USA is trying to push EU into war against Russia
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An interesting read from a member of Reagan administration.
An interesting read from a member of Reagan administration.
Capitalism is going to die a horrible death, as did Communism, the only question is, as neither system works, where are we going next? Russia has seen Capitalism doesn't work, so is slowly returning to what it knew once worked for it. The reality of the matter is both systems really on impossible situations, and both require wars to be fought to keep the people subservient.
For Capitalism, it requires growth infinitely, and on a finite planet, that isn't possible. Have any of you ever read 1984? Not only is all this explained, but the 3-way war already exists, with the random swapping partners. You have 'the West', Russia and China.
I really hope someone comes up with a real solution soon, so we can all move on as one planet of brothers & sisters.
Bullsnot. Capitalism is a simple system of allocating scarce resources that has been around since time immemorial. It works just fine under resources constraints or a shrinking economy.
You may be confusing capitalism with the unbelievably idiotic banking and monetary system, run by utter buffoons. When the bank "lends" you money for e.g. a mortgage, it simply makes an account and puts some numbers in there signifying that the bank owes you money. As you spend these numbers into the economy, the numbers keep circulating as money until the mortgage is paid down. This is how 90-95% of the money in the western world comes into being. Most of the rest of the money comes into being when the government lends money, and the central bank buys back that debt using numbers it entered into a computer.
Capitalism will be around long after this insipid monetary system has been relegated to the dustbin of history.
That's of course quite untrue. Capitalism was born in the merchant republics of Venetia, Milan, etc. in the beginning of the renaissance period. Feudal society was not capitalistic, it was based on vassal-liege hierarchic relations, and most importantly, it was not growth based.
Capitalism requires by definition accumulation of capital as a source of economic and subsequently also political power.
As for allocation of scarce resources, there are far better systems, like among the nomadic tribes that share the few, rare tools necessary for survival. Capitalism based on private ownership is inherently wasteful, as we can observe on the amount of food that is destroyed everyday rather than being given to the starving for free (to keep the prices high).