Black Screen when joining a server (no freeze, no crash)
Join Date: 2013-09-10 Member: 188101Members, Reinforced - Supporter

I can start the game without any problems and join any server. But when the loading finsished the screen turns black. I can only see the cursor. Console still works though. So I can disconnect and be in the main menu again.
Its weird because I can play the tutorial and the sandbox and I can start my own server ingame. The black screen only occurs when I join a server.
What I already tried: Delete NS2 AppData folder, delete NS2 Steam folder, uninstall the game, restart PC and redownload the whole game. Unsubscribe all mods. Changed graphics. Tried DirectX 11.
I got this problem since a few days ago. I never had it before.
Console says this:
I can start the game without any problems and join any server. But when the loading finsished the screen turns black. I can only see the cursor. Console still works though. So I can disconnect and be in the main menu again.
Its weird because I can play the tutorial and the sandbox and I can start my own server ingame. The black screen only occurs when I join a server.
What I already tried: Delete NS2 AppData folder, delete NS2 Steam folder, uninstall the game, restart PC and redownload the whole game. Unsubscribe all mods. Changed graphics. Tried DirectX 11.
I got this problem since a few days ago. I never had it before.
Console says this:
Run techsupport.exe (located in your NS2 folder) when NS2 is not running and then upload the saved zip file here.
Here is the
Just worth testing anyways : Can you try running in fullscreen, not windowed, and disable ambient occlusion? Also ensure that any AMD control panel has Anti Aliasing set to application controlled.
Also have you changed your GPU drivers or tried without any anti virus installed *temporarily*?
Firewall and Anti Virus all turned off for trying, every graphic option in AMD control panel is set to application controlled (if possible) and has always been. I usually play in fullscreen and with ambient occlusion off, I only changed some graphic options to test if it solves the problem. I changed everything now back to low settings. And I used window mode to make screenshots. When I try to make a screenshot in fullscreen I only get a black picture.
Could the problem have something to do with the gorge tunnel errors I get when joining a server or starting a game?
Or with the "Failed to create Spark JS API" error?
@devel: The problem occurs even when I join an empty server.
Hmm.. can you try re-installing the latest DirectX distributes?
As well as your graphics drivers, just for good measure. (it cant hurt)
Also, have you monitored your temps and clockrates of your video card while testing this? GPU-z is a free program that you should download and check with.
We've had 4 reports this year so far of AV interfering with NS2, where disabling them or whitelisting NS2 didn't change anything, but uninstalling the said AV programs did. It's worth a shot, at least temporarily.
Also, you aren't running any mumble or TS3 overlays - or ANY overlays for that matter - are you?
I tried a few things. I joined a server and waited EXTREMELY LONG. In the end I could find myself in the ready room. I disconnected and tried it again. The black screen error occured again. I disconnected and tried again - this time I joined and while it was loading there was a map change. After the new map was loaded I was in the readyroom again! So I guess all works fine when I just wait until a new map comes up? Sounds weird but might be true.
So I tried to play. I joined alien team. I tried to use console commands but j1 and j2 didn't work. While playing I noticed that I can open the evolve menu and equip upgrades - but when I click on evovle nothing happens! When I click on a higher lifeform and then on evovle, nothing happens. I can use the chat too - but what I am writing is not be shown?! So I basically can't chat and I can't use evovle menu. I will try commanding or marine team next time.
Console commands like fps or net_stats or r_stats DO work though. F4 button for joining ready room or console commands like j1 or j2 or kill do NOT work. This doesn't make any sense at all, does it?
The funny thing with net_stats enabled is: When I join a server and the loading is finished, Messages sent/recv and updates recv says 0. Avereage recv says 0,01 and average sent something like 0,3.
After the map change it says this:
And no black screen anymore.
@IronHorse: The only overlay is the one from Steam. I will try updating drivers etc. But is it even possible to download DirectX vor Windows 7? I thought it was only possible for Windows XP.
Although I would avoid joining servers with a tick rate of 20 and a latency of 400.. That could be creating false positives. Especially because that server may be running custom code.
When you reinstalled the game initially, did you "delete local content" through steam THEN manually delete all the folders related to ns2?
Try the taw pub server, regardless of latency. It should be clear of any black screens. If you do blackscreen I can at least pull the logs and test my theory. (I need a date and time ofc of when you joined it)
@The_Welsh_Wizard where do you connect from? If you're connecting from UK to CH, your latency shouldn't be 400... There's an unconfirmed correlation between the black screen issue (and others) and bad networks. Black screen problems affect a considerable number of users.
There are two ways to get the black screen a) when using retry/reconnect b) normal connect through server browser while something is up with the network. Back when I tested for this, a) was able to reproduce it sporadically on -any- server.
This has happened before, can't find the thread
If a servers config is going byebye a client can still connect, but will also end up in blackscreen.
On the server side the server configs content is just gone, spamming lua code everwhere.
Link for my support zip!613&ithint=file,zip&authkey=!AKl3sNbQuATqXWM
That's totally not true! The only parts of the game using awesomium are the tutorial vids and the soundplayer in the tutorial and all webviews ofc (news in the main menu) .... The JS Api error is just meaning that the custom js hooks could not be initialized which is not really a issue because nothing in-game is using them anymore (the gather system did).
@speedo your log tells me that your client mounts a ton of mods at start please disable them and have a close look at this:
If nothing there helps please open a new thread.