An open letter to the NS2 Community



  • MauvaisVitrierMauvaisVitrier France Join Date: 2014-04-10 Member: 195291Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond
    Maybe posting lists of upcoming changes for each build on the UWE and ENSL forums could help communication and feedback.
    Trello might not be the better place to discuss stuff with both the main and comp communities
  • TinkiTinki Join Date: 2013-12-03 Member: 189715Members
    Mendasp wrote: »
    Tinki wrote: »
    Mendasp wrote: »
    Roobubba wrote: »
    There are some things in the open letter with which I strongly agree, however. In particular, the contentious changes (like lerk bomber sounds) really needed open consultation with the community before being implemented.

    But this isn't in vanilla, this is a compmod change...

    No this is not. This was in the Trello.

    It's not in the public build, and it is on trello, so it is public and therefore you have a chance to provide feedback before it goes in. By the way, the implementation was quite different from the compmod one, just because it sounded similar doesn't mean that it was going to be a copy & paste.

    Also, if you read the Trello you'll see it has been pulled.

    It has been pulled as a consequence to the googledoc. The lerk sound received a bad feedback from players, they kept it in the compmod and few days latter wanted to add it to vanilla NS2. This is an exemple but this summarize the problem of the recognition of feedback
  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    rantology wrote: »
    simba wrote: »
    and generally speaking, if it's in the comp mod, it's tailored for competitive players
    Firstly, the compmod is, as the name suggests, a) a mod and b) from and for the competitive community.

    I just want to chime in and say that I sincerely disagree with this, since this reasoning has been used more than a few times as a supporting argument. I don't believe it holds much water. There are very few changes in compmod that are geared specifically toward competitive players... the vast majority of the changes are aimed at gameplay and mechanics improvement that are universal to all skill levels.

    Since the compmod is almost exclusively used in competitive play and also seems to get it's main feedback from there, my point still stands in context.

    Which is sortof irrelevant, since it was based on a misunderstanding, but I still wanted to note this.
  • LocklearLocklear [nexzil]kerrigan Join Date: 2012-05-01 Member: 151403Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, WC 2013 - Shadow
    edited September 2014
    Comp mod seeks to solve problems that exist in public games as well. The balance is not 50/50 for public and I think it was wise to at least consider some of the well thought out changes that were implemented in comp mod.
  • HEllrunner2kHEllrunner2k Join Date: 2013-07-05 Member: 185945Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think you're doing great work... AND i REALLY hope the Shadow Tier Skins DO NOT come for 3 bucks when you release the skin systen like the new Menu Layout suggests. I've payed 75 bucks on em and would be PISSED.. But these are placeholders cuz no other pics where done at that moment, I'm sure ^^
  • PelargirPelargir Join Date: 2013-07-02 Member: 185857Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, WC 2013 - Silver, Forum staff
    Obraxis wrote: »
    I think you're doing great work... AND i REALLY hope the Shadow Tier Skins DO NOT come for 3 bucks when you release the skin systen like the new Menu Layout suggests. I've payed 75 bucks on em and would be PISSED.. But these are placeholders cuz no other pics where done at that moment, I'm sure ^^

    Please note, as per the title this is a mockup of a design I did based off a number of more recent games similar to our genre. It is NOT FINAL and ANYTHING in it is placeholder or subject to change.

    Perhaps but it's still more pleasant visually.

    I'm not so sure about the Steam friends that show up at the right side of the screen. Is it really useful? "maybe not having the friends list there, or shrinking it down to only people playing ns2" = fully agreed. However, I really appreciate the point to get the main page of NS2 forums and official Twitters. Maybe it could make more sense to also point out the Trello board? I've just noticed there are parts called "patch notes", "blog" somewhere so dunno (Trello can be added here?). By the way, what do the pictures next to the NS2 Store represent? Available skins to purchase?
  • colonoscopy_odysseycolonoscopy_odyssey Melbourne Join Date: 2014-04-25 Member: 195607Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2014
    Roobubba wrote: »
    Everyone here (bar the odd forum troll) wants the same thing: a long-lived, healthy game

    i do SO want a long-lived, healthy game!

  • OtsOts Join Date: 2003-07-30 Member: 18577Members, Constellation
    Heh, i didn't want to sign up for the document the day i saw it cause the first few drafts we're quite... let's just say a phrase "french whine" came to mind. :) But no matter how these guys are able to write and form their thoughts, in english i might add, should their thoughts and opinions be neglected, as should no ones. And i hope those who saw the "hostility" in the letter see that aspect as well.

    I'm actually suprised so many had signed up for it, as so many i agree on some points, or thoughts you might say and ask for transparency, i'm not as drastic as some and blaming CDT for anything, as i value their effort in releasing patches much more than i value UWE for making the game.

    But yeah, i still find it a major douche move to make this post before the frenchies we're able to make their post public, tsk tsk.
  • MauvaisVitrierMauvaisVitrier France Join Date: 2014-04-10 Member: 195291Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond
    So in short, arguments from one side were denied by arguments of the other side (if there are sides to this) = status quo.
    This whole thing was useless after all, who knew ? (maybe a lot of people)
  • CmdrKeenCmdrKeen Join Date: 2013-05-21 Member: 185321Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think with "passive agressive" was meant, that instead of giving usable and direct feedback on the things that need improvement, some kind of universal and vague critizism was given.

    It is easy to say you disagree with something, and it is harder to actually give usable and constructive feedback and make some suggestions.
  • VetinariVetinari Join Date: 2013-07-23 Member: 186325Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver
    CmdrKeen wrote: »
    I think with "passive agressive" was meant, that instead of giving usable and direct feedback on the things that need improvement, some kind of universal and vague critizism was given.

    It is easy to say you disagree with something, and it is harder to actually give usable and constructive feedback and make some suggestions.

    Without taking a side, I'd like to say that the original post by wasabi wasn't exactly "concrete", either.
  • [AwE]Sentinel[AwE]Sentinel Join Date: 2012-06-05 Member: 152949Members
    I still have trouble to understand the message of the OP despite all the awesome votes. What is the meaning of it? We are all pulling together on the same rope or are we bystanders that are allowed to cheer the CDT on but there is no real way to start a discussion or add to the Trello board?

    Something doesn't fit. "You are as much a part of this team as the next and we value your input. Please feel free to contact myself or other members of the team anytime". But at the same time there is no section of the forum dedicated to the communication between the CDT and the rest of the team - us. Yes, we can start a discussion here and the CDT might add something based on that to Trello or not. It just feels like everything you guys do is behind closed doors. That might be the biggest issue here. You want to work efficient. I can understand how an open discussion about every change is a no-go if you want to ever finish a new build. But that means that we are not a big part of what ns2 will become. This means further that many people will/must have the feeling that things are forced on them. Maybe I describe a too negative viewpoint of this all. So, how does the CDT work? What happens if we send you a PM?

    I asked for example about Lerk spores and what the CDT is thinking about them. As they seem not to be used as the old Exo was. I still have no answer. Should I send a PM? Will you answer me then? Shall I send a PM to every CDT-Member? Do you even have time to answer all messages? You see my problem here? If the thoughtprocess and the communication is not public, there comes again the picture of the closed doors to my mind. We are part of the team. We are part of the team if you read stuff in the forum maybe, but I don't really feel that I am part of anything here. It feels more like you do something and we have the right to click "awesome". That is as much as we can do and maybe as much as we have the right to do and Beige is totally right. But then say it loud and clear!

    It would be easier to understand what role we have if you wouldn't hide behind phrases like "your awesome community, love you". That is nice to hear, but meaningless if there are no real informations behind it. I was not informed about an open letter (and I wouldn't ask for example about who is in the CDT, because I know some of them from the mapping and modding scene), but I can understand the call for transparency. Maybe @Hugh can do an awesome Q&A-video about the work of the CDT. How are they working, how can you be part of it - themed + some advertisement for UWE and their community near philosophy or something :P It is an interesting approach and I think news-sides would be interested as well how this project works (out).
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2014
    The CDT team is not hard to get ahold of. Someone from the CDT usually responds to every thread that is important here. I myself have had questions about the implementation or rationale behind different trello board items and have messaged various CDT members about them from which I received a quick response.

    I can understand if everyone was messaging wasabi he might not respond quickly.
  • simbasimba Join Date: 2012-05-06 Member: 151628Members
    rantology wrote: »
    simba wrote: »
    and generally speaking, if it's in the comp mod, it's tailored for competitive players
    Firstly, the compmod is, as the name suggests, a) a mod and b) from and for the competitive community.

    I just want to chime in and say that I sincerely disagree with this, since this reasoning has been used more than a few times as a supporting argument. I don't believe it holds much water. There are very few changes in compmod that are geared specifically toward competitive players... the vast majority of the changes are aimed at gameplay and mechanics improvement that are universal to all skill levels.

    I just want to include context of my quote.
    simba wrote: »
    There are those who are against compmod changes being a part of vanilla simply because the game is not only for competitive players, and generally speaking, if it's in the comp mod, it's tailored for competitive players, and not necessarily for average/vanilla/casual players.

    I am not saying I agree with the statement. I am identifying the argument that some who do not play compmod have. Honestly I think we should distinguish between "Compmod" and the "Balance mod" that is used in competitive. But because those changes are a part of the competitive servers and mods, and not in vanilla, those who don't play competitive want, care, or even pay attention to the changes. Therefore we shouldn't expect anything other than some of the backlash over the changes, whether or not they're valid arguments. It's just something to expect by the nature of how everything is structured.

    We should call the mod something else to avoid ambiguity. The "thoughtful balance mod testing ground" or something.

    I personally love most of the changes, just understand I play devil's advocate far too often.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    edited September 2014

    Anyways, long thread short, CDT is awesome, CompMod is prefferred by some players and some players don't prefer it.

    Now, continue thread.
  • tummy_yummytummy_yummy Join Date: 2013-05-01 Member: 185073Members, Reinforced - Gold, WC 2013 - Supporter
    This particular tummy thinks that the cdt is AWESOME!!
  • OtsOts Join Date: 2003-07-30 Member: 18577Members, Constellation
    @bonage, i guess it just makes more sense to stop playing the game all together and give no input to the people who are working on the game. Oh and, keep smiling of course.
  • Laosh'RaLaosh'Ra Join Date: 2011-12-09 Member: 137232Members
    as they often said, feedback and ideas e.g. from the forums are important to the CDT. but not getting your way as an outsider obviously has to be the standard. we can bring up various possible options but ultimately, they can only pick a few of those because they might contradict with the rest and/or require too much work. UWE trusts these people and they have proven their skills times over, they are also more involved than any of the rest. so what we should do is to continue to give feedback and ideas and trust them to know what's best for the game even if there are some changes we don't like. that's a small price to pay to see this game alive, going and improving.
  • ChiBi `ChiBi ` Join Date: 2008-02-05 Member: 63588Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    First, my message did not only concern my own thoughts, but the opinion of many community members. I agreed to post it with my account, I played the role of an emissary, and I will do it again in the following message.

    That being said, back to the original topic. Above all else, you need to understand that our goal was not to attack the CDT itself, which has done an excellent work so far. We all are total fans of NS2 and that is why this GoogleDoc was created. We did not do it to make a mess, but rather to gather and discuss about problems that needed to be solved. We did not intend to harm or threaten anybody, and we’re sorry if some felt that way. However, there was a reason why the content of this GoogleDoc was not posted, it is because it was not finished and there were a few more details to modify in order to make the whole conform to what we intended to say and avoid all the drama and incomprehension. We need to admit that your initiative to post a preventive reply to our topic forced us to write our own message right away, without time to finish it correctly.
    A lot of players were told of our intention and thanks to them the content of the text improved, evolved, some parts were added, some other were deleted. With a few more days of brainstorming, it would’ve been more complete and could open to a real discussion. Our signature system probably wasn’t a good idea, you’ll realize that this is the reason that prevented us from posting the names or links to this document, but only the message while closing the comments on it.

    Our action and your reaction, if we follow the comments on this topic, will probably only cause a weakening or division of our already small community, which clearly isn’t your goal nor ours. All the points in this document deserved to be cleared up publicly, and not via E-Mail or Steam when a demand is too strong. It would be a waste of time to answer the same thing to a hundred of players and an official and public reply can only be well-considered. As consequences of this message, changes have been made, answers have been given, like Decoy’s answer to us or the publication of the list of the CDT members.

    The goal of this message is to keep the community as it was before, solid, strong and appreciated by the newcomers, not divide or weaken it. Nobody can agree with everyone, but this isn’t the reason why all these ideas are bad, inconceivable, and all those who stand for such ideas must be criticized. The ones who signed approved some points, perhaps one or two, maybe not the whole document, but they agreed enough to sign it. That is their decision, their choice. Nevertheless, their desire to ask for information or disagree with some decision do not affect their love for this great game and its community.

    Remember that there is only one NS2, and this the reason why the current players are still present and stay for the game and its community. We do not intend to create more and more drama just for fun, but we have a real desire to improve the game and contribute to it.

    One last thing, the recent changes in CompMod added to the vanilla game are only one of the points mentioned on this GoogleDoc but seem to be have taken excessive proportions on this topic, reaching the point where it creates more quarrels, while a simple and calm discussion can be more effective and enjoyable.

    We point the problems, but don’t bring any solution. It is always easier to do so, but this doesn’t mean we do not think about any solution. For instance, speaking of transparency, it seems like the Trello is clearer now (or is this only me dreaming?) and some demands were taken in consideration. Thus said, even though you all are available through E-Mails and on forums, some changes that we evoked need their own threads to be opened on the forum to discuss them in-depths. Even if informations are available on the Trello, it will be easier to comment them on the forum instead of voting only. These can be opened by the community, but also by the CDT members if instant feedback is needed, like the eventual new NS2 menu. Such threads can be useful, for sure, but we don’t need some for minor changes and bug solving problems.
    Another problem that troubles the community is the presence of PremDiv players among the CDT that take care of the balance. We won’t come back on a debate that leads to nowhere, but we think that one representant of each lower division should be consulted before major balance changes. This would help get the best changes possible and will please lower divisions players that can have some different opinion about balance (we all know the game plays differently in PremDiv and in Div4). This is only an idea, but such as this one, more could sprout.
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