''Ns2 Reinforced Crew'' ?
Germany Join Date: 2014-05-26 Member: 196251Members

I like Ns2 and as a half rookie I know how hard the game is without getting tips and so on. You could say ''go watch some videos'' but I like personal training. I'd like to open a Ns2 Clan/Crew that helps people getting started. You don't play the game that long if you die every 10 seconds.
What would the crew need?:
Trainings Server 8€-18,50€ (depens on the slots)
Ts3 Server 3€-6€ depens on the slots
Trainers (They won't get money, exept someone would donate)
A website (Well I don't know how much that would be)
So all in all we would have to spend: 12€-24,50€ per month.
But I'd like to give all the people in the Crew supporter badges. I guess if a rookie gets better he'd get a 'Supporter Badge' and maybe if people are doing great jobs like extra help here and there they'd get 'Silver/Gold Badge'.
How do you like the idea? Should I say more? I'd really like to start something like that.
I like Ns2 and as a half rookie I know how hard the game is without getting tips and so on. You could say ''go watch some videos'' but I like personal training. I'd like to open a Ns2 Clan/Crew that helps people getting started. You don't play the game that long if you die every 10 seconds.
What would the crew need?:
Trainings Server 8€-18,50€ (depens on the slots)
Ts3 Server 3€-6€ depens on the slots
Trainers (They won't get money, exept someone would donate)
A website (Well I don't know how much that would be)
So all in all we would have to spend: 12€-24,50€ per month.
But I'd like to give all the people in the Crew supporter badges. I guess if a rookie gets better he'd get a 'Supporter Badge' and maybe if people are doing great jobs like extra help here and there they'd get 'Silver/Gold Badge'.
How do you like the idea? Should I say more? I'd really like to start something like that.
Overall i always liked the idea of ns2 mentors and trainers.
Would the training be free, because I don't see anyone paying money to learn how to play Ns2. If you're interested in the game like me, you'll watch videos, competitive matches and learn via trial and error.
But I also like the idea of teaching more advanced tactics, I just don't feel many will be interested.
Yeah it would be totally free.
Also, trainers could give a MUCH better and faster feedback if you are doing things right or wrong.
For example, you could propose your positioning idea and the trainer might approve or suggest something else and explain.
Another example would be: You are a skulk and hear an incoming marine. You hide on the ceiling behind a doorway. In case you get shot, the trainer could tell you if your position was generally bad, or if you lost the engagement because the Marine was just a good shot. As a rookie, I find it hard to tell the difference sometimes.
Sure, you can learn most of this by playing many hours and at some point you will figure out the right spots to go or to hide. But improvement would be much faster, if someone pinpoints you in the right direction as soon as you are doing things wrong. And why is it so important to tell people, that they are doing things suboptimally? Because there are VERY experienced players, who might wreck you even if you are doing everything right. So, if a half-rookie dies one way or the other, how should he know if he did good during an engagement?
So... yeah, great idea! Just make sure to advertise it properly, or new players might not know that such a thing even exists.
This is cool though, will be fun to see how many people sign up for tutoring
I have setup a server like this as an reaction on the pub stomping thread.
Well, what should i say, the server is always empty.
Maybe this is a way to promote this server a bit for all the rookies and beginners out there.
Servername: Heidis baby lamb land [HBZ]
Restrictions: max ns2stats elo score of 1600 (good players have around 2000 normally) and max 100 hrs gametime (this can be changed if needed)
So all the high level players cant join this server. It has 4 reserverd slots for admins trainers or whatever.
Who am i?
Im am the admin of the oldest NS2 server (Heidis Ziegenfarm [HBZ], wich is an high skill server) and the Clanleader of the oldest NS2 team.
This rookie only server is my little help to keep this game alive.
So, feel free to fill it with life.
The needed servers are there (other communitys/clans running restricted servers also), use them instead of the 42 clusterfuck servers where positioning and mapawareness is useless.
The only thing you learn on these servers is: "ah, this is rubberbanding, interisting"
To be real: Im tired of telling the people how things work.
1,5 years after release and still "guys, leave the base", every round. again and again.
But here is my offer:
If you have enough people we can schedule a "basic training session" on that server.
This would be an onetimer to give players an idea how things work.
Another tip is: join fun clans like TAW. They do some internal matches and im sure you learn much from these also.
And these videos are also great for beginners: http://www.youtube.com/user/Abysmalnight/
oh and thanks for advertising
in general I think this is a great idea. you might want to contact @DC_Darkling (that's the only mentor I know closer tbh)
We play on summit where each techpoint represent a training area.
Each area has its own trainer in an seperate TS channel.
The areas are:
- Hivepush (what to shoot first, how to position on marineside. How to defend as alien)
- Marinebase (What to bite first in what situation as skulk. Where i am going after spawn as Marine)
- Aiming (shotgunaim train and how to position as marine)
- Ambushing and walljump (skulk basics)
- Commanding (both marine and alienside)
Maybe a 6th TS Channel for more theoretic stuff to improve mapawareness.
So if you have questions about stuff, jump into area you want.
Lets say we do this in an timewindow of 1-2 hrs.
What dou you think about this?
You can whitelist ppl and have the spectator team not be checked
aliens: Pack everything till lerks, Pack everything till fades. Pack everything till onos, Pack everything till you lose all lifeforms then lose.
As for me on a personal level. When time allows AND im on rookie servers I dont mind giving general pointers and hand holding. But dont expect me to go into deep deep details as I prefer to play while I tell stuff. (for details, join TAW.. we have trainers!)
Ok advertising done.
ps, the old mentor link is in my signature and no I didnt start it.
This learning session could end in one or 2 games where everyone can test the learned things.
So if new players want to improve there pub skills this could be the right thing.
But this cant replace real clanwars. You learn the most in 6v6 against other clans.
Its only an idea and i would spend the server for this.
If you can bring enough people into this event, i can organize some clanplayers as trainers also.
Would love to help train the NS2 community up with you OP, only things I ask of new players are ;-
A microphone
Willingness to learn
Basic common sense.
My credentials include extensive NS1 experience since 1.4 days, once admin to [WongaNS] server one the last bastions of NS1 freedom and over 800 hours of NS2 experience, hope this qualifies.
Hit me up in PM.
If you play NS2 competitive for a while your view on the game and whats really important changes.
I saw so many "vets" on pub that sound very competent but there descisions telling another story.
Im sure every clanplayer no matter what division has an deeper view on the game than 90% of the pub players.
And this should be an initiative "pro-clanplayers".
Maybe some of the "Damn clanplayers detroying the game cause they join pub servers to stomp" complainers got another view on the players.
"Hey thats a cool guy and his tips where very usefull. My skulkplay is much better now"
Let me know when you get things going. I can advertise your server in the welcome messages on my servers. There are green players there everyday.