Upcomming War In Iraq
Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11773Members

in Discussions
<div class="IPBDescription">and more wars to come :(</div> Well this aint a nice off topic thought, but I could try asking you how you feel about it.
Most of us PLAY some war-oriented Games but when its real, its not good.
The war is not innevidablecause its already planned.
Poor Iraqis...
And whos next? NKorea, Iran...?
Most of us PLAY some war-oriented Games but when its real, its not good.
The war is not innevidablecause its already planned.
Poor Iraqis...
And whos next? NKorea, Iran...?
This discussion has been closed.
Bush says we're going to war.
So what if the majority of us disagree with his decision? The social contract says we gave him the power to decide, even though we never really *actively* decided so, pointless elections aside. And, well, add political partisan politics and capitalism, and Congress is made into a complete joke.
So what if the majority of us disagree with his decision? You think you're ticked now? Or maybe you just don't care. Wait until the draft starts, chump. I bet you'll love seeing your son, father, loved one, or your skinny **** dodging bullets and VX gas clouds, fighting a war...ahem...lots of us disagree in fighting.
But alas. We're going to fight the great enemy. Which, conveniently enough, has a name.
Iraq. North Korea. Russia. Cuba. Germany. Japan. Who cares?
It's a lot easier to hate a country, to hate a race, an ethnicity, a religion, than it is to hate a factory worker, a doctor, a taxi driver, a mother of two. There comes many side effects to declaring war on a country.
With every war we've participated in or initiated, with the arguable exception of WWII, keep in mind that the government, while declaring this war, never made it a point to tell the citizens of the United States that it is in everyone's best interests to take out their personal suspicions and grievances on whatever the main ethnicity/race/religion of said country happens to be. They didn't tell you to glare at Arabs and Muslims, they didn't tell you to watch your back, or become proactive when you think something's afoot.
That is something Americans filled in the blanks with, on their own. Death threats. Bombing mosques. False arrests based on accusations made by complete yokels. Worst part of it being that when Americans act this way, they feel like they're being patriotic.
And even funnier - yes, its funny - the administration plays the hypocrite by telling people to calm their irrational fervor and hysteria against Arabs and Muslims, while at the same time, you have Operation Tips ( <a href='http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,60082,00.html' target='_blank'>http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,60082,00.html</a> - get informed!) a program designed to have normal citizens and civil workers act as informants who, if they see anybody *ahemarabmuslimislam* acting a bit shady, you can have them snatched up for questioning. After all, it's a matter of national security, right?
The thing that intrigues me the most is the fact that we are still being told that there is "less than a 50% chance of war with Iraq" despite the fact we've already sent over 28,000 soldiers, including nearly 8000 reservists. I also live near an airbase and there has been an incredibly large amount of activity recently, especially in the last few days.
I say, DEFEND IRAQ! Sure Saddam has got to go, but i sure as hell dont want the U.S./U.N. doing it! And all this rhetoric that they feed us! Who has the weapons of mass destruction? Who is the only government psychotic enough to use atomic weapons? I hope they dont have that neutron bomb i keep hearing about...
We need to expropriate these capitalists pigs and create our own government... same goes for the people of Iraq!
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Personally, I don't care if Saddam is overthrown. On one hand, no I guess he hasn't done anything yet. But on the other, if the U.S. does indeed have proof that he's going to, I think we should stop it before innocent people die. Its a tough call, and either way its bad for somebody.
I however don't think the US needs to drag every other country into this. Yeah it'd be good to have other countries on our side of course, but there's no need to send any Canadian, British, or other forces into that area, as they arent' really making it their problem. After all, Saddam hasn't made any open hostility towards Canada...
Call me an optimist, but I believe that there is no conspiracy to control us all like ants, and that the government (and Bush) actually do want to save American lives. After all, if we are all dead who are they gonna screw over... :P
And now, I shall prepare to be beaten with sticks by everyone outside of the USA.
if u kill sadam then u...
1. Get rid of a 'goverment' that has been killing its own people for the same things you guys fought for , freedom of spech.
2. Iraq is not realy 1 type of people there are iraqies (SP?) and Kurds , the kurds live in the northen no-fly zone and some in the south one , the oil-for-food program was set up to these people can get food and medicin, but in bagdad there is lots of food + medicin and in the kurdish towns/cites there is noting at all. also these are the same people that he used the chemical weapons on during the last war.
So if any1 has any problems with this war and getting rid of some1 who has killed more people that you have ever met in ur life then report to the fireing range and bring your own blind fold
edit: for them people that say , 'why are we going there when he should be fixing this contry?' then if u want more and more 9/11's then he can do that for you , as of us in the UK we are also going to be targeted so were in it for the long run too
sorry, im just anti USA dude, i dont like the way they behave overall
Iraq is a threat to us, we neutralize the threat. Same thing is going to happen to North Korea if they don't get scared by what is about to happen to Iraq.
I have no problem at all with this.
And then they're gonna try to get the draft back. They already tried back in Decamber of 2001. Good Ol' Bobby Smith. I'm ashamed of my state for electing him.
And then we're gonna have to try to explain ourselves to the US where we only have 2 real allies, Isreal(we give them lots of money), and Uzbekistan(don't know why), and they've been gatting kinda **** with us for a while. Anyone remeber this thing in Kyoto we didn't sign? How bout that human rights commitee we were kicked off of?
Frankly, I don't see how Bushy boy and his Dad's buddies are going to be able o do this, but they're gonna try. America has a long history of needless war. How many attacks have been made on US soil? 3(not counting revolutionary war). How many wars have we been in? A hellevalot more than 3.
And it's not like Hussein is Hitler where he's trying to eliminate a people, o wait, he is! He gassed teh Kurds back in the 80s and you remeber what we did right? We gave him more funding! And the Isreilies are trying to do the same to the Palestinians right now and what are we doing? Giving them more funding!
Hopefully, this little phony war(along with the fact that the average American's freedom is being taken away minute by minute) will keep GW from getting elected in 2004(not as if he were elected in 2002, popular vote says Gore won, Gore would have won in Florida if it hadn't been for Bush's Bro. I like Nader more anyway). And maybe it'll swing more people over to the left, or even(dare I say it) plant the seedlings of revolution as all good Commies want(I'm one). But it wont, because the only people giving us the right news is the friggin Daily Show, and no one likes to think for themselves in the good old US of Frrrreeeekin A!
There's a war memorial on main street of my city, it was just renovated, and one of those renovations was a plaque that reads "This is to commemmorate all those who have given their lives in the war on terrorism, and all those who WILL give their lives in the war on terrorism. - GW Bush" This is, perhaps, the scariest sign of the times I've seen.
and about the fact they havent po'ed the Un in a while?? he killed 1000's of Kurds + american soldiers , anyway sleep tight tonight.
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The attacking countries are definately going to get more 9/11's if they DO attack. The children surviving bombings and everything in those countries will grow hatred towards the attackers and can be the next suicide terrorists.
Where the hell did you get the 500,000 figure?
The fact is, Saddam is insane enough to use atomic weapons. He already killed several thousand Kurds in Northern Iraq during Desert Storm with Chemical Weapons. The first chemical weapons used in mass amounts since WWI!
Oh, and Zergling, they went around bombing military targets, not nurseries or whatever the hell you seem to think.
I'm sick of all the complaints I hear against the USA.
Nobody is perfect.
No denying that the cause is correct, however Saddam was entirely PUT in power & secured by the US, so they really don't have anyone to blame.
But the actual attack on Iraq is simply down to oil in the end. Dress it up all you like, you're doing it for the oil.
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You managed nicely to dodge my point.
If you think I was trying to get cheap points by crying for children in wars, think again.
We're talking about countries here. <i>Land</i> doesn't have political sentiments, and as for the people inhibiting it... I'm German. My grandparents were living in Germany between 1933 and 1945, quietly supporting the SPD (one of the two politicical parties openly opposing the NSDAP). Never in human history has the whole of a countries population supported its leaders.
If this war was anything to do with 9/11, then America would be invading Saudi Arabia - the country where most of the hijackers came from. Saddam is an embarrassment to the Bush's, and the Oil Reserves are needed for Bush's energy hungry principles.
Me - I don't like the reasons America is going to war, but I admit that Saddam should probably be stopped.
I just hope Americans realise that American soldiers, and quite probably American citizens are going to die if Iraq is invaded. America throwing its military muscle around is just to create more enemies for America.
I'm from the UK
Yeah bush isint the best president but hes better then gore. I mean we knew where ossama bin laden was after the bombing of the baracks but no the clinton aministration did noting because he didnt want his public opinion going down. atleast bush has the friggin guts to put the nation infront of his own polls.
Actually, Saddam's different because he only kills his own people. Hitler invaded other countries are started killing their people.
In international politics, thats a very big difference, mainly because if you criminalise all countries who kill their own people, you don't really have many countries left.
If your going to invade countries because they have a unpleasant regime, their are a lot of better choices than Iraq. Its all about the oil, which America wants, and because Saddam is fairly unlikely to let them have it.
Im talking about his genocide of the kurds. He does kill people in other contries. Iran/kuwait. Its just we kicked his **** so fast he couldnt get to the mass scale that hitler did.
Did Hussein kill his victims out of blind hate for what they believed in?
Did Hussein institutionalize a countrywide propaganda machinery with no other purpose than to blame literally everything on his victims?
Did Hussein create concentration camps? And if you're about to point at some prison camp, have you ever stood in Bergen Belsen? A KZ was more than a place to let your enemies die horribly. It was nothing short of a calmly laid out, perfectly and minutiosily planned machinery of human exploit, abuse, and death. It was a place where you were willing to run into supercharged fences simply to end it all.
There is, was, and (hopefully) will never be a second monstrosity that even comes close to the devil Hitler was.
Hussein is, plain and simple, an armed thug with too much power.
That statement, although technically correct, is not correct at all. True, he killed a great deal of Kurds, he gassed them for no reason, that has never been a secret. The fact that we gave him agricultural aid as a direct result is no secret either, but no one ever talks about it. To recap:Saddam kills his own citizens in cold blood=we pay him.
He also killed some Americans in the Gulf War(some people call it the 1st Gulf War, which is kinda scary). Wanna guess how many? 187. Think about that one folks. A whole friggin war with only 187 deaths on this side. Wanna guess how many Gulf War vets have died because the US refuses to acknowledge Gulf War Syndrome as real? over 9000. Not to mention the over 1.2 million innocent Iraqi civilians killed because of illegal NATO bombings since the Gulf War (officially)ended, and killed because of infrastucture bombings during the war itself. In this case, we are now biger civilian killers than Iraq could ever dream of being.
That's the sorry truth folks. Anything that we think only <i>other</i> countries do, we've done it. And probably better. Genocide:when was the last time you saw a Native American? Terrorism:do the words "contra" or "Henry Kissenger" mean anything to you? Perverting the democratic process:besides the legitimate, democratically elected leaders we've just plain kicked out of office in other countries(mostly in South America[Kissinger again]), we have a president sitting in office whom no one has elected, and is trying to give himself(and his oil company supporters) nearly unlimited power. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Remember the good ol days when we could all just hate Castro can call it quits? <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Become the leader of the most succesful communist government in history, then kick all the gangsters out of Cuba, then you can diss Castro.
Heh. That was before hating the country you (most of us) live in became the norm.
Castro is a dictator. A relatively 'good' one compared to some others in that business, yes, but he's nonetheless so far past anything communistic that he might just as well stop pretending.
Communists believe that there should be a government, and it should run most everything about the economy, but it would be run extremely democratically, by workers councils perhaps, or some sort of parliament. Up until now, sadly, communist governements have been run by dictators, like Castro, who is a horrible human being, but has done absolutely wonderfull things for Cuba.
What you are referring to is socialism, the short interim period of the reign of the proletarians (sp?) before all classdifferences are dissapearing and communism, the society of equals, is being formed.
Communism is trying to achieve a state of society where ruling power isn't <i>necessary</i> anymore.
And as for Castro - I really can't admire anyones achievements if they are bought by a violent supression of the opposition.
Communism is trying to achieve a state of society where ruling power isn't necessary anymore<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No I am NOT referrring to socialism. I detest socialism, because that is what the US and most of Europe is in the grip in now, and has been in since the great depression, although the 80s did see a resurgence of capitalism in America.
Socialism is when there are still private corporations, but they are regulated(supposedly) this works, if your gov. officials don't take bribes, but they usually do. Communism is the step after Socialism, it takes the idea of Gov. control of the economy and abolishes private property, and along with it, corporations. Communism's point is to eventualy teach the people how to get along without corporations and private property until the Gov can be disbanded and anarchism can be put into place. Communism still has a Gov. though. Trust me on this one.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->And as for Castro - I really can't admire anyones achievements if they are bought by a violent supression of the opposition<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I guess that's the diffrence between an economist and a politician, being able to admire economic acheavments made by horrible people.
America in the grip of socialism? ROFL, that's a gone one. Heh. Still laughing.
I just don't believe that going to war will solve any of our problems, I think it will merely create more, and we're just avoiding the real problems (religious intolerance, lack of understanding between our country and many others, the fact that everyone CAN'T be rich and happy, etc. etc.)
It's been a while since I've read Marx, but wasn't communism supposed to do away with government by basing the society entirely off of equality? Order would be based through the economy, so it's not quite anarchy.
Too bad man is inherently greedy. <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->