bile rush on large servers
USA Join Date: 2014-06-03 Member: 196367Members

How often do you guys see this in pub games:
Marines are doing extremely well and are on the verge of winning the game, and all of a sudden, marine base is bile rushed by a group of gorges and all structures get wiped in less than 5 seconds. Most of the time it's GG instantly, while sometimes marines are able to recover with a second CC but only live to turtle the inevitable death since it cost 100+ res to rebuild all the structures.
Obviously this would never happen in a competitive game since the game is balanced around 6v6 and it's impossible for aliens to have so many gorges. But on a 18p+ pub server, having 4 or more gorges to bile rush is common practice when you can still have 5+ players defending the hive.
Possible solutions:
* cap the number of gorges allowed on alien team according to player count
* scale marine structure hp according to player count (only apply to structures in techpoint room with CC present)
* both
Marines are doing extremely well and are on the verge of winning the game, and all of a sudden, marine base is bile rushed by a group of gorges and all structures get wiped in less than 5 seconds. Most of the time it's GG instantly, while sometimes marines are able to recover with a second CC but only live to turtle the inevitable death since it cost 100+ res to rebuild all the structures.
Obviously this would never happen in a competitive game since the game is balanced around 6v6 and it's impossible for aliens to have so many gorges. But on a 18p+ pub server, having 4 or more gorges to bile rush is common practice when you can still have 5+ players defending the hive.
Possible solutions:
* cap the number of gorges allowed on alien team according to player count
* scale marine structure hp according to player count (only apply to structures in techpoint room with CC present)
* both
Mind if I grab my popcorn and watch?
Also, I'm playing on 10v10 servers and bile rushes (or any rushes) is a valid strategy in my opinion. It's not OP either, needs lots of preparation, teamwork and good timing. If the Marines don't recognize the silence before the storm, its their fault.
An entire team getting out of position is a big problem, being able to exploit that is called a strategy (or perhaps a play, not sure).
I agree it's frustrating and even a little cheezy, but I'll keep doing it to others and I expect it done to me.
The big problem with a Gorge Rush is it is ALL-IN. If marines survive the gorge rush, which is SOOOOOOOO easy to do, then it's game over Aliens.
Put it another way, a bile rush is a last ditch Alien move. If you are closing in for a marine win, the most important thing to do is look out for the base rush. If you don't, and you lose your base, well, your problem for over-commiting.
What you are trying to do is remove the only weapon that gorges have that does any damage. What do you have against GORGES??
1) Frequently scout the outskirts of main base either with marines, MACs or scans
2) Have a second base with at least 1 CC, 1 Arms and 1 IP
3) Marine comm being prepared for any potential rush when things are 'going well', aliens are extremely predictable in pubs as to when they will rush a base
4) When you have 3 base and a good RT count, aliens will resort to either rushing your base or coordinating big attacks on important locations, both of which are solved by scouting and/or splitting forces
5) Have 10 tres free at all times passed the 5min mark for a beacon
6) Have robo up in another base or 2 robos up in separate locations for surge
If a team is resorting to bile rushes, it usually means they're not in great shape therefore in most cases, it is more than likely to be a big investment delaying higher lifeforms even further which makes it easier for marines to end the game if they survive the rush. It's simply an ALL-IN if it is defended adequately.
It can happen and it does happen to the best commanders and teams, sometimes scouting and being prepared falls to the wayside for a minute or two a well executed and well timed rush can end the game but good commanders rarely lose this way if their team can accomplish what they need.
Gorge rushes are easily countered...most marine comms are just dumb and follow the meta but I digress.
Add the gorge tunnel for one player and it pretty much is for a team on 2-3 RTs of which most gorge rushes occur in pubs. Teams that discover they are struggling instantly start to get sneaky tunnels up around the main bases.
You're already against a team that likely has better income and tech. As far as I'm concerned, it is an all-in unless the alien team tries a gorge rush while on a good RT count.
We are not going to do either of those things. Bile rushes are countered by scanning / routeblocking to catch the rush before they're in your base.
As others have said, if you have little to no alien contact for any period of time, keep an eye out for rushes.
Your chair is going down in around 3 seconds there with 7 gorges, while there still enough aliens somewhere else on the map.
So you want more "balanced" games?
Then dont play on this kind of servers.
1. Marine comm doesn't pay attention
2. Marine players don't lane
3. Marine comm fails to react in time
so if the marines essentially screw up 3 times they deserve to lose
Possible solution: Don't let that happen. If you're watching your lanes and keeping tabs on alien activity, that won't catch you by surprise.
When I see it, it usually involves terribleness either in the commander position, the players, or both.
Possible solution:
Don't be bad at the game.
Build hidden Observatory in corner near base ( not in base) , or put 2 observatory to maximize Scan area
Normally on servers that big marines have huuuge advantage anyway because they can block every lane with 5+ players moving forward slowly building extractors and killing alien harvesters. Probably the marine comm just shouldn't drop a pg anywhere because those seem to attract players and suddenly you have 10+ players in the pg room but no marines elsewhere on the map opening lanes for rushes.
Nah, santa is just jumping to conclusions again.
Well there are times when the statement is valid, and times when it is not. Please note however, no-one has said, 'L2P', they all advised why this happens and what should be done about it. Providing education is always better than shouting 'L2P'.
22 vs 424 disagrees. He has a long way to go!
The game does require some form of teamwork. As much as some of us just like to think our teammates are just meatsheilds we do need them sometimes unfortunately.