Best beacon rush in history...
Join Date: 2013-02-05 Member: 182840Members

This sums it up, 7 people combined stuck in each other at both phasegate locations. The people NOT stuck are blocked by the marines collision and cannot enter to get to the other end.
Who ever did not kill them selves manually got chewed up by skulks and even spitted to death by random gorges. empty hive room with 1 driftor still at 100% thx to this wonderful game mechanic.
the question here is really: When can we fix phasegates?
Yup, that's the one.
Now you can't climb on phase gates it's actually easier to grind them with 1-2 skulks, due to being able to jump up and down while you chew, even when you're stood on the 'ramp' of the PG (previously contact with the model would cause you to stick to it).
Jumping up and down/ moving around a little bit while also being close to the PG makes for harder skulks to kill while they grind.
That said I really dont mind ^^ PG grinding is a fun recreational activity and a great way to stay in shape!
Its funny that you post in this thread.
I saw the OP screenshot any my first thought was your name.
You could always do this... just hold ctrl to not stick to surfaces
Phase gate should be pushing marines out the same way spawn portals do, to avoid blockage. Of course straight forward outside the phasegate. If aliens are biting, it should push them forward too, but only forward and not to the sides, so the aliens still have a chance to bite it down without getting pushed around by the phasing marines.
I feel like once 2 skulks get on a gate, it's pretty much worthless.
The old pushback allowed for a stupid speed bug where you literally could hit 20 speed with a skulk.... not to mention it was just annoying as fuck on alien side.
Well the trifacegate was something we were going to make for the bandaid mod... part troll, part serious, it was going to be a fairly interesting experiment.
But Starting a new job and moving to unreal 4 has all but put an end to my ns2 fiddlings. So for reference:
What??? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Temple needs you!
i think it should push back aliens too... marines can't block aliens from exiting their tunnels...
Not quite the same. Aliens have to physically attack the structure, menaing sending marines through PG and aliens wont' even be able to attack it where they can shoot at tunnels from range...
they can attack the sides of the gates... The push back should only be on the exit (and entrance) side? Moreover gorges and lerks can do damage from a distance.
But to use their bodies to lock marines in... that's just not fair. If you want to throw some lore in there I'm sure the Frontiersmen would quickly identify that as a combat deficiency and look to improve their phasegates.
Just attack from the side of the gate; you'll still get a bite in before the marine can react AND you can just strafe bite the easy to follow trajectory of a jumping marine.
Watch any competitive match for proof of this
There's your problem, you have to hold S down, not just hit it...
all i see in competitive matches is aliens taking quick advantage of body blocking a phase gate. Because why not?
Regardless I believe phase push back is in the best interest of general game play. Wasn't NS2 about PvP not PvE (hence the limit of sentries per room, ironically no limit on whips per room)?
But we were discussing the hypothetical scenario of body blocking exploits being fixed - therefore resembling every other melee range encounter with a skulk, where comp players take advantage of marine acceleration being a value of 100 when you strafe shuffle, this is in lieu of a predictable and easily tracked trajectory.
Idk the skill of the players you play against... but in my experience jumping at melee range mostly only fools the lesser skilled. It's certain death against the really good players
IronHorse spittin truth
maby you are the one not experienced enough then, i dont know how the skills are judged in this build but my server list looks like this:
but enough is enough as an internet police yourself...stay on topic, the question was "When can we fix phasegates?" and that is what i am going back to.
MARINES GET STUCK IN THE GATE, 0 skulks 0 gorges 0 lerks 0 fades 0 onoses has anything to do with this. (as seen in the picture provided at the VERY top)
marines can use the tunnels and gates however gates has a huge problem, and after 2 hours and 13 minutes game one single phasegate that glitches out causes the game to end, making it all for nothing. You lose to a glitch in the game and i am asking WHEN it can be fixed, if never then say never, if you wanna talk about skills or skulks go make a skulk post.
So you know the skill system isn't working, right? And that red downwards double arrow means absolutely nothing at all, right?
When I first read this topic, I'm afraid all I could think of was 'LOL.' Yeah it must have been frustrating, but if you can't see the funny side of that first post, you need to take a break from the game.
Now if it had happened in an official match, then yeah, I could understand the annoyance and frustration (and without doubt it is something that does need to be fixed regardless).