what they're doing, but just like any other server in this game, there's always one or two "hero" players who get 50 kills and 2 deaths and basically win the match themselves.
I really wish this game would go Free to Play, and that's coming from someone who paid money for it. The player base is too small and there's too much elitism in this game. My other favorite online FPS, Red Orchestra 2, isn't nearly as bad as this game when it comes to "hero" players.
Going free to play would only make it worse... That 50-2 k/d would easily turn into 150-2 k/d. I remember greenie weeks that I had more kills as a lerk than anyone else in the same game combined times 4... Maybe it would increase the player base but to what advantage? More bad COD/console players to feed kills? The "hero" players weren't born heroes they started just like you but put in more effort and time. Maybe even have better equipment but letting in the masses isn't going to reduce their skill any more than breaking a dam reduces water from flowing.
As far as what KKG is doing... I love it. It may still be a pub but at least it's as close to a pug as a pug is to a scrim, instead of being like apples and oranges.
That aside, the time constraints are not intended as an ego boost.
Having a minimum playtime reduces inexperienced play.
250 did not seem to be enough for various reasons.
If you don't like it, that is unfortunate, because many do, and created a slice of the public gaming platform that is NS2, that would love to have you. As a public server experience, it is indeed a cut above.
King Kahuna servers are absolutely dreadful, admins are abusive and the performance is terrible.
King Kahuna himself in particular has been known to attempt to dox people. A very respectable gentleman.
It's shameful to see this type of trolling allowed here. That' most troubling. Furthermore, why do you feel the need to hijack the topic that was started? Your content has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter. I was under the impression, it was the forum moderators job to help keep topics from becoming hijacked, and punishing those who would purposely troll other members. It appears this place in a state of decline.
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our servers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
it was the forum moderators job to help keep topics from becoming hijacked, and punishing those who would purposely troll other members. It appears this place in a state of decline.
A) One off topic post from a user =/= a hijacked thread.. Users are allowed to freely voice their opinions and even their anecdotal accounts, provided they are still civil to their community members while doing so. Mattk50 has done so.
C) Opinions in your own thread are your issue to address - not us moderators.
Please be careful iron you don't want to getban from his servers for of things you post in this forum. His servers are highly enjoyable, that's why they are so full all the time.
If its such an issue why do you quote his post twice too respond to it? Everyone here is free to say their piece and be done, your the one dragging it back up. Just because you run some of the more popular NS2 NA servers doesnt give you the right to be immune from criticism, some of which is completely valid. I was a victim of some of your former (I think) admins who abused players, one in particular since he knew me from NS1 and another who honestly believe I cheated, and even attempted to get me kicked out of PT for it. The reasons for my ban were never made clear, nor did my unban requests even get acknowledged. How can you deal with something directly when you get no response? I saw the response to my previous note about this, but honestly if I had wanted to cause trouble for you and your server, I could have done so easily. You used the admin mod that I created and maintained for a while, I could have easily added something to unban myself or even worse, gave myself admin. I choose to respect your decision even if I didn't agree with it, the least you could do is show that to others.
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our servers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
I went on your servers, it was lagging, performance 30percent on and off, i was watching an admin be a dick to a new player, so i called you out, told you some kindly curses, and was glad to never be able to accidentally join your server again. *snip*
KKG, thanks so much for taking the time and energy to manage these servers. I truly appreciate having reliably performing servers with player experience filters! Lots of fun playing with you guys, see you soon.
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our sQervers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
I went on your servers, it was lagging, performance 30percent on and off, i was watching an admin be a dick to a new player, so i called you out, told you some kindly curses, and was glad to never be able to accidentally join your server again.
Why dont you try to find my address and threaten my employers like you are so proud of doing to others on your forums. Christ. Stop playing on this guy's crapboxes people.
it was the forum moderators job to help keep topics from becoming hijacked, and punishing those who would purposely troll other members. It appears this place in a state of decline.
A) One off topic post from a user =/= a hijacked thread.. Users are allowed to freely voice their opinions and even their anecdotal accounts, provided they are still civil to their community members while doing so. Mattk50 has done so.
C) Opinions in your own thread are your issue to address - not us moderators.
Unless it's a server provider, then you get silenced like a boss. :-)
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our servers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
I went on your servers, it was lagging, performance 30percent on and off, i was watching an admin be a dick to a new player, so i called you out, told you some kindly curses, and was glad to never be able to accidentally join your server again.
Why dont you try to find my address and threaten my employers like you are so proud of doing to others on your forums. Christ. Stop playing on this guy's crapboxes people.
As for server performance, I agree. Everyone's server running like hell during those patches (when you were ban for rude and disrespectful behavior). The development team has done a terrible job with server side performance during this entire "project". It's much better now, and has been for a few months; but it could be better. However, the only dick was you Mattk50. When you learn the earth doesn't rotate around you, you'll be a much happier person.
If its such an issue why do you quote his post twice too respond to it? Everyone here is free to say their piece and be done, your the one dragging it back up. Just because you run some of the more popular NS2 NA servers doesnt give you the right to be immune from criticism, some of which is completely valid. I was a victim of some of your former (I think) admins who abused players, one in particular since he knew me from NS1 and another who honestly believe I cheated, and even attempted to get me kicked out of PT for it. The reasons for my ban were never made clear, nor did my unban requests even get acknowledged. How can you deal with something directly when you get no response? I saw the response to my previous note about this, but honestly if I had wanted to cause trouble for you and your server, I could have done so easily. You used the admin mod that I created and maintained for a while, I could have easily added something to unban myself or even worse, gave myself admin. I choose to respect your decision even if I didn't agree with it, the least you could do is show that to others.
I can't speak to this. I wasn't aware you were ban from our servers. I do not see you in our forum member list, you are not on my friends list, and do not recall having any discussions with you about your mentioned issues. If you want to reach out to me regarding your "ban", I'm very easy to find. As for your "Mod" - the reason we don't run it any longer, are because they run like crap. The updates were slow, and when they were updated, they were during US maximum play time; causing issues with "Out of Date Mod" errors. Furthermore, any suggestions we tried to make regarding your admin mod, were ignored, never executed, and never intended for the use of the Server Owner(s), only the player. As a "Mod Developer" who creates ADMIN MODS, with the end user in mind, is like a Pilot worrying about the peanuts served, rather than his/her pre-flight check list for the safety, and enjoyment of their passengers. (just a tip)
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our sQervers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
I went on your servers, it was lagging, performance 30percent on and off, i was watching an admin be a dick to a new player, so i called you out, told you some kindly curses, and was glad to never be able to accidentally join your server again.
Why dont you try to find my address and threaten my employers like you are so proud of doing to others on your forums. Christ. Stop playing on this guy's crapboxes people.
it was the forum moderators job to help keep topics from becoming hijacked, and punishing those who would purposely troll other members. It appears this place in a state of decline.
A) One off topic post from a user =/= a hijacked thread.. Users are allowed to freely voice their opinions and even their anecdotal accounts, provided they are still civil to their community members while doing so. Mattk50 has done so.
C) Opinions in your own thread are your issue to address - not us moderators.
Unless it's a server provider, then you get silenced like a boss. :-)
Yep! Nothing has changed with the UWE team in 11 years. It's always been that way, and I am a "Server Provider". I actually feel for Hugh, and can completely understand his frustrations with some of the users here, and their abuse of other members, and the UWE team as a whole. But, like I tell Hugh, "treat it like noise, and keep going."
KKG, thanks so much for taking the time and energy to manage these servers. I truly appreciate having reliably performing servers with player experience filters! Lots of fun playing with you guys, see you soon.
You're welcome. It's for people like you, why we do it. It's not all that hard really being respectful to others. Why some, have a hard time with it, I can't figure out.
Server side performance is better than it's been in the past, because of the last several patches (EXCEPT FOR WEBADMIN, which is always forgotten in updates), and it's players like you that make our servers an enjoyable place to play. Plus, you're free from disrespectful trolls, like those who poke their heads up here from time to time.
Would this thread not belong in the server discussion forum? I personally am getting rather bored of it floating in general discussion going around in circles.
I too have had good games as fade going >150/ <5 Bad players won't hit you, but if enough of them are in a room maybe 2 will get lucky.
I will try out this server some time, but today it only had a few people on any time I checked (like 2-5). It was a bit early in the US, to be fair.
In other news, I just came out of a series of games on the HBZ 18 player no rookie server, and they were absolutely superb. Good communication, reasonable zoning and map awareness all around, high level of individual skill, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening's entertainment. At 18 players, it was hard enough for alien lifeforms as it is (with almost entirely Div 2/3 or higher comp players). I simply cannot imagine trying to lerk against 10-12 such marines. If you're in Europe, you're lucky enough to have a set of really fantastic community servers to get some decent games on with high level players. I do quite frequently play on US servers, depending on the time of day (early morning UK time is great to kill some drunk/stoned/tired 'Muricans
I dunno, I guess it is who you play with, or for some stubborn people like myself, how long it takes to actually start listening to the good people.
I was *utterly harmless* until about 600 hours, although I agree with the diminishing returns, I'd like to think I'm now only *mildly harmless*
PS: Great idea on KKG having different rule sets for donators too, I thought that was a very astute touch.
Excellent idea!
/me boots up NS2
I really wish this game would go Free to Play, and that's coming from someone who paid money for it. The player base is too small and there's too much elitism in this game. My other favorite online FPS, Red Orchestra 2, isn't nearly as bad as this game when it comes to "hero" players.
Yeah, there are a lot of "competitive" players that play here. They are a great resource to learn from. Good news for you, we did the filtering for elitism already. There are only a few with that attitude, but sometimes the loudest. Just treat it as noise friend.
Nooo! Our weakness! Roo you bastard!
King Kahuna himself in particular has been known to attempt to dox people. A very respectable gentleman.
Going free to play would only make it worse... That 50-2 k/d would easily turn into 150-2 k/d. I remember greenie weeks that I had more kills as a lerk than anyone else in the same game combined times 4... Maybe it would increase the player base but to what advantage? More bad COD/console players to feed kills? The "hero" players weren't born heroes they started just like you but put in more effort and time. Maybe even have better equipment but letting in the masses isn't going to reduce their skill any more than breaking a dam reduces water from flowing.
As far as what KKG is doing... I love it. It may still be a pub but at least it's as close to a pug as a pug is to a scrim, instead of being like apples and oranges.
Reeeeally now?
Agreed. But, if I did that; it would be me and you in server. LOL Seriously, not many people have over 2k hours to fill up a server.
However, I will create events for competitive players with exceptional skill, and experience (hrs played) at least twice a month (maybe more).
For those interested in why Matt50 was ban, here is just an example for the reason.
That aside, the time constraints are not intended as an ego boost.
Having a minimum playtime reduces inexperienced play.
250 did not seem to be enough for various reasons.
If you don't like it, that is unfortunate, because many do, and created a slice of the public gaming platform that is NS2, that would love to have you. As a public server experience, it is indeed a cut above.
It doesn't get a population unless a few people go to it.
It's shameful to see this type of trolling allowed here. That' most troubling. Furthermore, why do you feel the need to hijack the topic that was started? Your content has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter. I was under the impression, it was the forum moderators job to help keep topics from becoming hijacked, and punishing those who would purposely troll other members. It appears this place in a state of decline.
You had your fun, in the end; the reason you were ban from our servers months ago, was because of your lousy attitude, name calling, and trolling our game servers. You may have thought it to be fun at the time, but your fun was cut short. Maybe that's what your upset with most.
C) Opinions in your own thread are your issue to address - not us moderators.
+1 on the 500hr server
lol, wtf?
Unless it's a server provider, then you get silenced like a boss. :-)
As for server performance, I agree. Everyone's server running like hell during those patches (when you were ban for rude and disrespectful behavior). The development team has done a terrible job with server side performance during this entire "project". It's much better now, and has been for a few months; but it could be better. However, the only dick was you Mattk50. When you learn the earth doesn't rotate around you, you'll be a much happier person.
I can't speak to this. I wasn't aware you were ban from our servers. I do not see you in our forum member list, you are not on my friends list, and do not recall having any discussions with you about your mentioned issues. If you want to reach out to me regarding your "ban", I'm very easy to find. As for your "Mod" - the reason we don't run it any longer, are because they run like crap. The updates were slow, and when they were updated, they were during US maximum play time; causing issues with "Out of Date Mod" errors. Furthermore, any suggestions we tried to make regarding your admin mod, were ignored, never executed, and never intended for the use of the Server Owner(s), only the player. As a "Mod Developer" who creates ADMIN MODS, with the end user in mind, is like a Pilot worrying about the peanuts served, rather than his/her pre-flight check list for the safety, and enjoyment of their passengers. (just a tip)
Agreed! This one is easy to see through.
Yep! Nothing has changed with the UWE team in 11 years. It's always been that way, and I am a "Server Provider". I actually feel for Hugh, and can completely understand his frustrations with some of the users here, and their abuse of other members, and the UWE team as a whole. But, like I tell Hugh, "treat it like noise, and keep going."
You're welcome. It's for people like you, why we do it. It's not all that hard really being respectful to others. Why some, have a hard time with it, I can't figure out.
Server side performance is better than it's been in the past, because of the last several patches (EXCEPT FOR WEBADMIN, which is always forgotten in updates), and it's players like you that make our servers an enjoyable place to play. Plus, you're free from disrespectful trolls, like those who poke their heads up here from time to time.