After the Cyclops
UK Join Date: 2015-03-09 Member: 201891Members

Dear Developers!
Thank you for making Subnautica, I've loved the time I've had playing the game so far, it really has blown me away,
just wanted to suggest some features for the late game.
As soon as a player has unlocked a the cyclops, it felt like the beginning to a new chapter in the game.
So I had a few thoughts on what might come next...
So now you can now use your cyclops to go to much deeper waters , deeper and further than you could explore before, If you go deep enough you eventually find more the reminants of an a abondoned and dericlict alien underwater city, (now inhabited by dangeorus bioluminecent marine life), you investigate the City, you discover that the city was once above sea level, and was once populated. ???
You then scavenge anything you can find in the city, fragments of the past, taking then back to your main sub for full analysis.
As you gather clues about this long forgotten alien society, you discover through what appears to be evidence of a religious society that were obsessed with what appears to be plans for a series of doors/portals, (It seems to perhaps left a long time ago gifted by a superior race of aliens. Once you understand some of the history of the long forgotten society and realize that they used underwater portals to visit other planets within the local star system.
Eventually, Finding one of the broken doorways which seems to be constructed out of some rare composite material, in a shrine in, you decide to replicate the missing parts of the gate,
Once the gate is built, it activates and leads to other oceans, on other worlds, each world, has individually different life and biomes and further evidence of colonisation from the "under water portal society" that you never actually meet......
Thank you for making Subnautica, I've loved the time I've had playing the game so far, it really has blown me away,

As soon as a player has unlocked a the cyclops, it felt like the beginning to a new chapter in the game.
So I had a few thoughts on what might come next...
So now you can now use your cyclops to go to much deeper waters , deeper and further than you could explore before, If you go deep enough you eventually find more the reminants of an a abondoned and dericlict alien underwater city, (now inhabited by dangeorus bioluminecent marine life), you investigate the City, you discover that the city was once above sea level, and was once populated. ???
You then scavenge anything you can find in the city, fragments of the past, taking then back to your main sub for full analysis.
As you gather clues about this long forgotten alien society, you discover through what appears to be evidence of a religious society that were obsessed with what appears to be plans for a series of doors/portals, (It seems to perhaps left a long time ago gifted by a superior race of aliens. Once you understand some of the history of the long forgotten society and realize that they used underwater portals to visit other planets within the local star system.
Eventually, Finding one of the broken doorways which seems to be constructed out of some rare composite material, in a shrine in, you decide to replicate the missing parts of the gate,
Once the gate is built, it activates and leads to other oceans, on other worlds, each world, has individually different life and biomes and further evidence of colonisation from the "under water portal society" that you never actually meet......
It's a game about the ocean, and I'd rather it not evolve into something that forces the player to focus on one particular species
I also don't think the cyclops is really that useful lol-- there's no point building the bloody thing, it's literally just there for fun right now
Fragment analyzing? Why? Just build a base or move your lifepod or make a Seamoth
There's no point in "moving one's base" to a particular area for an extended period of time right now-- thus making the Cyclops useless. Sure, you could get some hours of fun out of it, but really, is it because of how useful and how many new paths it opens for you, or because it is new and shiny... for me it's the latter. It's just a dumb bomb, pretty, but with no real impact on the actual game atm
I really like the Cyclops and i think that the fact that maneuvering your big 50m submarina into canyons or close to obstacles is actually dangerous adds to the experience.
Having the smaller Seamoth with you makes a lot more sens this way.
If the terrain gets a bit to dangerous for the cyclops you better use the smaller seamonth instead to go down there while parking the cyclops above.
And as you get better at judging the big sub measurements in tight terrain, you can take it into more dangerous areas savely.
So far this has provided me with some real nice "underwater expedition" feeling.
If you really had a 50m sub you would also have to be careful to not take it into to difficult terrain in order to avoid collisions.
That said, it's an exploration game, with a focus of having the player driven into deeper and more dangerous territory in search of the resources for 'better and more convenient things'. Let's face it, nobody who's been to The Nether in Minecraft ever went back, for any length of time, for any reason other than Glowstone, Netherwart, and Blaze rods. Players require a 'need' for something that would make surviving more comfortable. Thus, the importance isn't just on the explored environments, but also the itemization and tech progression. .. and I've gone philosophical again.
There's no need for the Cyclops in terms of tech progression, itemization, exploring, etc.
The map isn't big enough for the Cyclops to be useful and frankly maybe it never will be since carrying a battery for the seamoth is far easier than building the Cyclops
I'm disappointed with the Cyclops if you haven't noticed but worst of all, it would require a lot of effort to make it worth it
If they add upgrades to the seamoth itll make the cyclops even more useless lol
As an example, I happened upon a particular cave I wanted to explore, but left no beacon behind. I knew whereabouts it was and it was just along the opposite outer edge of the kelp forest from where my pod was situated. I figured why not hop in my Cyclops and go over there so that I had it on hand to recharge my Seamoth on my return from this exploration. Here's where the trouble comes in. Since my view of things is so obscured, I can't be sure I'm going the right way. All I've got is my compass to go by, and the kelp that comes into view. After a while I realize I've somehow gone too far. Now I'm lost and have no choice but to hop out and figure out where I went wrong, or how for that matter. I tend to memorize familiar geography, but if I can't actually see the geography, I can't navigate.. not without stopping every couple meters to get out and check anyway.
The one thing that worries me is the Cyclops getting limited power, as like Seldkam said what's the point of it then? Much easier to just carry around a spare power cell with you for the moth, especially if there's a chance the Cyclops can loose power and sink while you're off exploring. I feel like it really cuts down on the freedom it currently offers.
I'm still waiting to see how this all plays out with bases, but I'm a little worried bases are going to replace the functionality the Cyclops gives you currently instead of enhancing it.
Well the funny part is I was never disagreeing with you lol-- and by that I mean I was talking @ the OP mostly... I'm just going to say that yes the Cyclops is too clunky in a different way to what you're saying
Frankly what we need is a way to collect DNA and then store it in the Cyclops, and then bring those DNA samples to a base in order to analyze them, otherwise I can't see a "real" way to use the Cyclops
I agree the cyclops currently has no role to forefill other than just being totally awesome. The seamoth goes deeper without complaining about depth or springing a leak.
I'm sure the developers are aware of that and have plans for the cyclops, I just hope, that at some point, in a future not too far away,.......
- The Cyclops goes deeper, thousands of metres, not 200.
- We can Multi crew the cyclops with multiplayer.
- We can explore a wider variety of oceans/waters, differnt types of oceanic environments. (Even though there is a lot you can do with just the barrier reef style aquatic biome.)
A few suggestions.....Howabout, icebergs ? ice capped oceans with snow and colder oceans to explore.?
Polluted oceans, with even less visability and mutated aquatic life a a result.?
Incredibly hot oceans that are always a risk of eruption and realtime volcano formation, finding the cooler water is key to naviatigating these. or avoiding death?
You then link these different oceans together via a series of stargates that operate under water, as previously mentioned.
The stargates would link the waters on different planets together, the gates could look a lot like the monalith in 2001 or more typical Stargate from Stargate series, either way they operate under water and are essentially doors that bind a set of worlds together.
Yeah I was hijacking your point for my own nefarious purposes
I like the idea of using the Cyclops to ferry around the exosuit to different sites. Storing samples in it to drag back to base sounds good too. Also, would be nice if certain evilly large creatures would ignore the Cyclops where they actively try to eat the seamoth... (glares at reaper).
joking aside, I think it is ok to have a creature attack our precious subs provided we get countermeasures later down the line
The need for bases would be energy mining (e.g. hot ground spots as they already exist) and the only way to charge the seamoth with its energy before owning the cyclops. So you would loose the seamoth if you miss the 49% energy 'point of no return'. And THIS would legitimate cyclops as a seamoth carrier AND charger with far more range. Even though it has to be charged too, the cyclops would be indispensable for leaving the beginning area. To find other hot springs, to transport base building resources to finally extend the exploration radius.
"Remember this is Early Access Guys"
You shouldn't get disappointed with any feature of the game at this time, take it as an opportunity to bring up suggestions for how the could make the game better, or suggest how disappointment could be avoided.
Yes an extinct race, that's what I suggested in the op or meant when I said. Yet, you don't know if their extinct or not, there is only evidence that they were once there in the past.
And yes, the main flaw of the cyclops in it's intended role currently, mentioned above by Seldkam, hits the nail on the head.
However I'm certain they are working on making the map larger, so the Cyclops may yet fore fill the exploration role, if sadly only by radius, and not depth.
Though it is off topic, thank you very much for your remind! Never thought of coming up with suggestions here.
As for the cyclops itself in deeper waters, it could be cool, but honestly having a large amount of biomes isn't always the best solution-- the creatures and things to interact with are what are going to keep me in an area, not how big it is