I think some islands would be amazing, with different life on them - flying dinosaur creatures, insects, fruit-bearing plants?. Also, maybe some crab-like creatures or snails good for eating. (Sorry, posting while hungry.) Some varied vegetation and fish in the shallows would be great too.
So far my favourite part of the game is the mushroom forest. I'd love to see some more luminescent weird creatures down there... that being said, I haven't built my cyclops yet, the game keeps crashing just when I've collected my lithium...
swarm mother
inspiration image: http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs166/1112251298842/img/15.jpg?a=1112277181419 and http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000Zw1s4M0.bo0/fit=1000x750/great-barracuda-Sphyraena-barracuda-open-mouth-sharp-teeth-bangka-indonesia.jpg
info: the swarm mother is a mouth brooder fish about 3x the size of a standard food fish. that would exist in deep caves, generally having burrowed a small tunnel for its self. The swarm mother would be a neutral creature that if attacked or if you grab one of its young, will release a swarm of its young the fish will attack the player until the player flees or releases the fish they caught. most the attacks will not do damage, but in a swarm that doesn't mater
interactions: these things will be seen "digging" sand to tunnel "nests" they also are a school fish that keeps in large groups that means where you see one small one swimming around there is almost always a nest some where near.
use: the young ones would have a high food value when cooked, the mothers can be used as living defenses for sea bases as their broods will chase off any predator fish... though if the player harms the mother it will always be hostile while taking its young only aggravates till player is out or range or safe.
If sonar becomes a thing, I think there should be a "screecher" thing that makes odd sounds (perhaps a kin to whispers and screams) and is able to fool your sonar or overload it. perhaps its DNA could be used for audio weapons to scare off the reaper_leviathan (or stun him/confuse him at least assuming he can't be scared off).
I'm loving all these ideas everyone! I love thinking and hearing ideas for in-development games, please spread the word to other users about this discussion so people can give their ideas! Can't wait to hear more ideas ALSO, be sure to mention my Tools and Vehicles of Subnautica discussion as well in case the people you talk to have any ideas for that.
FIRST OF ALL, keep the Aquaticlook of ALL animals! no matter if they live on land, water or fly! it's a great world u created there! Keep that!
- maybe something that can camoflage itself like octopus do! would be nice for aggressive and defensive fish alike!
- more crustaceans and jellyfishlike creatures, maybe a combination of both ^^
- something like a living coral-reef, a huge unmovable creature of enormous sice. like a biom itself
- the hive from NS2 as a living creatur in subnautica! made this quick at work... would be awesome to see it swimming trough the abyss at very very deep water!
i allready hear all the NS2 fans scream in exitement! discovering that creature somewhere deep!!!
- friendly landliving creatures, maybe to get milk, eggs, lether, ... make them look aquatic too, like they just developed recently from seacreatures
- ability to breed them
- landliving carnivores like sharks or crocodiles, lazy predators that wait for there food to come Close and than ... BAM
- something like a amphibious frog creature, that lives in regions above the watersurface and catches fish and insect with his tongue
- other bigger crab-like-ones
- flying fish like seen in the animated Trailer
- flying gecko or amphibians that catch for fish in shallow water
- flying spores, mushroom island
- airfilled balloonlike fish that can fly out of the water, or release the air and fall back down to dive (like blowfish)
- insects
I want to see LOTS of small life on the sea floor that brings the world to life. Often, SN seems like a desert with just a few species barely holding on.
To keep it simple for devs, these lifeforms could do their own thing, completely ignoring of the player. If time allows, some of the faster species could be changed to hide themselves in the sand and "disappear" whenever the player (and other animals?) gets near. To provide a bit more variety, allow for color differentiation within a species - perhapse based on biome, etc.
A few ideas (add a dash of "alien" for good measure):
- Shrimp
- Tubeworms
- Millipedes
- Clams
- Hagfish
- Newts/lizards
- Nautilus
- Semi-transparent animals
Take a look at subnauticas coral reefs. Now take a look at a real life coral reef. See the difference? Me too.
I know it would take a massive amount of time making 50 or even a 100 different coral types and then having them being placed randomly, but it would look so much better. Your framerate would probably drop a bit but that's okay as long as corals are placed in the "HIGH" graphics preset. ( Or maybe even an "ULTRA" preset to be added later on)
@Seabottom I agree with you completely.
We suggested this in the past and UWE replied saying that it would throw off game balance since they wanted most game objects to be interactive (i.e. generate loot when destroyed/etc). This would mean players in high-quality mode would have an advantage. I disagree with this conclusion and hope UWE reconsiders.
UWE shouldn't limit themselves because of hardware-- most competent PC users, especially gamers, know you either make / buy a good computer, or you miss out on some programs and apps that are out there
Same applies to any video game, and we know it better than many other computer users
Name: Aveyl
Hunts with light to lure friendly fish like spade fish etc
Lives only in deep places in the sea only comes up when he is starving
Name: FeatherFish
Makes himself bigger when being attacked by a fish that is carnivorous Like the stalker
Lives in shallow water and in undeep caves
Name: ExileFish
Normal/ When you hit him/her he or she will attack the one that hit the fish, it wil keep following the attacker until surface
When its night the ExileFish will be only at caves sheltering for bigger fish that like to kill the ExileFish
Lives in Shallow water and hides at night in undeep caves
Name: SpunFish
Has spikes on his body to defend its self, Spikes will only come out when the SpunFish is hit
Lives in CreepVine enviorments
Name: Diker
Hunts for bigger pray then himself so he can grow bigger so he can defend himself againts other predators
Lives in deep waters only comes to shallow water at night
Name: Oxyl
This fish will eat coral, And smaller fish then himself,If this fish eats coral it changes to the color of the eaten Coral
Lives in Shallow water
Name: ViperFish
Normal/ When hit the fish will follow its attacker by planting an green knob on his back this knob is used to hatch other ViperFish
The ViperFish will plant an knob on its attack or random fish/human and use the human/fish as a carrier for its eggs
Lives in creepvine enviorments and shallow waters
Name: Dission
This fish will attack any fish exept bigger fish then himself
Dission has green shards on his body that he uses as self defense the shards will shoot out posion when attack
Lives in deep waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: KivonFish
These fish will fly over water and cannot dive as deep as the other fish they will be the most of the time above the water
The KivonFish has a wing like body that he uses to fly over the water
Lives above the water and in 1-10 meter waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: Gerocha
Normal/ When attacked he will attack
A mole like creature that makes nests on the island in the map of subnautica, And has 2 large eyes on the side of the head
Gerocha will eat plants on the island and will eat you if you attack it
Lives on land
Idea from christian2506
Name: Hectria
A octopus like creature that spits out green spit to attackers humans are immune to this spit
This octopus has 3 eyes 1 on his back and the other 2 on the side of the head
Lives in caves and in Shallow water
Name: Zillan
A fishlike bird that flies in the skys like in the trailer these will often come to the water surface to relax there
This bird will pick little fish that are swimming in unshallow water the Zillan can dive for 30 seconds
Lives in the air/ and or attacking in water
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Driel
A Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar, Strangles small fish to hunt
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if the player gets to close Exit the cave to cause it detach
Lives in Deep underwater caves
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: WideJaw
Carnivorous Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark), Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players/fish
Larger then the boneshark it will fight constantly with the boneshark for terretory
Found in deep areas
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Propeller-fish:
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close.
When its night the Propeller fish will spit out red Fluid that will explode when an player and or fish goes thru it
Lives in shallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there are no predators
Name: Aveyl
Hunts with light to lure friendly fish like spade fish etc
Lives only in deep places in the sea only comes up when he is starving
Name: FeatherFish
Makes himself bigger when being attacked by a fish that is carnivorous Like the stalker
Lives in shallow water and in undeep caves
Name: ExileFish
Normal/ When you hit him/her he or she will attack the one that hit the fish, it wil keep following the attacker until surface
When its night the ExileFish will be only at caves sheltering for bigger fish that like to kill the ExileFish
Lives in Shallow water and hides at night in undeep caves
Name: SpunFish
Has spikes on his body to defend its self, Spikes will only come out when the SpunFish is hit
Lives in CreepVine enviorments
Name: Diker
Hunts for bigger pray then himself so he can grow bigger so he can defend himself againts other predators
Lives in deep waters only comes to shallow water at night
Name: Oxyl
This fish will eat coral, And smaller fish then himself,If this fish eats coral it changes to the color of the eaten Coral
Lives in Shallow water
Name: ViperFish
Normal/ When hit the fish will follow its attacker by planting an green knob on his back this knob is used to hatch other ViperFish
The ViperFish will plant an knob on its attack or random fish/human and use the human/fish as a carrier for its eggs
Lives in creepvine enviorments and shallow waters
Name: Dission
This fish will attack any fish exept bigger fish then himself
Dission has green shards on his body that he uses as self defense the shards will shoot out posion when attack
Lives in deep waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: KivonFish
These fish will fly over water and cannot dive as deep as the other fish they will be the most of the time above the water
The KivonFish has a wing like body that he uses to fly over the water
Lives above the water and in 1-10 meter waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: Gerocha
Normal/ When attacked he will attack
A mole like creature that makes nests on the island in the map of subnautica, And has 2 large eyes on the side of the head
Gerocha will eat plants on the island and will eat you if you attack it
Lives on land
Idea from christian2506
Name: Hectria
A octopus like creature that spits out green spit to attackers humans are immune to this spit
This octopus has 3 eyes 1 on his back and the other 2 on the side of the head
Lives in caves and in Shallow water
Name: Zillan
A fishlike bird that flies in the skys like in the trailer these will often come to the water surface to relax there
This bird will pick little fish that are swimming in unshallow water the Zillan can dive for 30 seconds
Lives in the air/ and or attacking in water
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Driel
A Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar, Strangles small fish to hunt
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if the player gets to close Exit the cave to cause it detach
Lives in Deep underwater caves
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: WideJaw
Carnivorous Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark), Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players/fish
Larger then the boneshark it will fight constantly with the boneshark for terretory
Found in deep areas
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Propeller-fish:
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close.
When its night the Propeller fish will spit out red Fluid that will explode when an player and or fish goes thru it
Lives in shallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there are no predators
Surface aquatic life which dives deep but must come back to the surface periodically - like dolphins, whales, etc.
Perhaps these could dive much faster than the player normally can. Some of the docile species would allow you to grab on and tag along as they swim down.
Maybe if a brain coral is nearby, they would use that to breath rather than going to the surface.
Sounds like a good idea actually, I certainly wouldn't mind more marine life, especially not in the safe shallows. In the open ocean that will hopefully become a thing we would see far less animals
Then we would also need whales like in this article.
One whale they tracked off the California coast set new records for depth and length of dive, clocking in at 137.5 minutes and reaching a depth of 2,992 meters (1.9 miles).
They need a dolphin-like animal! Where's the curious and mischievous little buggers who mess with your stuff and try to figure you out? What i'm real eager to see is sea life interaction. And a more diverse groups of the basics.
And where the heck are the turtles?! The tiny crabs. It's a bang up job guys, but we need some turtles.
These were some ideas I posted on .SuBB's thread so I thought I'd bring them over.
Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar,
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if player gets too close,
Exiting the cave causes it to detach (similar to the bleeder),
Strangles small fish to hunt,
Found in undeep caves.
Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark),
Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,
When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players or fish,
Found in deep areas.
Grabber Coral:
Regenerative coral that lives on reef backs,
If harvested too much will fall off and die,
Provides very small but regenerating coral supply,
Only found attached to reef backs.
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,
Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close,
Lives in swallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there is no predators.
Tesla Ray:
Slightly large than rabbit ray with 4 Tesla coil like appendages running down its back in 2 rows,
If threatened it releases a burst of electricity which stuns and injures targets for a very short time,
Lives in kelp forests.
Hoop fish sized fish with a brightly coloured body,
When injured it releases a large blinding flash,
If threatened by predators it spits a small globing orb at another fish or the player which it sticks to,
The flare attracts predators to whatever it hits,
Lives in deep water.
Mezmar sized fish that if threatened will spit a spray of poisonous spines forward towards predators,
Likes to stay low to the sea floor,
Instead of running from predators it prefers to attach to creep vines and turn green,
If attached predators won't pursue it but it can be still be hurt by the player,
Lives in kelp forests.
Turtle-like crab with a large shell it hides in if being preyed on,
It uses its pincers to pick up and carry away chunks of coral which it uses to build a small house,
Attacks anythign that attacks or gets too close too its house,
Scertlers stay near their houses once it builds one,
It lives on the sea floor above 1000m and dies if it falls deeper.
Sucel (based off Christian's idea to have the hive from ns2 as a creature):
Stalker sized ammonite like creature,
Shifts through sea floor to suck up food,
Sprays a jet of corrosive acid towards anything that harms it,
Lives in groups and will attack anything that attacks others in the group,
Lives below depths of 1000m.
Small marine iquana like creature with gecko hands,
Will climb up and cling to anything above water,
Can survive on land and is mainly found on islands,
Fast swimmer but can only dive down 18m down and can only stay underwater for 10mins(600seconds/600H2O)
If it ends up below 9m then it will automaticly ascend to the surface,
Will stick to rocks underwater so it can graze until it needs to surface,
Has a chameleon tongue which it uses to fight off Scorch Pelicans and other attackers,
Lives at the surface of the water.
Hammer head shark with red and white stripes,
Hunts like a bone shark,
Will ram submarines and damaging hull and knocking them around if it sees one,
Lives at 1000m or deeper.
Scorch Pelican:
Large grey pelican bird,
Has a large shining blue inflated breast which it uses as a solar collector,
If threatened it will fire off a burst of concentrated solar energy while swooping at the attacker,
If it kills something cookable with its solar beam it cooks it,
Swoops into the ocean to grab peepers and other near-surface fish,
It cooks any caught fish with the stored solar energy and if killed fast enough after catching fish then it will drop the cooked fish,
Naturally attacks Geiguas that are above surface treating them as threatening them,
Flies above the ocean and will rarely land on island trees.
I'll have more creatures in the future. Hope you like these ideas.
"Like all the other Kharaa structures, TSF scientists speculate that hives are actually creatures that have been evolved into this form over an incredibly long time, and have observed that Kharaa structures in general tend to resemble aquatic forms of life, contrary to the Kharaa lifeforms that clearly originated from mammals and other similar creatures."
and now after i take a closer look on the khaara creature design i found some striking similarities in all of them. like the bonestructure on the forehead with the mandibles and tentacles coming out of it. i was thinking about how this similarities would have evolved?! my idea: a parasite-like creature (like in alien) attaching itself to the head of the host and than somehow merge itself with it. resulting in the transformation of the host into the hostile khara-creatures we know!
and since i mentioned in my post (see link) that the khaare evolved out of aquatic lifeforms it would be a cool idea to sea that parasite as a creature in SN. it could live on the bottomside of the floating island, hanging upside down feasting on the giant floaters.
-a creature looking allot like a stone fish mix with a floater that would be at the bottom of the ocean hiding in sand (maybe you could see his eyes or something) and when approached would grab on to your foot quickly and drag you down to the the bottom until you somehow shake him off then he would go back down and hide in the sand
I just had an idea I would like to add to my personal list. Some sort of "flying fish". Like it swims, but when it wants to it can leap out of the water and fly like a bird. It would be able to breathe underwater and in the air.
What I would like to see is the ecosystem interact with itself. I'd like to see fish being hunted by bigger fish, having these sentient beings react to each other. For example, have small prey fish swim away from a stalker, see two predators kill those giant jelly fish things, and then watch them fight over the meat or just eat it together. I think the developers should focus more on bringing the environment to life instead of adding more pretty colors. This game has so much potential for a living, breathing ecosystem and it should be embraced.
I would also love to see more variety of wildlife. Perhaps we have certain species that only live in certain biomes, and their appearances could reflect the biome they live in, such as having flat headed fish live in the mushroom forest. This will naturally lead the mushroom forest to producing resources exclusive to the mushroom forest.
So far my favourite part of the game is the mushroom forest. I'd love to see some more luminescent weird creatures down there... that being said, I haven't built my cyclops yet, the game keeps crashing just when I've collected my lithium...
swarm mother
inspiration image: http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs166/1112251298842/img/15.jpg?a=1112277181419 and http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000Zw1s4M0.bo0/fit=1000x750/great-barracuda-Sphyraena-barracuda-open-mouth-sharp-teeth-bangka-indonesia.jpg
info: the swarm mother is a mouth brooder fish about 3x the size of a standard food fish. that would exist in deep caves, generally having burrowed a small tunnel for its self. The swarm mother would be a neutral creature that if attacked or if you grab one of its young, will release a swarm of its young the fish will attack the player until the player flees or releases the fish they caught. most the attacks will not do damage, but in a swarm that doesn't mater
interactions: these things will be seen "digging" sand to tunnel "nests" they also are a school fish that keeps in large groups that means where you see one small one swimming around there is almost always a nest some where near.
use: the young ones would have a high food value when cooked, the mothers can be used as living defenses for sea bases as their broods will chase off any predator fish... though if the player harms the mother it will always be hostile while taking its young only aggravates till player is out or range or safe.
3 real life animals from the "Subnautica (Concepts)" thread:
- maybe something that can camoflage itself like octopus do! would be nice for aggressive and defensive fish alike!
- more crustaceans and jellyfishlike creatures, maybe a combination of both ^^
- something like a living coral-reef, a huge unmovable creature of enormous sice. like a biom itself
- the hive from NS2 as a living creatur in subnautica! made this quick at work...
i allready hear all the NS2 fans scream in exitement!
- friendly landliving creatures, maybe to get milk, eggs, lether, ... make them look aquatic too, like they just developed recently from seacreatures
- ability to breed them
- landliving carnivores like sharks or crocodiles, lazy predators that wait for there food to come Close and than ... BAM
- something like a amphibious frog creature, that lives in regions above the watersurface and catches fish and insect with his tongue
- other bigger crab-like-ones
- flying fish like seen in the animated Trailer
- flying gecko or amphibians that catch for fish in shallow water
- flying spores, mushroom island
- airfilled balloonlike fish that can fly out of the water, or release the air and fall back down to dive (like blowfish)
- insects
go here for my post on the Suggestion-thread: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2236421/#Comment_2236421
To keep it simple for devs, these lifeforms could do their own thing, completely ignoring of the player. If time allows, some of the faster species could be changed to hide themselves in the sand and "disappear" whenever the player (and other animals?) gets near. To provide a bit more variety, allow for color differentiation within a species - perhapse based on biome, etc.
A few ideas (add a dash of "alien" for good measure):
- Shrimp
- Tubeworms
- Millipedes
- Clams
- Hagfish
- Newts/lizards
- Nautilus
- Semi-transparent animals
Take a look at subnauticas coral reefs. Now take a look at a real life coral reef. See the difference? Me too.
I know it would take a massive amount of time making 50 or even a 100 different coral types and then having them being placed randomly, but it would look so much better. Your framerate would probably drop a bit but that's okay as long as corals are placed in the "HIGH" graphics preset. ( Or maybe even an "ULTRA" preset to be added later on)
We suggested this in the past and UWE replied saying that it would throw off game balance since they wanted most game objects to be interactive (i.e. generate loot when destroyed/etc). This would mean players in high-quality mode would have an advantage. I disagree with this conclusion and hope UWE reconsiders.
Same applies to any video game, and we know it better than many other computer users
Hi i had some ideas based on the irl creatures that live in the sea, Screen shots will come later. Click on the blue photo bigger to reveal the text!
We have a steam group join it ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SubnauticaIdeas
My steam ID is iiSuBB or if youre lazy just click this http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084359560/
Name: Aveyl
Hunts with light to lure friendly fish like spade fish etc
Lives only in deep places in the sea only comes up when he is starving
Name: FeatherFish
Makes himself bigger when being attacked by a fish that is carnivorous Like the stalker
Lives in shallow water and in undeep caves
Name: ExileFish
Normal/ When you hit him/her he or she will attack the one that hit the fish, it wil keep following the attacker until surface
When its night the ExileFish will be only at caves sheltering for bigger fish that like to kill the ExileFish
Lives in Shallow water and hides at night in undeep caves
Name: SpunFish
Has spikes on his body to defend its self, Spikes will only come out when the SpunFish is hit
Lives in CreepVine enviorments
Name: Diker
Hunts for bigger pray then himself so he can grow bigger so he can defend himself againts other predators
Lives in deep waters only comes to shallow water at night
Name: Oxyl
This fish will eat coral, And smaller fish then himself,If this fish eats coral it changes to the color of the eaten Coral
Lives in Shallow water
Name: ViperFish
Normal/ When hit the fish will follow its attacker by planting an green knob on his back this knob is used to hatch other ViperFish
The ViperFish will plant an knob on its attack or random fish/human and use the human/fish as a carrier for its eggs
Lives in creepvine enviorments and shallow waters
Name: Dission
This fish will attack any fish exept bigger fish then himself
Dission has green shards on his body that he uses as self defense the shards will shoot out posion when attack
Lives in deep waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: KivonFish
These fish will fly over water and cannot dive as deep as the other fish they will be the most of the time above the water
The KivonFish has a wing like body that he uses to fly over the water
Lives above the water and in 1-10 meter waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: Gerocha
Normal/ When attacked he will attack
A mole like creature that makes nests on the island in the map of subnautica, And has 2 large eyes on the side of the head
Gerocha will eat plants on the island and will eat you if you attack it
Lives on land
Idea from christian2506
Name: Hectria
A octopus like creature that spits out green spit to attackers humans are immune to this spit
This octopus has 3 eyes 1 on his back and the other 2 on the side of the head
Lives in caves and in Shallow water
Name: Zillan
A fishlike bird that flies in the skys like in the trailer these will often come to the water surface to relax there
This bird will pick little fish that are swimming in unshallow water the Zillan can dive for 30 seconds
Lives in the air/ and or attacking in water
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Driel
A Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar, Strangles small fish to hunt
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if the player gets to close Exit the cave to cause it detach
Lives in Deep underwater caves
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: WideJaw
Carnivorous Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark), Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players/fish
Larger then the boneshark it will fight constantly with the boneshark for terretory
Found in deep areas
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Propeller-fish:
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close.
When its night the Propeller fish will spit out red Fluid that will explode when an player and or fish goes thru it
Lives in shallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there are no predators
We have a steam group join it ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SubnauticaIdeas
My steam ID is iiSuBB or if youre lazy just click this http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084359560/
Name: Aveyl
Hunts with light to lure friendly fish like spade fish etc
Lives only in deep places in the sea only comes up when he is starving
Name: FeatherFish
Makes himself bigger when being attacked by a fish that is carnivorous Like the stalker
Lives in shallow water and in undeep caves
Name: ExileFish
Normal/ When you hit him/her he or she will attack the one that hit the fish, it wil keep following the attacker until surface
When its night the ExileFish will be only at caves sheltering for bigger fish that like to kill the ExileFish
Lives in Shallow water and hides at night in undeep caves
Name: SpunFish
Has spikes on his body to defend its self, Spikes will only come out when the SpunFish is hit
Lives in CreepVine enviorments
Name: Diker
Hunts for bigger pray then himself so he can grow bigger so he can defend himself againts other predators
Lives in deep waters only comes to shallow water at night
Name: Oxyl
This fish will eat coral, And smaller fish then himself,If this fish eats coral it changes to the color of the eaten Coral
Lives in Shallow water
Name: ViperFish
Normal/ When hit the fish will follow its attacker by planting an green knob on his back this knob is used to hatch other ViperFish
The ViperFish will plant an knob on its attack or random fish/human and use the human/fish as a carrier for its eggs
Lives in creepvine enviorments and shallow waters
Name: Dission
This fish will attack any fish exept bigger fish then himself
Dission has green shards on his body that he uses as self defense the shards will shoot out posion when attack
Lives in deep waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: KivonFish
These fish will fly over water and cannot dive as deep as the other fish they will be the most of the time above the water
The KivonFish has a wing like body that he uses to fly over the water
Lives above the water and in 1-10 meter waters
Idea from christian2506
Name: Gerocha
Normal/ When attacked he will attack
A mole like creature that makes nests on the island in the map of subnautica, And has 2 large eyes on the side of the head
Gerocha will eat plants on the island and will eat you if you attack it
Lives on land
Idea from christian2506
Name: Hectria
A octopus like creature that spits out green spit to attackers humans are immune to this spit
This octopus has 3 eyes 1 on his back and the other 2 on the side of the head
Lives in caves and in Shallow water
Name: Zillan
A fishlike bird that flies in the skys like in the trailer these will often come to the water surface to relax there
This bird will pick little fish that are swimming in unshallow water the Zillan can dive for 30 seconds
Lives in the air/ and or attacking in water
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Driel
A Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar, Strangles small fish to hunt
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if the player gets to close Exit the cave to cause it detach
Lives in Deep underwater caves
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: WideJaw
Carnivorous Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark), Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players/fish
Larger then the boneshark it will fight constantly with the boneshark for terretory
Found in deep areas
Idea from Frank_The_Duck
Name: Propeller-fish:
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close.
When its night the Propeller fish will spit out red Fluid that will explode when an player and or fish goes thru it
Lives in shallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there are no predators
Perhaps these could dive much faster than the player normally can. Some of the docile species would allow you to grab on and tag along as they swim down.
Maybe if a brain coral is nearby, they would use that to breath rather than going to the surface.
Then we would also need whales like in this article.
And where the heck are the turtles?! The tiny crabs. It's a bang up job guys, but we need some turtles.
Octopus like in appearance but the size of a mezmar,
Latches on and slowly breaks mask to attack player if player gets too close,
Exiting the cave causes it to detach (similar to the bleeder),
Strangles small fish to hunt,
Found in undeep caves.
Large shark creature (bigger than bone shark),
Opens its mouth to massive sizes when attacking,
When its mouth is open it generates strong currents to suck in players or fish,
Found in deep areas.
Grabber Coral:
Regenerative coral that lives on reef backs,
If harvested too much will fall off and die,
Provides very small but regenerating coral supply,
Only found attached to reef backs.
Peeper sized fish that uses tendrils to form a natural propeller to move through the water,
Will sprint away from player and predators at high speed if they get too close,
Lives in swallow water and will hang around metal pieces if there is no predators.
Tesla Ray:
Slightly large than rabbit ray with 4 Tesla coil like appendages running down its back in 2 rows,
If threatened it releases a burst of electricity which stuns and injures targets for a very short time,
Lives in kelp forests.
Hoop fish sized fish with a brightly coloured body,
When injured it releases a large blinding flash,
If threatened by predators it spits a small globing orb at another fish or the player which it sticks to,
The flare attracts predators to whatever it hits,
Lives in deep water.
Mezmar sized fish that if threatened will spit a spray of poisonous spines forward towards predators,
Likes to stay low to the sea floor,
Instead of running from predators it prefers to attach to creep vines and turn green,
If attached predators won't pursue it but it can be still be hurt by the player,
Lives in kelp forests.
Turtle-like crab with a large shell it hides in if being preyed on,
It uses its pincers to pick up and carry away chunks of coral which it uses to build a small house,
Attacks anythign that attacks or gets too close too its house,
Scertlers stay near their houses once it builds one,
It lives on the sea floor above 1000m and dies if it falls deeper.
Sucel (based off Christian's idea to have the hive from ns2 as a creature):
Stalker sized ammonite like creature,
Shifts through sea floor to suck up food,
Sprays a jet of corrosive acid towards anything that harms it,
Lives in groups and will attack anything that attacks others in the group,
Lives below depths of 1000m.
Small marine iquana like creature with gecko hands,
Will climb up and cling to anything above water,
Can survive on land and is mainly found on islands,
Fast swimmer but can only dive down 18m down and can only stay underwater for 10mins(600seconds/600H2O)
If it ends up below 9m then it will automaticly ascend to the surface,
Will stick to rocks underwater so it can graze until it needs to surface,
Has a chameleon tongue which it uses to fight off Scorch Pelicans and other attackers,
Lives at the surface of the water.
Hammer head shark with red and white stripes,
Hunts like a bone shark,
Will ram submarines and damaging hull and knocking them around if it sees one,
Lives at 1000m or deeper.
Scorch Pelican:
Large grey pelican bird,
Has a large shining blue inflated breast which it uses as a solar collector,
If threatened it will fire off a burst of concentrated solar energy while swooping at the attacker,
If it kills something cookable with its solar beam it cooks it,
Swoops into the ocean to grab peepers and other near-surface fish,
It cooks any caught fish with the stored solar energy and if killed fast enough after catching fish then it will drop the cooked fish,
Naturally attacks Geiguas that are above surface treating them as threatening them,
Flies above the ocean and will rarely land on island trees.
I'll have more creatures in the future. Hope you like these ideas.
and now after i take a closer look on the khaara creature design i found some striking similarities in all of them. like the bonestructure on the forehead with the mandibles and tentacles coming out of it. i was thinking about how this similarities would have evolved?! my idea: a parasite-like creature (like in alien) attaching itself to the head of the host and than somehow merge itself with it. resulting in the transformation of the host into the hostile khara-creatures we know!
and since i mentioned in my post (see link) that the khaare evolved out of aquatic lifeforms it would be a cool idea to sea that parasite as a creature in SN. it could live on the bottomside of the floating island, hanging upside down feasting on the giant floaters.
here is my sketch:
here is the original post in the suggestions-thread: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2237029/#Comment_2237029
-a creature looking allot like a stone fish mix with a floater that would be at the bottom of the ocean hiding in sand (maybe you could see his eyes or something) and when approached would grab on to your foot quickly and drag you down to the the bottom until you somehow shake him off then he would go back down and hide in the sand
inspiration: https://richcoast.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/stone-fish.jpeg
-a creature looking alot like a remora that would lach on to reef backs or any big passive creatures
inspiration: http://aquaviews.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/remora.jpg
inspiration: http://ecosystemsbymanuela.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/6/2/24620548/4245893_orig.jpg
I would also love to see more variety of wildlife. Perhaps we have certain species that only live in certain biomes, and their appearances could reflect the biome they live in, such as having flat headed fish live in the mushroom forest. This will naturally lead the mushroom forest to producing resources exclusive to the mushroom forest.