Cyclops Progress Update - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Setting ambitious objectives is a great way to push yourself harder. Even if a high-jumper hits a high bar, they are likely to have jumped to a greater height than...
No, closing this thread and banning @Comprox we all know he had it coming for a while now and this joke was the last drop (hmm?) :-\"
You know what they say, the anticipation of something is usually better than receiving it!
Meaning I'm glad you guys didn't rush it out or strip features or whatever and just straight up said "we need more time"
1. Solar Power Option:
Perhaps an upgrade which adds animated folding Solar Panels to the top of the Cyclops
Submersible - just behind the Conning Tower - along with a (slow) recharge effect added to
the onboard Power Cells. This Panel would only be useable while Surfaced, and never while
directly under another object. In fact, the Cyclops would deploy these panels automatically and
1. When the player is not currently piloting the Cyclops Submersible.
2. In an area that is spacious enough and under direct sunlight with nothing in the way.
3. Surfaced and during Daylight Hours.
2. Water Collection Systems
This System would consist of a machine similar to the Water Filter - as an Upgrade or a buildable
item, take your pick - at only one place in the Submersible (For Instance, Maybe on the side of
the Ramped Corridor, incorporated into the Pipe Network. It would produce a few Resources:
1. Filtered Water (Same item that can be crafted from "Air Sacks.")
2. Crystalline Salt (Smaller versions of Salt Deposits, 3 can be Fabricated into Salt
3. Power Draw (A small amount of Power is drawn from the Filtration Process. The
Machine can be switched On/Off Via a small panel next to it, much like the panel on
for the Interior/Exterior Lighting on the Bridge.
3. Nuclear Power Option:
Just behind the Seamoth Submersible Dock, in front of the Wall in front of the Engine Room, is an
area of space just waiting for something important! Perhaps it would be a perfect area for a
Nuclear Power Plant to exist. It would be a bit smaller than the Nuclear Power Plant available for
Multipurpose Rooms, but preferably built with the Builder Tool. It would charge the Power Cells
at a slow rate, and create just enough energy to completely cover the Power Draw, No More, No
Less. Regardless, it would require a few components in order to work properly:
1. Reactor Rod - 4 Slots.
2. A Water Collection System to be built in place.
Of course, the only ideas that I am completely satisfied with would be the first two, the Third just being there to be there. But I would definitely like to see the first two in the next short while. Regardless, thank you for hearing me out, and I hope that at least one or two of these ideas gets "Put out to Market" instead of "Put out to Pasture." Thanks for being so Awesome, Unknown Worlds! Keep going at this - it's a great idea that, I'm sure, will blossom into an Epic Future. Best of Luck!
- Robot B9