Mandatory shadows+Rich infestation
Gorge-N-Freeman,2Gorges1Clog Join Date: 2012-12-24 Member: 176138Members

Will we ever see shadows+Rich infestation being changed to non optional values?
Aliens=better stealthing,ambushing etc. "infestation=running along floors= more cover" "shadows=obvious cover"
Marines=more flashlight useage, less sneaky marines via having to have your light on...unless you eat ALOT of carrots.
With these off...significant advantages apply? + less dynamic gameplay?
Maybe ns3 will be darker...more gritty...less forgiving.
As the game stands...might as well have grey textured walls everywhere...just as good to hide in. "apart from textures where skulks are 50% camoed"
I know its a bit late to be "hoping" for "core" gameplay changes...LESS FPS NOW! I DEMAND IT!
Critical criticisms, fan boyz need not apply.
2nd topic, I used to play a game called Darkest Hour "ww2" they incorporated camera shake "judders" when bullets were flying past/striking the ground near them, very realistic. Clearly this would lead to much do teeth chomping shake a marines POV>? "not to say fade swipes/onos movements wouldnt = camera shake.
Pointless stuff all this...I totally get it. I am 1 view...not necessarily the hands say...just things to consider?
Aliens=better stealthing,ambushing etc. "infestation=running along floors= more cover" "shadows=obvious cover"
Marines=more flashlight useage, less sneaky marines via having to have your light on...unless you eat ALOT of carrots.
With these off...significant advantages apply? + less dynamic gameplay?
Maybe ns3 will be darker...more gritty...less forgiving.
As the game stands...might as well have grey textured walls everywhere...just as good to hide in. "apart from textures where skulks are 50% camoed"
I know its a bit late to be "hoping" for "core" gameplay changes...LESS FPS NOW! I DEMAND IT!
Critical criticisms, fan boyz need not apply.
2nd topic, I used to play a game called Darkest Hour "ww2" they incorporated camera shake "judders" when bullets were flying past/striking the ground near them, very realistic. Clearly this would lead to much do teeth chomping shake a marines POV>? "not to say fade swipes/onos movements wouldnt = camera shake.
Pointless stuff all this...I totally get it. I am 1 view...not necessarily the hands say...just things to consider?
not even valves anti cheat BAN HAMMER can stop that.
looking at a white screen...sure if it gives me 5 more headshots per spawn.
-Later, I turned off Bloom, because Lava Falls... seriously WTF? You can't see ANYTHING back between the falls if you have bloom on.
-Finally, I turned off high infestation... because I can only blink into an infestation-covered wall so many times before I realize that's not the small opening 2 feet away I thought it was.
Some players will do these things and have huge advantages. It's undetectable and unenforceable. So instead of having only a few people with the right hardware having the good settings, just let everyone do it. Unless this becomes an arcade game where the hardware and software are packaged together.
Plus the real problem isn't minimal infestation or lack of shadows, it's the lame rejects who tweak their monitor and gfx card settings in order to make it so they can see aliens (especially through level 3 cloak) so easily it's as if they were highlighted... Which unfortunately you can't do anything about, so just laugh at how pathetic they are.
I personally would just be happy if they could fix the rich infestation so it was somehow "smart" enough to not block off certain things like vent openings. If they did I'd set it back to rich in a heartbeat.
So no, it's not viable to do this to NS2, it is however entirely possible to have a server enforce mandatory settings if there's a demand for it.
In reality, this argument is probably not worth considering.
If the cvar were locked, you could not turn them off no matter what you did.
To get at the point why I think it should one day be mandatory is because it has obvious competitive advantages. In the eventuality of life and this game's future people will/should have PCs which can run the game with shadows on and get 60 fps or above. Easily.
While more graphical Cvars are great, I really dislike the idea of graphical cvars offering different inherent competitive advantages. There should be a baseline or everyone IMO (not now, in the future)
Rich infestation would have to be concerted between clients and the server. Including the 'breathing.' Do you have any idea what kind of extra load that would bring?
Shadows give you an advantage if you have a godly machine and can hold 200fps with them on. You're logic for forcing these on seems rather flawed if I understand your reasoning correctly...
FPS in combat is far too important to be sacrificing for eye candy. If you want a competitive community (whether you take part in this or not) to help with the game's longevity, then none of these suggestions is a good idea. You will make gamers who could run the game acceptably well before no longer get enough frames to be competitive.
I'm not asking you or mofo1 to understand what a competitive game is actually about (hint it's not "let's play who can spot a skulk in the shadows"). All the strategies you pay on pubs have filtered down from the comp community. That includes those troll strats too. High level comp gamers have a very high level understanding of the game, the strategies required, etc in addition to high level aiming and positioning skills. The reason you get killed by them so often in a pub is not because they tweak their monitor settings, and to suggest it's that is bordering on the downright idiotic.
See... Surely this isn't serious.
Technically it's quite possible.
Just because you dont want to spot skulks...50% of the other people might find this adds to the dynamics of the game.
Every1 knows the flashlight is op...too stronk...skulks eyes glow with anger, 5 dps trickle dmg.
Neoken...oh know too much. the Keeper of justice+everything wholesome. Agreed though...I had my 5 minutes of fun.
kibosh time.
If you even have the most basic of comprehension in regards to competitive games like NS2 and Starcraft, unless you gain some sort of advantage for having higher settings that don't compromise performance too much, ALWAYS SET YOUR GRAPHICS TO MINIMUM. Resolution is debatable, many play at 1080 but I play at 900 and some even lower. More FPS is always better and is extremely important especially if your computer is not top of the range.
When you watch pro Quake players, they always have minimum settings. Even with maximum they would be able to pull over 200fps but minimum simplifies the design of the environment and weapons, explosions don't block your view and everything is crystal clear in order to properly aim at your opponent.
When you watch pro Starcraft players, again they always have minimum because that FPS and clarity are so important but also, minimum has extra benefits like being able to see moving cloaked units easier.
Same applies to NS2, I quite often turn my flashlight on even in lit up rooms, makes it a little easier to spot skulks where one corner but might be a bit darker kinda like mineshaft, it's just something I've done since the beginning (although I do know when to turn it off) and people complain about it and I always respond "Why in gods name do you have atmospherics on?"
Spotting skulks in corners is not even 1% of this game so that argument is irrelevant.
TL;DR - Unless your PC is godlike and if it provides you with an advantage, increased settings should never be used unless maybe resolution.
It is? Well just another reason for us to remake infestation =P
In all seriousness...I guess its not such a big deal.
Regardless of this thread, drop those iphones into crevice
Not everybody lives in the US or mainstream markets, I had to buy my laptop overseas from Australia for $200 just to get an nVidia 670MX and an i7 3630QM, blu-ray & 120hz monitor, 12gb ram, etc... And I still have to play it on low, maps have perform differently too. My desktop I need a new video card to replace its AMD 6670 as I've only upgraded the rest of it so far.
At the end of the day, NS2 looks like rubbish on these settings and runs worse than far more impressive games, such as Skyrim.
Yes, but that is the problem.