How into optimize correctly with RadionPro?
Your basement Join Date: 2014-06-26 Member: 196993Members

I made a forum account just for this but, how would i optimize the game using "RadionPro" it fixed many problems with other games with cirtain fixes, anyone here use it and care to help?
I have a AMD graphics card and i can only find fixes for nvidia graphics cards.
yes i posted this in the other help topic, couldn't find how to delete it to move here, so i just left it.
I have a AMD graphics card and i can only find fixes for nvidia graphics cards.
yes i posted this in the other help topic, couldn't find how to delete it to move here, so i just left it.
Please follow the guide here on how to make a good and helpful tech support post so we can help you:
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6530D
Catalyst Driver: 13.12 (13.251-131206a-166389C-ATI)
Video Adapter: AMD Radeon HD 6530D
Bios Version: 113-SUMO-042A
Chip Identifier: AMD Radeon HD 6530D (0x964A)
DAC Type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
Memory Size: 512 MB
Registry Location: System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{04B3B563-C3BD-41EF-A089-79D4654E13CA}\0000
Driver Caps: 000111001011011111000
Main Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Total GPU count: 1
Installed Drivers: aticfx64,aticfx64,aticfx64,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,atiumd64,atidxx64,atidxx64,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a,atitmm64
PNP Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_964A&SUBSYS_D0001458&REV_00\3&18D45AA6&0&08
I can already tell you will take 1 look at it and yell at me for being dumb because something is wrong with the setup.
Good luck with that - cause no RadeonPro tool in the world will help you.
Your HD 6530D APU graphics appear in a couple of Llano APUs:
Worst case: The triple-core A6-3500
Best case: The quad-core A6-3670K
All of that doesn't really matter as the graphics part of your APU has neither enough fast dedicated VRAM, nor a modern architecture (GCN), nor enough sheer processing power, let alone the IPC on the CPU part... all that comes kinda expected if you opt for a 24€ APU...
Problem with NS2 is: even if you throw a 180€+ dedicated GPU at it, the power just vaporises into thin air, leaving you with less than 60FPS in the endgame.
also i just want more then 15 fps when playing and i made this thread on how to optimize it with radeonpro program, it fixes my mouse lag and helps with fps slightly, i suggest downloading it yourself and looking through the options it gives and giving me a list of what goes on and what stays off.
i did have an idea, sense from what i can tell the green alien stuff eats fps like a fatman with a donut box, make most of the ground under it not render the texture for small boost...then again it might not work because i diddn't make the game
ReadonPro is a amazing little tool for fixing specified issue with the amd drivers causing in alot games hitches etc.
But with your specs we can't really help you. One little tool modding the gpu driver api abit can't cause wonders which you would need in you case.
The main issue with ns2 is basically that it has a pretty bad memory managment causing alot hitches and issues with apus. We ( the CDT ) will fix some of those issues with 267 but that will only avoid you dropping to 10 fps from 15 in late game.
There is no magic switch we could unlock for you in the spark engine which would get you 60 fps out of sudden as much as i would like to do that.
NS2 is pretty gpu and even more cpu consuming in every aspect as it is basically designed in a way as most top fps games these days.
The infestion (green alien stuff) causes quiet some cpu load while it grows because your cpu has to calculate how it grows etc.
But let's not start to go too much into details.
To make it short:
APUs are great for destop pcs for basically doing office stuff but not for playing any game which is not older than 4 years or that was not designed for low setup pc ( e.g. titles like leage of legends).
So over all you can not expect to run ns2 beyong 20 fps as you don't even fit to the minimum requiered specs ( which only means 30 fps at all settings at low these days )
Imho you should try to buy something like a cheap hd 5870 or 6870 ( around 10-50$ at ebay ) and build it into your system if you want to play any game of the last 4 years.
Both cards get descent 60+ fps at ns2.
I wasnt expecting full 60, just atleast 17 instead of 15 at most, but i had to try. (i had one that made me go about 19, but cpu died in mid-game due to external causes so it corrupted RadionPro making me reinstall it)
Checked the driver reccomended on ebay, its like 80+ on average.
Would a saphire version work?
Also i may note my cpu still has slots in it so can i can use current one and the other one you reccomended?