Subnautica (Concepts)

MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
What are the most beautiful or frightening creatures you know of?

Stygiomedusa gigantea (A Dementor-Jellyfish hybrid)

Tanzanian Giant Tailless Whipscorpion (Supposedly harmless)

The Pink Underwing Moth larvae (Wow, it lives here in Australia!)

Promachoteuthis sulcus - Deep Sea Squid (With human-like teeth)

Lampreys (Not dangerous, our blood is too warm)

Deep Sea creature - Pyrostremma Spinosum, or the pyrosome

The rest of them can be seen on my Journal post, for convenience:


  • MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
    edited December 2014
    Helping the developers hire extra 3rd party workers (ODesk?)
    What if we had a Kickstarter for the Cards that received enough votes on Trello (Feature Vote)?
    With 'Kickstarter', if the funding goal isn't reached, then no one will be charged.
    Also, if Subnautica had a Patron page, what could the developers offer in exchange?
    I assume they could use it to hire temporary workers, otherwise I'm not sure how it would help them.
    Having the workers, whose job is to be creative, be concerned about their funding, has a negative effect on workflow (Video).

    Taking pictures (Photo's) of creatures
    Like in the N64 game 'Pokemon Snap', we could take pictures of all the different animals, which gives us their name.

    'Bleeding', causes predators to be attracted to you're location?
    There is a 'Bleed' effect in the game, but what if it became a status condition, causing predators to be attracted to you're location? (Or would it be too annoying for the player?)

    Speed-boat (Jet-ski) for returning back to the escape pod?
    I noticed that from my watching of playthrough's, that people generally swim to the surface when they start making their way back to the pod. Although, it doesn't make any difference. But what if you could make a speed-boat (Jet-ski) of sorts? One that automatically travels to you're location, waiting for when you reach the surface?

    Night-vision goggles
    These would be a much welcomed addition, since the flashlight has limited range.
  • LumpNLumpN Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1725Members, Subnautica Developer
    Maitland wrote: »
    Helping the developers hire extra 3rd party workers (ODesk?)
    Taking pictures (Photo's) of creatures
    'Bleeding', causes predators to be attracted to you're location?
    Speed-boat (Jet-ski) for returning back to the escape pod?
    Night-vision goggles
    Lots of good ideas in here. I'm sure we will see some of them in one form or another be integrated into the game.

    I don't think we are going to have night-vision goggles though because we want dark areas to have a different gameplay than lit areas. Just putting goggles on and then everything is as usual is likely not going to be it. Have a look into crafting flares. I'm sure we will see more elaborate uses of them once we have lots of caves in the game.

    Also I don't think escape pod taxis are going to make it. Right now the escape pod is very important because it is the only place with a constructor. That is going to change. We will have much more ways to conquer the territory than just going on round-trip expeditions.
  • MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
    edited December 2014
    X-Ray Goggles / Echolocation
    When exploring the caves at greater depths, I noticed how easily you can get lost in the Tunnels.
    A beacon can be deployed at the entrance, so you'll know where to find it, but you still need to find the correct path.

    If the cave system was shaped like a maze, then what if we could see through walls and find the tunnels that would lead out to the exit?
    But the device would be limited to about 25m / 30m. This would also allow you to see through murky water.

    For example, in the Cenote Angelita, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, there's an underwater river, caused by a phenomenon known as halocline
    (A higher density of sea salt).

    This effect can be quite deadly, for what appears to be air, is actually more water.

    There could be valuable materials in these places, but what if there were certain creatures (Jellyfish?) that you wouldn't see while wearing the device?

    Why Night-vision goggles won't be used
    The flashlight has limited range, but having night-vision goggles would ruin the atmosphere (The bio luminescent creatures wouldn't be as prominent).
    So the team has decided to use Flares (Probably made using Magnesium) instead.

    Seamoth (Leaving the head-lights on)
    What if we could have the head-lights on the Seamoth switched on, when we go outside to collect items (Or explore the area)? Also, what if the Seamoth's HUD could identify materials at a further distance?

    Scanning Device / Radar
    What if we had a device that could help us find the minerals we're looking for? A radar of sorts (Dragon Ball?).

    Poisonous food
    What if some of the foods were poisonous? So we could take samples and scan them to see if their edible or not?

    What if there were alien artifacts (Monolith), that provided us with new designs (Technologies) for our Fabricator / Constructor?
    These could be new ship parts or perks, such as the ability to self-repair. New ways to harness energy (Solar power), new compounds (Drugs) that we could use on ourselves, or other creatures, or a device that would enable you to breathe underwater (Artificial gills?)

    Taking advantage of the defense mechanisms of other creatures
    Just as how the Clown fish are able to hide amongst poisonous sea anemones, because of their immunity to stinging tentacles.
    What if you could trick the Poppers into ignoring you and attacking the larger creatures that might be after you?

    Freeze Ray
    What if there were creatures that couldn't be hurt, unless you froze them?
    In Metroid for example, the Ice Beam was used to combat Metroids, parasitic life forms that could absorb all types of energy.

    (DeviantART guide on how to draw Ice)

    Shelter / Underwater bases
    I think a safe house becomes more appreciated when you've exposed to precarious situations (Danger v.s Respite).
    The escape pod allows you to think about you're next move, without being pressured.
  • EmperorNielEmperorNiel Hungary Join Date: 2014-12-30 Member: 200484Members
    Maitland wrote: »
    X-Ray Goggles / Echolocation
    When exploring the caves at greater depths, I noticed how easily you can get lost in the Tunnels.
    A beacon can be deployed at the entrance, so you'll know where to find it, but you still need to find the correct path.

    If the cave system was shaped like a maze, then what if we could see through walls and find the tunnels that would lead out to the exit?
    But the device would be limited to about 25m / 30m. This would also allow you to see through murky water.

    For example, in the Cenote Angelita, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, there's an underwater river, caused by a phenomenon known as halocline
    (A higher density of sea salt).

    This effect can be quite deadly, for what appears to be air, is actually more water.

    There could be valuable materials in these places, but what if there were certain creatures (Jellyfish?) that you wouldn't see while wearing the device?

    Why Night-vision goggles won't be used
    The flashlight has limited range, but having night-vision goggles would ruin the atmosphere (The bio luminescent creatures wouldn't be as prominent).
    So the team has decided to use Flares (Probably made using Magnesium) instead.

    Seamoth (Leaving the head-lights on)
    What if we could have the head-lights on the Seamoth switched on, when we go outside to collect items (Or explore the area)? Also, what if the Seamoth's HUD could identify materials at a further distance?

    Scanning Device / Radar
    What if we had a device that could help us find the minerals we're looking for? A radar of sorts (Dragon Ball?).

    Poisonous food
    What if some of the foods were poisonous? So we could take samples and scan them to see if their edible or not?

    What if there were alien artifacts (Monolith), that provided us with new designs (Technologies) for our Fabricator / Constructor?
    These could be new ship parts or perks, such as the ability to self-repair. New ways to harness energy (Solar power), new compounds (Drugs) that we could use on ourselves, or other creatures, or a device that would enable you to breathe underwater (Artificial gills?)

    Taking advantage of the defense mechanisms of other creatures
    Just as how the Clown fish are able to hide amongst poisonous sea anemones, because of their immunity to stinging tentacles.
    What if you could trick the Poppers into ignoring you and attacking the larger creatures that might be after you?

    Freeze Ray
    What if there were creatures that couldn't be hurt, unless you froze them?
    In Metroid for example, the Ice Beam was used to combat Metroids, parasitic life forms that could absorb all types of energy.

    (DeviantART guide on how to draw Ice)

    Shelter / Underwater bases
    I think a safe house becomes more appreciated when you've exposed to precarious situations (Danger v.s Respite).
    The escape pod allows you to think about you're next move, without being pressured.

    In my opinion the freeze ray and and the the artifical gills in particular would ruin the feeling of the game.Other ideas like your monolith idea also sound a little bit off to me.But if instead of the monolith they would use parts of your original ship that would be much better in my opinion.It could even be combined with your underwater base idea.What if you couldn't build those bases only found them, like damaged empty lifepods that jettisoned during the fall off the ship or just simply some secluded part that broke of the ship and still presurized.You could find them in the ocean floor randomly and use them as temporary bases, some of them could have new blueprints or complete constructs inside them, like your solar panel idea.Also if not solar panel what about wave energy converters? In an ocean planet they would be an ideal source of power.
  • MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
    edited December 2014
    In my opinion the freeze ray and and the the artificial gills in particular would ruin the feeling of the game.
    Artificial Gills would be useful, but only up to a certain depth.
    It allows you to remain underwater without needing to make a return trip to the surface. But they'll be a point where there's not enough Oxygen to sustain the Human body. But from about 40m down, you'll save space in you're inventory by not needing an air tank. Another effect, is how the temperature drops as you go down.
  • EmperorNielEmperorNiel Hungary Join Date: 2014-12-30 Member: 200484Members
    Maitland wrote: »
    Artificial Gills would be useful, but only up to a certain depth.
    Well if you put it that way they would be usefull in the late game to eliminate the tidious up to the surface down for some peepers to eat, gather salt...etc.-etc. tasks in shallow water, but then it have to be very pricey and made with materials obtainable only in the most dangerous places.

  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Not sure if you read the whole thing but instead panicked at the very mention of them (which I do too if I see an idea I dislike) they wouldn't actually allow the player to breathe indefinitely, they would act as a way to "buffer" the effects of losing oxygen. So basically you dive, start using your gills for x amount of time (not too long obviously) and THEN you oxygen tanks are eventually used as the method

    It's certainly not an end all be all, because that's really what the most endgame of endgame items should take care of, while this would be more of a "DNA" swapping sort of thing-- maybe one of those items that is extremely useful right after a tutorial or prologue
  • EmperorNielEmperorNiel Hungary Join Date: 2014-12-30 Member: 200484Members
    edited December 2014
    Pardon me if i over reacted anything, certainly that is a possibilty but on the other hand without Maitland kindly providing additional information how would i know that?In his original comment he had only this explanation " new compounds (Drugs) that we could use on ourselves, or other creatures, or a device that would enable you to breathe underwater (Artificial gills?)".Off course in the link there is information about the actual invention but none of how it could be implemented into the game.There must be some additional data from the developers which I have not read as I only joined recently to the community.
  • cooliticcoolitic Right behind you Join Date: 2013-04-02 Member: 184609Members
    Maitland wrote: »

    Like these?

    Skip to 2:20
  • LumpNLumpN Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1725Members, Subnautica Developer
    edited December 2014
    Lots of good stuff in here. I definitely like the look of Metroid's echolocation. Seems incredibly useful for cave exploration while preserving the mystery. Oh this is perilous. I also like underwater rivers and freeze rays. For science! And mad scientist underwater bases. For even more science! Because the status is not quo.

    Long term goals here. Fingers crossed. You don't simply add that stuff in a week or two.

    I also like symbiotic behaviours like the clownfish. We definitely want tons of them. Ideally everything would interact with everything in a natural but mindblowing way. Note that the Crash already attacks creatures large enough to be a threat including Stalkers and Gasopods. Try luring a Stalker over to a Crash nest and observe.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    OH yea @ Emperor, that was my bad-- I posted an identical idea about gills somewhere else (not sure if it was this thread... can't see it though) and I was a hypocrite and didn't double check to see if my post was in this thread or not-- my bad!
  • EmperorNielEmperorNiel Hungary Join Date: 2014-12-30 Member: 200484Members
    Seldkam wrote: »
    OH yea @ Emperor, that was my bad-- I posted an identical idea about gills somewhere else (not sure if it was this thread... can't see it though) and I was a hypocrite and didn't double check to see if my post was in this thread or not-- my bad!
    No problem we are both humans we make mistakes.

    I have an idea for the kelp forest or the mushroom biome, what about a colony of eusocial creatures, like bees, or more accurately wasps.They would be around half the size of a peeper and agressive to everything but the player could distract them by giving them fish from his hand and aproach the nest and harvest something from it.-Tell me if it is already planned or something, as I said I'm new here.
  • AerofluxAeroflux GA, USA Join Date: 2014-12-22 Member: 200206Members
    Having a similar idea just shows we're on the same page. I realized just a couple nights ago that I had essentially reworded someone's idea just above my post, but I wasn't even thinking about it at the time. Brainstorming requires us to think along the same lines in different ways in order to evolve ideas into solid concepts. If most of us agree on a concept, it has merit as a form of gamer feedback the developers can easily understand.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Cool swarm idea (no alien world is complete without its very own swarm creature :P )Though I can't tell-- do you mean @Emperor they should be like bees in that they are "social" or that they actually look like them? I would think looking like a wasp underwater might break immersion a bit :P
  • EmperorNielEmperorNiel Hungary Join Date: 2014-12-30 Member: 200484Members
    Yeah I could imagine that would be quite a shock for the player :smiley: Fortunately I meant the social behaviour, like they could hunt other animals in smaller groups and bring them back into their nests.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Yea that would be cool
  • MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
    Living Rocks / Earth Golems
    A rock or part of the ground could be alive. Some examples of this could be the Nomes from 'Return to oz'
    I've also noticed that in the concept art of the Lava zone, there's a mound of Basalt (Cooled lava) that resembles a head of sorts.
    Other examples include the Demon Wall from FFIV (1.) (2.), and the fourth Possessor from Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon.

    Greek Fire
    A Syrian engineer (Kallinikos of Helioplis - AD.700) made a substance that would continue to burn, even when submerged underwater.
    What if an animal, such as a sea dragon, could do this? Being able to produce a fire that burns underwater?

    Decorator crab
    They stick mostly sedentary animals and plants to their bodies as camouflage or, if the attached organisms are noxious, to ward off predators.
    What if there was a crab that could grow poppers on it's back?

    Wave Colossus
    What if a Pyrosome took on the form of a wave, using the wind to push it across the planet's surface.
    Together, the zooids would somehow be able to raise the height of a wave, appearing somewhat as a water-type colossus.
    This blog post (The second picture down) could be used as a good example.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members

    Can you tell from my avatar I kinda like dragons and Sea Serpents? lol

    Would love to see a massive sea serpent in the game, though I wish them luck in animating it cleanly as I bet it's really hard
  • AerofluxAeroflux GA, USA Join Date: 2014-12-22 Member: 200206Members
    Not really. Inverse Kinematic spine with maybe four control points would be easy to animate. It's blending the animations to make it believable in a water volume that I imagine will be fun. There is still work to be done on a lot of creature animation; most of them turn on their pivot point instead faking a physical interaction with the water volume. The stalker jitters quite a bit, and that's evidence that the game engine translation / animations are not optimized.
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Yep, very true Aero; I think the only believable (to a point) fish that turn are the smaller ones like peepers and maybe the slow moving ones, namely those strange blue manta-ray like creatures (though the reefback looks funny when it turns to say the least)
  • cledepleecledeplee holland Join Date: 2015-01-17 Member: 200892Members
    i would really like an huge animal in the depths of the sea 105387065730 like this one
    just more huge animals then the game would be so awsome
    it is a alien world after all
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Considering how it's concept art, we may very well get that lol
  • cledepleecledeplee holland Join Date: 2015-01-17 Member: 200892Members
    that would be amazing
  • cledepleecledeplee holland Join Date: 2015-01-17 Member: 200892Members
    LumpN wrote: »
    Lots of good stuff in here. I definitely like the look of Metroid's echolocation. Seems incredibly useful for cave exploration while preserving the mystery. Oh this is perilous. I also like underwater rivers and freeze rays. For science! And mad scientist underwater bases. For even more science! Because the status is not quo.

    Long term goals here. Fingers crossed. You don't simply add that stuff in a week or two.

    I also like symbiotic behaviours like the clownfish. We definitely want tons of them. Ideally everything would interact with everything in a natural but mindblowing way. Note that the Crash already attacks creatures large enough to be a threat including Stalkers and Gasopods. Try luring a Stalker over to a Crash nest and observe.
    the stasis gun is kinda a freeze gun right?

  • cledepleecledeplee holland Join Date: 2015-01-17 Member: 200892Members
    edited January 2015
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    cledeplee wrote: »
    LumpN wrote: »
    Lots of good stuff in here. I definitely like the look of Metroid's echolocation. Seems incredibly useful for cave exploration while preserving the mystery. Oh this is perilous. I also like underwater rivers and freeze rays. For science! And mad scientist underwater bases. For even more science! Because the status is not quo.

    Long term goals here. Fingers crossed. You don't simply add that stuff in a week or two.

    I also like symbiotic behaviours like the clownfish. We definitely want tons of them. Ideally everything would interact with everything in a natural but mindblowing way. Note that the Crash already attacks creatures large enough to be a threat including Stalkers and Gasopods. Try luring a Stalker over to a Crash nest and observe.
    the stasis gun is kinda a freeze gun right?

    Yep, it shoots out a sphere and whatever is touching that sphere will be frozen until the sphere disappears

    Though some things are unaffected
  • MaitlandMaitland West Australia Join Date: 2014-12-25 Member: 200270Members
    edited January 2015
    A revision on what I referred to as being Living Rocks / Earth Golems. It turns out, that the terrain itself doesn't need to be alive.
    There are creatures on Earth who have been known to disguise themselves as being part of the ground.

    The Stargazer

    The wings of the "Spiny Flower Prey Mantis", look as though they could be used as fins.

    Another candidate, is the "Devil's Flower Prey Mantis".

    Two species of Moth larvae, including the remarkable, "Calleta Silkmoth Caterpillar".

    And the frightening "Lobster moth caterpillar"

    Another Nudibranch (Sea Slug) by the name of "Phyllodesmium poindimiei"

    Like the Lampreys, the jaws of a Hagfish also appear to be quite intimidating.

    The "Japanese Spider Crab" is the largest Crustacean on Earth.
    It's also known as the "Dead Man's Crab", because it is thought to have fed on the dead bodies that sank during WW2.
    This gif shows one that's molting from it's shell.

    Helioceras heteromorph ammonite (Extinct Cephalopod)

    Also, I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but could the developers render something like a Bigfin Squid?
  • cledepleecledeplee holland Join Date: 2015-01-17 Member: 200892Members
    a megalodon would be nice but not just a shark but with lights so it fits with the alien world megalodon-animated-shark-for-dekstop.html
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    ^I like the whale like one, though am hoping it won't be too generic lol
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