Foundation and Corridor Texture Issues

SukriNSukriN Michigan Join Date: 2015-02-16 Member: 201390Members
Not sure if anyone else is missing textures from their foundations and corridors. My foundation platform texture is mapping to the surface water for some reason, and gapping holes in my corridors where there are missing textures. Is anyone else having this issue?

This issue was/is across multiple save files.

EDIT: Quick edit to mention that the surface textures for the foundation is actually in the sky. Seems to be about 100 m in the sky, and on a monstrous scale at that. I went out to the floating island and could see the foundation platform from the side. At least 50-100 cyclops lengths wide and long.



  • LoppysaurusrexLoppysaurusrex USA Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201747Members
    I imagine this is what they're working on in the current build, but none the less I'm super excited for these!

    Seems kinda strange to use though since we have the cyclops, unless the base will recharge the cyclops
  • SukriNSukriN Michigan Join Date: 2015-02-16 Member: 201390Members
    Well, I see the bases as like a science lab type thing. I know they are working on equipment that can grow plants and stuff. And I'm sure there will be certain things that you can't put in your cyclops that has to go into your base. I hope they add like a docking bay with an elevator or something so you can have your base really far down, like 100m/200m deep and put the docking bay near the surface so you can get out and ride the elevator down to your base. or something along those lines.
  • ZourinZourin White Castle Join Date: 2015-02-27 Member: 201577Members
    There's a lot of contextual logic that's still being worked on for seabases. I still skip sea bases and go straight for a cyclops for now. Between the power generator bug (disappears after loading the saves) and the lack of windows. it's pretty useless to me except as an item barn, which the cyclops does quite nicely as-is.
  • ZourinZourin White Castle Join Date: 2015-02-27 Member: 201577Members
    yeah, I've seen that. Even got it to somehow catapult my character.
  • SukriNSukriN Michigan Join Date: 2015-02-16 Member: 201390Members
    Thanks Korith. I totally forgot about that trello board. I keep a close eye on the development one, but not the one for bug reports and what not. Thanks for posting that. Good to see its a high priority fix and that it's not just me.
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