Suggestion: Sonar? :D

The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
I know its been mentioned around the forums, but does anyone know if this might have a chance of been added in the future :). Simple ping system designed around sonar :)Shouldn't be too difficult to create. :P


  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    I think we've had a thread on this awhile back, but since we have a bunch more people it's good to bring it up again-- I think the devs were interested in looking into it as a possibility...
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Seldkam wrote: »
    I think we've had a thread on this awhile back, but since we have a bunch more people it's good to bring it up again-- I think the devs were interested in looking into it as a possibility...
    Oh, At least its a possibility. :) And If and when modding becomes a thing, If it isn't added I'm sure someone will code it. :D
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
  • FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment San Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    Yeah we've talked about. We're thinking about adding it as a DNA effect, you can get from a creature.

    I'm not sure how useful it would be though...
  • SeldkamSeldkam Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members
    Keep in mind Flayra we didn't make the game :P
    There are plenty of areas or caves we would find that we otherwise might not if we can use sonar
  • dargor5dargor5 USA Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202192Members
    A sonar on an underwater game? that's not a possibility, that has to be a must
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    I agree, It would be very useful :).
  • TartarinTartarin France Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202162Members
    Agree too, i suggest it in a steam forum (I was not aware of the discussion about it here since I'm a noob :D).
    But yes it's a must have and can introduce the concept of map without disturbing the immersion.
    I don't think it's really that hard to program but since I'm no programmer I can't really tell ^^
  • Gr4pheneGr4phene Germany Join Date: 2015-03-05 Member: 201731Members
    Tartarin wrote: »
    Agree too, i suggest it in a steam forum (I was not aware of the discussion about it here since I'm a noob :D).
    But yes it's a must have and can introduce the concept of map without disturbing the immersion.
    I don't think it's really that hard to program but since I'm no programmer I can't really tell ^^

    They already coded this several times, it's called a raycast. It is used for example to check if a base hatch has enough space to eject the player, and other things. The hardest part would probably be the HUD.
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    I'd like 3D sonar displayed (preferrably as a hologram) in the cyclops (and maybe even the Seamoth). Like this:
  • WarzoneNinjaWarzoneNinja USA Join Date: 2015-03-17 Member: 202258Members
    edited March 2015
    Flayra wrote: »
    Yeah we've talked about. We're thinking about adding it as a DNA effect, you can get from a creature.

    I'm not sure how useful it would be though...

    It's a must for the Cyclops, because you have such a limited field of view when piloting the massive sub.

    so a 3D model of sonar pings being sent out every few seconds and then fed to a HUD for the pilot makes it that much easier to pilot the sub into position for ease of access to areas you'd normally have to "park outside of". Additionally, I believe with the sonar and the 3D HUD graph would make Subnautica much more immersive and fun.
    Racer1 wrote: »
    I'd like 3D sonar displayed (preferably as a hologram) in the cyclops (and maybe even the Seamoth). Like this:

    sound idea... but i don't think a Seamoth would be big enough to handle all the sonar equipment nor would it be needed as it is a small and highly maneuverable submersible

    an ideal way to picture it could be like this but something closer to what they used on AVATAR would be more beautiful. also have it saved to a database within the cyclops to make a way to "map" the surrounding ocean.
    a way to limit it so its not ping once map the whole world have it to a set range like... 50m or 75m range and line of sight only...


    to have a HUD that would rotate with so and show in the direction you are facing so you can "see" where you are going.

    so i give you this challenge DEVs see if you can implement this :)
  • simusimu Join Date: 2015-03-03 Member: 201680Members
    DNA effect? not sure if I like that... would prefer it being some addon for the cyclops, maybe crafted from some hard to find material and/or blueprint. It could also be a kind of map that is extended as you move, only registering places you were, and so you can place POIs or markers.
    But just a suggestion, I do not know what is already planned and how this would fit.
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    I'd like 3D sonar displayed (preferrably as a hologram) in the cyclops (and maybe even the Seamoth). Like this:
    Cyclops defiantly. seamoth...Maybe :) Might not be enough space for the UI :p
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Hey, Warzone, You got the idea spot on. :) I believe that sonar shouldn't be a DNA affect, It tbh should be a key feature built into a submarine or as an add on :) Like you said simu :P
  • KorithKorith Join Date: 2015-03-07 Member: 201768Members
    I'll add my vote to seeing sonar added as a Cyclops upgrade. It gives the Cyclops more functionality and makes sense from a gameplay perspective.

    At least in my mind, it makes more sense to read a 3D display rather than injecting my arm with a DNA serum that's somehow going to not only give me the ability to emit sonar, but for my brain to interpret it correctly.

    That said, I'm willing to suspend disbelief on that point if it helps me avoid Reaper Leviathans... Magic drug that lets me see them before they spot me? YES PLEASE! :P
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    Maybe the sonar could work in a 2D line directed at a 45 degree forward/down angle (30-60 degrees wide). As the seamoth moves, an "in memory" 3D map would be updated and shown in the hologram based on a composite of the collected data.
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    Maybe the sonar could work in a 2D line directed at a 45 degree forward/down angle (30-60 degrees wide). As the seamoth moves, an "in memory" 3D map would be updated and shown in the hologram based on a composite of the collected data.
    Sounds good, :). Might just work :P

  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    Some kind of hand held sonar device would be handy as well, (similar to the motion tracker from Aliens) so when we are exploring the ocean floor we can more easily spot caves and interesting features we'd otherwise over look. (especially when adventuring at night.)
  • The_Big_Bad_W8lfThe_Big_Bad_W8lf England Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202178Members
    Silveressa wrote: »
    Some kind of hand held sonar device would be handy as well, (similar to the motion tracker from Aliens) so when we are exploring the ocean floor we can more easily spot caves and interesting features we'd otherwise over look. (especially when adventuring at night.)
    I totally agree, I guess we just have to wait for all the key features to be added first before they add this sort of stuff :)
  • Reinforced_UnicornReinforced_Unicorn Sweden Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202289Members
    For the fact that Subnautica is an exploring game, underwater. It does seem a bit overpowered with a sonar, sure it might be a good idea to keep it in the cyclops, but not a hand-held device, that is taking it a bit too far.

    I really like the idea with a hologram map layout of your surroundings (not moving as you rotate). But listen up people, we don't want this underwater exploring game to become super-ez.
    IF you are gong to add a hologram sonar thingy, then make it need a DNA that only drops from the "Reaper Leviathan" make it a challenge, oh well, I might be going way too far with this but its just my opinions. :)
  • TartarinTartarin France Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202162Members
    Adding this tech by a DNA sample, mainly by killing a super monster is boring and viewed a million time sin another games. Especially when the leitmotiv of (as I understand so far) is not to kill things without a real good reason. I prefer to retrieve it by finding special lost crates. But it's still a musthave ^^
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    edited March 2015
    Tartarin wrote: »
    I prefer to retrieve it by finding special lost crates. But it's still a musthave ^^

    It would be even more fun to have to research and develop the sonar on your own partially, by creating "sonar research shards" (from wiring, gold plas-steel, etc,) you then have to put in the analyzer for further devlopment.

    It would eventually give you a "MK I sonar blueprint, which would let you assemble a bulky poorly calibrated prototype (that is too big to fit on anything smaller than the cyclops and has poor range/clarity) and after using it for X amount of time (and building more research shards to put in your analyzer) you can craft a sleeker better calibrated MK IV (or whatever) version that will fit on the sea moth with higher fidelity (and update the one on the Cyclops.)

    Eventually the end of that tech tree (MK IX?) would be a hand held sonar device (which would take batteries of course, and be very energy inefficient) that requires you to stay in one position while using and can highlight a localized area in a much smaller radius than the sub sized models.

    This makes sonar more of goal you have to work towards with worthwhile rewards along the way that feels like an actual scientific challenge rather than a "treasure hunt for rare boxes."
  • TartarinTartarin France Join Date: 2015-03-15 Member: 202162Members
    @ silveressa

    Yes very good idea. And it'll be cool to unlock tech by discovering (and analyzing) new materials (minerals, vegetal or animal).

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