IronHorseDeveloper, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributorJoin Date: 2010-05-08Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
edited March 2014
Thanks for the info, Novis.
That MD5 hash checks out fine, but I am not sure if a MD5 hash check tool can be used properly on murmur hash checking? (which is what we've switched to) I honestly don't know. I know checking any file should be possible sooo. In all likelyhood the amount people are verifying their cache integrity i would assume the files are not the issue.
Maybe you could try it the other way around: On a working installation, move/rename the appdata-NS2 folder to start with a "fresh" config (unmodified consistency cfg, cleared cache, mods etc.) and see if everything still works.
Just tried that and had no issue starting a sandbox game, so it can't be local, or at the very least universally applied local. (meaning it could still be a hardware dependent issue for the local user, or something else)
It also allows to join some, but not all servers - which is odd, wouldn't expect to have the consistency partly client-configurable, that'd kind of defeat the purpose, or may indicate that those servers where it works have outdated consistency cfgs?.
I think that this is more than likely whats going on, given what @SupaFred just posted.. and that it just seemed like you could "join some, but not all" servers, not because of the change in your local files, but rather based on the server you were joining. This is why users joining Official UWE servers are not having this problem.
Now, the real million dollar question, imo is: Why is anyone failing consistency checking locally if they are not running any mods and using default consistency checking?
I really need @novis and others who cannot start a sandbox game to please submit your log or techsupport file directly after attempting to start a sandbox game. I need to verify if mods are reactivating themselves or something funky.
To everyone having this problem:
Can you right click a server in the browser and check what mods it is running..
then go and subscribe to specifically those mods and those mods only..
and then attempt another connection and report back the results.
Now I figured out the server I cant join are Swe onoz and Woza 40player server. This connection issue seems to be related to Shine mod.
As me and supafred tried out he disabled all the mods then I could indeed connect to Swe thirsty ono server. but at mapchange I still crashed and got the consistency check failed female male model.
when he reinstalled them again I could no longer join again, But if if subscribed to only the shine admin mod I could join the Swe thirsty ono server again.
But then I had shine admin subscribed and tried to join DB d u m b a s s server I couldnt join their server anymore instead. If I unsubscribed to shine admin i could rejoin db d u m b a s s server again. but I get the crash at mapchange, consistency malde female model check.
And db d u m b a s s server only has the shine admin installed what I could see on server load.
However when i tried to subscribe to all mods woza server had installed I got some kind of error invaild file, so that server I still havent figured out how to join.
I start to think the whole consistency check fail has something to do with Shine mods (all of them shine extra plugin, shine admin) no cooperating with the new consistency check that was remade? in latest 263 patch. or maybe all mods
I do run mods , but before build 263 everythings is normal when join server "With Mods"
Then Dropship come and make some server have this error
I confirm that all UWE[Offical] Server is normal 100%
Otherwise even i creat "local server" i get kicked out main menu with " Your game file not match bla"
GhoulofGSG9Join Date: 2013-03-31Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts
edited March 2014
@Airwolf_swe Pretty interessting what you report, time to look at the new consistency check. Shine is itself loading files via injection before the loading is done as otherwise we wouldn't be able to register network messages ourself.
( thanks to uwe never thinking about this when creating their entry system ... )
This could cause the issues as the consistency hash list is created before. In the past this wasn't a issue as the consistency check simple created hashs of all avaible luas.
This is what i gonna check now.
I would ask you to try to connect to my server and pm me the log afterwards
GhoulofGSG9 you run the "Survival of the Fattest" server?
If my memory is correct thats also one of the few server I can join and do mapchange on without crashing.
Even though that one do have shine admin installed, along with more mods.
I did try some more official UWE server and they seems to do mapchange just fine.
Is there some server setting server owners can change that cause this crash on mapchange? or maybe cause its running on linux, different os server? or maybe it is cause by conflict with mods.
GhoulofGSG9 you run the "Survival of the Fattest" server?
If my memory is correct thats also one of the few server I can join and do mapchange on without crashing.
Even though that one do have shine admin installed, along with more mods.
I did try some more official UWE server and they seems to do mapchange just fine.
Is there some server setting server owners can change that cause this crash on mapchange? or maybe cause its running on linux, different os server? or maybe it is cause by conflict with mods.
Server owners can change what files get checked at mapload via the consistency check.
My server uses a pretty liberal consistency check config. But if you can join it your issues are not caused by any of the by my server runned mods because i check all those mod files at the consistency check. ( Due to the fact i check all .lua files )
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
I know you are looking at solving this for NS2 players, but there are some people who get this problem while trying to start a local server with my GorgeCraft mod. One thing I have noticed that is consistent is an incorrect number of lua files getting hashed for consistency.
For everyone that uses GorgeCraft, and it works correctly, they have 881 lua files hashed for consistency, while the people having the errors with the mod, at least the 3 players I have dealt with so far, are getting 882 lua files hashed for consistency. In my mod's case, the problem is causing the game to look for ns_ maps rather than gc_ maps.
I really believe the new consistency check to be the source of the issues. I have compared players downloaded workshop entries, and the files and contents are the same as those which I have published, but for some reason consistency appears to be pulling in extra or incorrect files.
Here are the details of my working consistency list for NS2 default:
Hashed 797 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5788 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 77 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 897 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2175 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3857 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 53 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 121 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
Can anyone who is having problems with NS2, confirm that their consistency check is checking the same number of files?
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
@IronHorse How can we have different default number of files? I think this maybe a steam issue somewhere, as I get similar file inconsistency issues with my mod. But saying that, both mine and @GhoulofGSG9 systems work, yet our consistency checks do not match. What gives?
Here you go Tech zip 1 and 2 is crash at mapchange.
Tech 3 is trying to join some unofficial server cant remember if it was DB d u m b a s s or some other server, crash and couldnt even join the server.
I guess Ive been experimenting to much with subscribe to mod and delete workshop + shine map tomuch cause now I get the female male model consistency check when I try to join most servers that aint UWE.
I cant even join DB dumbass server anymore, the one I could join without problem before but would crash on mapchange.
Funny thing after a while when I tried the subscribe and unsubscribe to the mod after A while I couldnt even start sandbox mode same error female male model consistency check ALL server had this problem even official UWE servers. Dad to delete everything ns2 complete folder + workshop + shine.
Seems like something is going wrong with accessing those files as this
Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
is also in your log.
Sounds dumb but did you tried it running ns2 as adminstrator?
Could you post the log.txt (%appdata%\Natural Selection 2\ ) after trying to start up a local server without having any mods enable ( Server Browser -> Start Server ) ?
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
@GhoulofGSG9 - That error is normal when the game quits while loading, it occurs everytime you type quit in console from in game for example, and is nothing to worry about. That error can safely be ignored.
@IronHorse How can we have different default number of files? I think this maybe a steam issue somewhere, as I get similar file inconsistency issues with my mod. But saying that, both mine and @GhoulofGSG9 systems work, yet our consistency checks do not match. What gives?
I have nooooo freaking clue...
This whole topic has me befuddled, actually.. none of it makes any sense and we still haven't narrowed it down yet. (
@IronHorse How can we have different default number of files? I think this maybe a steam issue somewhere, as I get similar file inconsistency issues with my mod. But saying that, both mine and @GhoulofGSG9 systems work, yet our consistency checks do not match. What gives?
I have nooooo freaking clue...
This whole topic has me befuddled, actually.. none of it makes any sense and we still haven't narrowed it down yet. (
I know your feelings. This issue is just confusing.
ATM my theory:
Server hashs less files than client, ending up in client failing consistency check because it has more files than the server. But shouldn't then all ppl fail to connect that server ...
Other way around the same.
Why can ppl connect first but get kicked at mapchange? Does the consistency check algorithm somehow also hash the cache files or what now ?
IronHorseDeveloper, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributorJoin Date: 2010-05-08Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
edited March 2014
So there is a chance that this is a 32 bit running out of memory error that is presenting itself as a consistency check failure.. this would explain why it happens during map loads, when memory is already high.. and why it can fail locally as well. It also makes sense given that male and female marine models are huge in size and that these two files were the files most responsible for out of memory errors.
Anyone having this problem:
Please confirm whether you are running a 32 bit or 64 bit OS, and your available RAM. (so far everyone who has provided their specs in here is running 32 bit..)
Then try this out and see if it helps your problem
Lastly, (just in case) ensure that your NS2 is not in BETA mode. If it is, it will look like this.
My system is indeed 32bit winxp. 4Gb Ram.
I am NOT running the Beta of NS2
I will NOT try that 3GB fix again, last time I tried that fix when NS2 had the huge 32bit crash error it made my computer fuckupp bigtime, couldnt even load OS.
It's going to take a few minutes of your time to do this, so i apologize... but it won't mess up your current OS/installation and we can once and for all narrow down the culprit.
as Airwolf_swe
My system is indeed 32bit winxp. 4Gb Ram. too
and I am NOT running the Beta of NS2 too
I tried the 3GB fix again for another game and it was awful for my computer so I won't try it
Yesterday I could play one game before the problem came during the map change
The better for me is to try to play one game and not to try the sandbox
Since it seems a memory problem I will try to quit the game and launch it again when the problem occur. I will check the memory too.
But, since the problem appeared with the last build, is it possible to solve it for the next build ?
I've been having the same problem with the recent build, and I don't see why I should spend ANY time trying to fix it myself. I stopped playing after the 2nd occurence.
Maybe you should stop releasing new builds. Anyway, I won't play until it's fixed.
Can't say I ever encountered a game that had constantly so many issues after upgrades as ns2 in over 22 years of gaming.
I didn't submit the I created it again with ns2 closed but it tracked only old stuff and the bare minimum .log informations. Kinda pointless at that time. But I get occasional some memory leak errors. But I don't think I get any before the consistency check error. And it says sth about switching memory usage or model size to 1/2....sorry, can't remember the correct sentence.
I hope it is not the out of memory error. It is hard to believe that some (useless) eyecandy added to the game is still causing problems after all this time. And I think they are out of tricks to outsmart the problem. Also complaining about it would only lead to some bashing from 64bit hard'liners...
@Melancor: Exactly what I was writing a few days ago. It's hard to believe.
IronHorseDeveloper, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributorJoin Date: 2010-05-08Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
edited March 2014
Not bashing.. But it is a bit difficult to constantly have to account and adjust for a 13 year old, now discontinued and unsupported OS running in a memory mode that only 6% of all steam users run...
Any additional features or changes could potentially cause problems for those users considering what a tight rope has to be walked in regards to memory management. To make matters worse, we don't have any 32 bit users on our PT team to catch these things.
When you feel like you're being left behind just remember that the rest of the player base has to sacrifice many things now just so that 6% can play. Things like a smaller sound channel limit that leads to important sounds being cut off, animations using less fps, texture streaming being forced (causes hitches for me and others), sound quality of files being severely degraded (Rifle) and many other things that have added up.
So... Personally... I don't have much sympathy, i apologize. Especially considering that your hardware is 64 bit compatible and that you can run anything in 32 bit compatibility mode if you really needed to ... I just don't see why anyone would limit themselves to 32 bit today.
But anyways, thanks for providing info this far Sentinel.. I'll have the devs see what they can do about memory for the next major build.
Anyone else having this problem please continue to provide info as requested.
Oh I'm sure it will be fixed very soon with all that useful info you just provided......
That's what i meant. You are displayed as the bad guy, only because you want a working game. I didn't force them to consider 32bit users. If they would have programmed it for 64bit and selled it for 64bit users, I wouldn't be here in the first place and we wouldn't have this discussion. Do you think I like to post here after every build? This is far more nerve wrecking than the Legend of Pegasus disaster for me. And this is not about being left behind, it is about false advertisement and quality management. I don't slow down other players, that was uwe's development decision. And now we all have to fry for it in a new build - new bugs loop.
You are the techsupport interface and I understand that you have to vent from time to time as well. Maybe it would all be easier to bare if some devs could make a post from time to time in that they voice their thoughts about 32bit support, bug fixing and when ns2 will be finished as in " it's golden, you will never need a patch again. Mod to your hearts content and play without frustration!".
I have an old pc and I will not buy a new OS for it and especially not only because ns2 is the one and only game in my library that has an issue with it. But be assured, if I buy a new pc, I will buy a 64bit system as well.
It's going to take a few minutes of your time to do this, so i apologize... but it won't mess up your current OS/installation and we can once and for all narrow down the culprit.
I was about to install Win8.1 evaluation version but then again I have an important school course for the coming months and by no means do I wanna jeopardize my system at this moment for a game.
Maybe someone else who has this problem can try the Windows 8.1. Or maybe someone on the dev team can install a winxp 32 bit system.
Regarding the number of consistency files: About half a year ago I've actually pointed out in the server mailing list that the files on server and client do not match, that means server has files the client does not, which may lead to validation errors; (note that the client haveing files the server does not doesn't seem to cause any issues) This is the case with custom maps for example, and I would not be surprised if it caused issues with mods too. Also, it's possbile some files were never cleaned up in the updates, which means your servers may contain "dead" files.
Just when you though it couldnt get worse. I dunno how they managed it, but now (build 264) I have the crashes on even MORE servers *sigh* Id say like 80% of the servers with people playing I cant even join the servers HURRAY, and not a single UWE server have people on.
Really dev team I have no desire for more fancy stuff I just want a working game, and if you really do have spare time some more maps would be cool. But my highest wish is a game that works.
Im really frustrated. Never have I under my 15+ years of gaming came across such a bugged game. And yet I play it. yes the game is fun dev team. But I wish it would crash WAYY WAYYY WAYYYYY LESS.
That MD5 hash checks out fine, but I am not sure if a MD5 hash check tool can be used properly on murmur hash checking? (which is what we've switched to) I honestly don't know. I know checking any file should be possible sooo. In all likelyhood the amount people are verifying their cache integrity i would assume the files are not the issue. Just tried that and had no issue starting a sandbox game, so it can't be local, or at the very least universally applied local. (meaning it could still be a hardware dependent issue for the local user, or something else)
I think that this is more than likely whats going on, given what @SupaFred just posted.. and that it just seemed like you could "join some, but not all" servers, not because of the change in your local files, but rather based on the server you were joining. This is why users joining Official UWE servers are not having this problem.
Now, the real million dollar question, imo is: Why is anyone failing consistency checking locally if they are not running any mods and using default consistency checking?
I really need @novis and others who cannot start a sandbox game to please submit your log or techsupport file directly after attempting to start a sandbox game. I need to verify if mods are reactivating themselves or something funky.
To everyone having this problem:
Can you right click a server in the browser and check what mods it is running..
then go and subscribe to specifically those mods and those mods only..
and then attempt another connection and report back the results.
As me and supafred tried out he disabled all the mods then I could indeed connect to Swe thirsty ono server. but at mapchange I still crashed and got the consistency check failed female male model.
when he reinstalled them again I could no longer join again, But if if subscribed to only the shine admin mod I could join the Swe thirsty ono server again.
But then I had shine admin subscribed and tried to join DB d u m b a s s server I couldnt join their server anymore instead. If I unsubscribed to shine admin i could rejoin db d u m b a s s server again. but I get the crash at mapchange, consistency malde female model check.
And db d u m b a s s server only has the shine admin installed what I could see on server load.
However when i tried to subscribe to all mods woza server had installed I got some kind of error invaild file, so that server I still havent figured out how to join.
I start to think the whole consistency check fail has something to do with Shine mods (all of them shine extra plugin, shine admin) no cooperating with the new consistency check that was remade? in latest 263 patch. or maybe all mods
Then Dropship come and make some server have this error
I confirm that all UWE[Offical] Server is normal 100%
Otherwise even i creat "local server" i get kicked out main menu with " Your game file not match bla"
( thanks to uwe never thinking about this when creating their entry system ... )
This could cause the issues as the consistency hash list is created before. In the past this wasn't a issue as the consistency check simple created hashs of all avaible luas.
This is what i gonna check now.
I would ask you to try to connect to my server and pm me the log afterwards
Could you post your servers consistencycheck config ?
Just found this
Could also be the cause of those issues lol
If my memory is correct thats also one of the few server I can join and do mapchange on without crashing.
Even though that one do have shine admin installed, along with more mods.
I did try some more official UWE server and they seems to do mapchange just fine.
Is there some server setting server owners can change that cause this crash on mapchange? or maybe cause its running on linux, different os server? or maybe it is cause by conflict with mods.
Server owners can change what files get checked at mapload via the consistency check.
My server uses a pretty liberal consistency check config. But if you can join it your issues are not caused by any of the by my server runned mods because i check all those mod files at the consistency check. ( Due to the fact i check all .lua files )
We need the techsupport.exe made zip file for every single user experiencing this, please.
You will find this exe in your NS2 install folder.
Run it immediately after failing to connect / getting that error, then upload it here.
Thank you
@GhoulofGSG9 :
Here is my consistency config from the server he couldn't enter:
Here is the consistency config from one of my servers he was able to enter (runs only Faded 0.16):
Seriously .? Every Update is an old fix and new problem
For everyone that uses GorgeCraft, and it works correctly, they have 881 lua files hashed for consistency, while the people having the errors with the mod, at least the 3 players I have dealt with so far, are getting 882 lua files hashed for consistency. In my mod's case, the problem is causing the game to look for ns_ maps rather than gc_ maps.
I really believe the new consistency check to be the source of the issues. I have compared players downloaded workshop entries, and the files and contents are the same as those which I have published, but for some reason consistency appears to be pulling in extra or incorrect files.
Here are the details of my working consistency list for NS2 default:
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5788 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 77 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 897 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2175 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3857 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 53 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 121 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
Can anyone who is having problems with NS2, confirm that their consistency check is checking the same number of files?
Clients Config check after reseting everything:
Hashed 799 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 12 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5837 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 77 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 897 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2184 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3880 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 123 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 53 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 121 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
My Servers default consistency check (with default config)
Hashed 857 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 12 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5788 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 77 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 897 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2251 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3915 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 105 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 56 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 123 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
So somethings seems to be not correct here. Could more ppl post their checklogs here?
Tech 3 is trying to join some unofficial server cant remember if it was DB d u m b a s s or some other server, crash and couldnt even join the server.
I guess Ive been experimenting to much with subscribe to mod and delete workshop + shine map tomuch cause now I get the female male model consistency check when I try to join most servers that aint UWE.
I cant even join DB dumbass server anymore, the one I could join without problem before but would crash on mapchange.
Funny thing after a while when I tried the subscribe and unsubscribe to the mod after A while I couldnt even start sandbox mode same error female male model consistency check ALL server had this problem even official UWE servers. Dad to delete everything ns2 complete folder + workshop + shine.
deleted tech zip
Seems like something is going wrong with accessing those files as this is also in your log.
Sounds dumb but did you tried it running ns2 as adminstrator?
Could you post the log.txt (%appdata%\Natural Selection 2\ ) after trying to start up a local server without having any mods enable ( Server Browser -> Start Server ) ?
I have nooooo freaking clue...
This whole topic has me befuddled, actually.. none of it makes any sense and we still haven't narrowed it down yet.
I know your feelings. This issue is just confusing.
ATM my theory:
Server hashs less files than client, ending up in client failing consistency check because it has more files than the server. But shouldn't then all ppl fail to connect that server ...
Other way around the same.
Why can ppl connect first but get kicked at mapchange? Does the consistency check algorithm somehow also hash the cache files or what now ?
So weird. :-??
So there is a chance that this is a 32 bit running out of memory error that is presenting itself as a consistency check failure.. this would explain why it happens during map loads, when memory is already high.. and why it can fail locally as well. It also makes sense given that male and female marine models are huge in size and that these two files were the files most responsible for out of memory errors.
Anyone having this problem:
Please confirm whether you are running a 32 bit or 64 bit OS, and your available RAM. (so far everyone who has provided their specs in here is running 32 bit..)
Then try this out and see if it helps your problem
Lastly, (just in case) ensure that your NS2 is not in BETA mode. If it is, it will look like this.
@Goliath Vietnam
My system is indeed 32bit winxp. 4Gb Ram.
I am NOT running the Beta of NS2
I will NOT try that 3GB fix again, last time I tried that fix when NS2 had the huge 32bit crash error it made my computer fuckupp bigtime, couldnt even load OS.
OK, mind installing a dual boot of a free trial version of windows 8.1 64 bit?
Don't worry, your hardware is 64 bit capable, i checked. (which makes me wonder why you're still using 32 bit.. but anyways..:-P)
It's going to take a few minutes of your time to do this, so i apologize... but it won't mess up your current OS/installation and we can once and for all narrow down the culprit.
as Airwolf_swe
My system is indeed 32bit winxp. 4Gb Ram. too
and I am NOT running the Beta of NS2 too
I tried the 3GB fix again for another game and it was awful for my computer so I won't try it
Yesterday I could play one game before the problem came during the map change
The better for me is to try to play one game and not to try the sandbox
Since it seems a memory problem I will try to quit the game and launch it again when the problem occur. I will check the memory too.
But, since the problem appeared with the last build, is it possible to solve it for the next build ?
Maybe you should stop releasing new builds. Anyway, I won't play until it's fixed.
Can't say I ever encountered a game that had constantly so many issues after upgrades as ns2 in over 22 years of gaming.
I didn't submit the I created it again with ns2 closed but it tracked only old stuff and the bare minimum .log informations. Kinda pointless at that time. But I get occasional some memory leak errors. But I don't think I get any before the consistency check error. And it says sth about switching memory usage or model size to 1/2....sorry, can't remember the correct sentence.
I hope it is not the out of memory error. It is hard to believe that some (useless) eyecandy added to the game is still causing problems after all this time. And I think they are out of tricks to outsmart the problem. Also complaining about it would only lead to some bashing from 64bit hard'liners...
@Melancor: Exactly what I was writing a few days ago. It's hard to believe.
Any additional features or changes could potentially cause problems for those users considering what a tight rope has to be walked in regards to memory management. To make matters worse, we don't have any 32 bit users on our PT team to catch these things.
When you feel like you're being left behind just remember that the rest of the player base has to sacrifice many things now just so that 6% can play. Things like a smaller sound channel limit that leads to important sounds being cut off, animations using less fps, texture streaming being forced (causes hitches for me and others), sound quality of files being severely degraded (Rifle) and many other things that have added up.
So... Personally... I don't have much sympathy, i apologize. Especially considering that your hardware is 64 bit compatible and that you can run anything in 32 bit compatibility mode if you really needed to ... I just don't see why anyone would limit themselves to 32 bit today.
But anyways, thanks for providing info this far Sentinel.. I'll have the devs see what they can do about memory for the next major build.
Anyone else having this problem please continue to provide info as requested.
Oh I'm sure it will be fixed very soon with all that useful info you just provided......
You are the techsupport interface and I understand that you have to vent from time to time as well. Maybe it would all be easier to bare if some devs could make a post from time to time in that they voice their thoughts about 32bit support, bug fixing and when ns2 will be finished as in " it's golden, you will never need a patch again. Mod to your hearts content and play without frustration!".
I have an old pc and I will not buy a new OS for it and especially not only because ns2 is the one and only game in my library that has an issue with it. But be assured, if I buy a new pc, I will buy a 64bit system as well.
Thanks for passing on the problem.
I was about to install Win8.1 evaluation version but then again I have an important school course for the coming months and by no means do I wanna jeopardize my system at this moment for a game.
Maybe someone else who has this problem can try the Windows 8.1. Or maybe someone on the dev team can install a winxp 32 bit system.
Regarding the number of consistency files: About half a year ago I've actually pointed out in the server mailing list that the files on server and client do not match, that means server has files the client does not, which may lead to validation errors; (note that the client haveing files the server does not doesn't seem to cause any issues) This is the case with custom maps for example, and I would not be surprised if it caused issues with mods too. Also, it's possbile some files were never cleaned up in the updates, which means your servers may contain "dead" files.
Really dev team I have no desire for more fancy stuff I just want a working game, and if you really do have spare time some more maps would be cool. But my highest wish is a game that works.
Im really frustrated. Never have I under my 15+ years of gaming came across such a bugged game. And yet I play it. yes the game is fun dev team. But I wish it would crash WAYY WAYYY WAYYYYY LESS.