Suggestions Regarding: Hub Networking - Creativity - Seasons/Weather - The End Game and More!
Concrete Jungle Join Date: 2015-03-23 Member: 202486Members

Firstly, some mood music: 
Hey Everyone, Im new to the Forums so I might post this in a few different places, just to find out where the action is! (If you're gonna delete the post, I'd appreciate a redirect
This post is loaded with ideas that build upon itself, so if its confusing and referencing things that don't even exist... remember: Creativity is a flowing siren and a crushing beast, but it always moves towards the path of understanding, if you seek to control it, you in turn lose its essence. That being said I love feedback and suggestions so hit me with anything, but keep an open mind
To open, I really Like the suggestions that Sorenp proposed. I think that adding "sustainability" as a gameplay achievable for the player is the pipe dream/carrot on a stick for any shipwrecked soul! However I want to add some related suggestions that add to that sense of "visceral in-world" progress tracking that could give more feasibility to the suggestions (Renewable energy sources).
Now I should start by saying, that I haven't played the game personally, being on a mac
.... But I have watched lots of footage! I would love to see more Survival User Interface customization options and additions that add to the traceable mental progression of the survivor. What I mean is: stuff that lets the player keep track of their progression in a tangible way that shifts with the world around them.... which in turn gives incentive to do so.
(ex. Unknown Worlds did a great job of this, in the base building in Natural Selection II: power is on in the room when the humans control a sector and off when the aliens hve control etc. )
My propositions/Add stuff Like:
A Small Computer Console/PDA thats starts as a day counter in the life pod. (With possible weather reports, calendar functionality?) I think this is a great (and hopefully easily, implemented) little tweak that puts the player in literal 'visual communication' with his/her tools. There is already a good amount of auditory feedback in the game, (O2 levels, entering ships/bases, hullbreaches etc.) but I think It is equally as important to add visual cues that are built into the tools of the players world, rather than just cluttering the HUD. The kinetic-spatial awareness of our player in their environments is what makes this game so magical!!!! (especially in a survival game!!!) (The sense of joy I felt, seeing someone climb out of the Sea Moth into the Cyclops is one of MAN TRIUMPHING IN THE ENVIRONMENT ... it was epic, and really felt like a progression from the smokey life pod you wake up in.)
1b. UI/Survival Assistant Customization:
In addition to adding a Day counter, the player should have simple, control over the settings/traits the UI/Survival Assistant:
- Male or Female Voice
- Rate of Static Messages (O2 remaining, Inventory Status, Vitals, Predator Proximity Detection Device !?)
- Add "Relative" Reminder Messages (Unassisted Resurface time aprox. 45 seconds)
- Specific Calendar Reminders (Sunset in 10 min, Tomorrow you have set a "code blue" task, Good Morning Captain.... 26 days since rapid deceleration event etc. etc.)
^ I understand that the above additions would probably require a lot of work outside of the survival/exploration world smithing going on, so I propose a "friendly" system to implement them in....
2. THE HUB NETWORK! (The First Steps to manufacturing a Low Orbit Rescue Beacon??!?!)
The ability to create a "hub" network, that allows the player to visually track their assets/progress. Like an in-world Home Computer that integrates between all the user created systems.
It would be exceptionally rudimentary within the confines of the escape pod, but over time it could grow in complexity. (from Submersibles to a Base Module and possibly... eventually Short range sensors) (It could allow for the user to integrate and manage SorenP's aforementioned sustainability tweaks. And Inclusion of solar power/aquafarm systems .... *Heavy Panting*)
The Hub Network can help you track things like
- Date, Time and Season
- Coded Scheduling System (The ability to Colour Code dates for specific activities such as resources gathering/Exploration/Building)
- Structural Integrity and Fuel Levels of Submersibles
- Structural Integrity and relative Position of other bases
- Progress Towards the "Rescue Beacon" (6)
2c. HUB Geopositioning Network.
- The player could create submersible and floaty radio beacons that create a map for the player when in range.
3. MONSOON! (Reciprocative Disaster Events)
The gods giveth and they taketh away!
-Cycling seasonal events that change the game world and conditions for the player since the original crash. (Monsoon Season destroys or renders the Escape Pod inoperable, forcing the player underwater) By having a season where the player is "forced to ground" so to speak, it challenges the player to take into account their resources and focus more on maintaining their creations and survival.
-Stronger ocean currents challenge structural integrity of underwater bases, and forces player to anchor submersibles.
-Change in Predator Migration Patterns, you might be having a few more unwanted visitors...
I noticed in a play through I watched that some of the smaller fish glitched and got stuck on the viewport of the Cyclops ... so I propose the Face Sucker Fish. Think of those aquarium slugs that stick to the glass.
-At first they stick to your scuba mask and must be torn off (minor nuisance)
-Then they stick to the glass of your Submersibles (now they're your buddies, hitching a ride!)
This is a cool way that shows your progression of a creature within the environment. You are not as small as you once were!
5. Interior/Exterior Customization and The Finer Points of being Marooned on an Uncharted World
I think that being able to customize the little things is important as a player, as well as having the ability to creatively discover the world around you.
So I propose:
-The ability to change interiors of Submersibles/Bases and Their Survival Assistants (Hull colours, UI Voices, Storage Lockers.)
-The Ability to change exteriors of Submersibles in meaningful ways via retrofits
*************************-Exterior Storage Retrofit, for quick access to tools/weapons/mobility devices/O2 Recharge
************************* -Emergency Resurface Retrofit, adding inflatable pods
************************* -Armoured Hull Retrofit
************************* -Posterior Turbine/Maneuverability Retrofit, higher speeds, and changes to handelling characteristics
-Player Creativity Options
************************* -Addition of an Underwater Camera, and Ability to hang Art on walls.
************************* -Addition of a Music Creator, like a recordable drum pad/keyboard that lets the player create music loops or tones. You could play music in the ships,
or just have unique entry sounds. (Because its not the future if it doesn't make a cool "fwoosh" when you walk in the door!)
6. The Low Orbit Rescue Beacon Scenario
It goes without saying, that Subnautica is awesome. I got shivers just watching other people play it. The great amount of discoverability and the meaningful progression from "lost soul" to "expert explorer" is something that I haven't felt in a game since my first play-throughs of Minecraft! So whats the end game? Is there an endgame? This is something that is very gameplay altering and changes the actually gameplay mentality of the explorer, but I think it is a worthwhile addition. I think that if coupled to the urgency and time relation created by a "monsoon season", a Rescue Beacon could be a great endgame progression for the character. How It could be built or discovered, I think should be hidden from the player in the early game, so as to not distract from the great exploration and survival elements present. But eventually the player will reach a state of equilibrium within the game world. What then? I think that they should be able to create a Rescue beacon, that is launched via cliff face to the stars as triumphant victory over the hand dealt to our space traveller. But the real question is, now that they have a taste for adventure, will they really want to leave it all behind? A question better answered by a psychiatrist.
Okay well thats everything I can think of right now. Id love to hear your feedback on my creative suggestions, As well as suggestions of your own!

Hey Everyone, Im new to the Forums so I might post this in a few different places, just to find out where the action is! (If you're gonna delete the post, I'd appreciate a redirect

This post is loaded with ideas that build upon itself, so if its confusing and referencing things that don't even exist... remember: Creativity is a flowing siren and a crushing beast, but it always moves towards the path of understanding, if you seek to control it, you in turn lose its essence. That being said I love feedback and suggestions so hit me with anything, but keep an open mind

To open, I really Like the suggestions that Sorenp proposed. I think that adding "sustainability" as a gameplay achievable for the player is the pipe dream/carrot on a stick for any shipwrecked soul! However I want to add some related suggestions that add to that sense of "visceral in-world" progress tracking that could give more feasibility to the suggestions (Renewable energy sources).
Now I should start by saying, that I haven't played the game personally, being on a mac

(ex. Unknown Worlds did a great job of this, in the base building in Natural Selection II: power is on in the room when the humans control a sector and off when the aliens hve control etc. )
My propositions/Add stuff Like:
A Small Computer Console/PDA thats starts as a day counter in the life pod. (With possible weather reports, calendar functionality?) I think this is a great (and hopefully easily, implemented) little tweak that puts the player in literal 'visual communication' with his/her tools. There is already a good amount of auditory feedback in the game, (O2 levels, entering ships/bases, hullbreaches etc.) but I think It is equally as important to add visual cues that are built into the tools of the players world, rather than just cluttering the HUD. The kinetic-spatial awareness of our player in their environments is what makes this game so magical!!!! (especially in a survival game!!!) (The sense of joy I felt, seeing someone climb out of the Sea Moth into the Cyclops is one of MAN TRIUMPHING IN THE ENVIRONMENT ... it was epic, and really felt like a progression from the smokey life pod you wake up in.)
1b. UI/Survival Assistant Customization:
In addition to adding a Day counter, the player should have simple, control over the settings/traits the UI/Survival Assistant:
- Male or Female Voice
- Rate of Static Messages (O2 remaining, Inventory Status, Vitals, Predator Proximity Detection Device !?)
- Add "Relative" Reminder Messages (Unassisted Resurface time aprox. 45 seconds)
- Specific Calendar Reminders (Sunset in 10 min, Tomorrow you have set a "code blue" task, Good Morning Captain.... 26 days since rapid deceleration event etc. etc.)
^ I understand that the above additions would probably require a lot of work outside of the survival/exploration world smithing going on, so I propose a "friendly" system to implement them in....
2. THE HUB NETWORK! (The First Steps to manufacturing a Low Orbit Rescue Beacon??!?!)
The ability to create a "hub" network, that allows the player to visually track their assets/progress. Like an in-world Home Computer that integrates between all the user created systems.
It would be exceptionally rudimentary within the confines of the escape pod, but over time it could grow in complexity. (from Submersibles to a Base Module and possibly... eventually Short range sensors) (It could allow for the user to integrate and manage SorenP's aforementioned sustainability tweaks. And Inclusion of solar power/aquafarm systems .... *Heavy Panting*)
The Hub Network can help you track things like
- Date, Time and Season
- Coded Scheduling System (The ability to Colour Code dates for specific activities such as resources gathering/Exploration/Building)
- Structural Integrity and Fuel Levels of Submersibles
- Structural Integrity and relative Position of other bases
- Progress Towards the "Rescue Beacon" (6)
2c. HUB Geopositioning Network.
- The player could create submersible and floaty radio beacons that create a map for the player when in range.
3. MONSOON! (Reciprocative Disaster Events)
The gods giveth and they taketh away!
-Cycling seasonal events that change the game world and conditions for the player since the original crash. (Monsoon Season destroys or renders the Escape Pod inoperable, forcing the player underwater) By having a season where the player is "forced to ground" so to speak, it challenges the player to take into account their resources and focus more on maintaining their creations and survival.
-Stronger ocean currents challenge structural integrity of underwater bases, and forces player to anchor submersibles.
-Change in Predator Migration Patterns, you might be having a few more unwanted visitors...
I noticed in a play through I watched that some of the smaller fish glitched and got stuck on the viewport of the Cyclops ... so I propose the Face Sucker Fish. Think of those aquarium slugs that stick to the glass.
-At first they stick to your scuba mask and must be torn off (minor nuisance)
-Then they stick to the glass of your Submersibles (now they're your buddies, hitching a ride!)
This is a cool way that shows your progression of a creature within the environment. You are not as small as you once were!
5. Interior/Exterior Customization and The Finer Points of being Marooned on an Uncharted World
I think that being able to customize the little things is important as a player, as well as having the ability to creatively discover the world around you.
So I propose:
-The ability to change interiors of Submersibles/Bases and Their Survival Assistants (Hull colours, UI Voices, Storage Lockers.)
-The Ability to change exteriors of Submersibles in meaningful ways via retrofits
*************************-Exterior Storage Retrofit, for quick access to tools/weapons/mobility devices/O2 Recharge
************************* -Emergency Resurface Retrofit, adding inflatable pods
************************* -Armoured Hull Retrofit
************************* -Posterior Turbine/Maneuverability Retrofit, higher speeds, and changes to handelling characteristics
-Player Creativity Options
************************* -Addition of an Underwater Camera, and Ability to hang Art on walls.
************************* -Addition of a Music Creator, like a recordable drum pad/keyboard that lets the player create music loops or tones. You could play music in the ships,
or just have unique entry sounds. (Because its not the future if it doesn't make a cool "fwoosh" when you walk in the door!)
6. The Low Orbit Rescue Beacon Scenario
It goes without saying, that Subnautica is awesome. I got shivers just watching other people play it. The great amount of discoverability and the meaningful progression from "lost soul" to "expert explorer" is something that I haven't felt in a game since my first play-throughs of Minecraft! So whats the end game? Is there an endgame? This is something that is very gameplay altering and changes the actually gameplay mentality of the explorer, but I think it is a worthwhile addition. I think that if coupled to the urgency and time relation created by a "monsoon season", a Rescue Beacon could be a great endgame progression for the character. How It could be built or discovered, I think should be hidden from the player in the early game, so as to not distract from the great exploration and survival elements present. But eventually the player will reach a state of equilibrium within the game world. What then? I think that they should be able to create a Rescue beacon, that is launched via cliff face to the stars as triumphant victory over the hand dealt to our space traveller. But the real question is, now that they have a taste for adventure, will they really want to leave it all behind? A question better answered by a psychiatrist.
Okay well thats everything I can think of right now. Id love to hear your feedback on my creative suggestions, As well as suggestions of your own!
But I didn't because I stopped at "man triumphing over the environment"
This game is about more or less the opposite not doing what we already did to this world
I dont really see your reasoning, as it is a survival game, so the only thing you can fight is the environment. But yea maybe triumph was the wrong word?
The devs are trying to give the player "counters" or "countermeasures" but not "weapons"-- which is why I jumped down your throat
Also heres john cleese talking about creativity! Hes a genius
Also I can't really watch that video as it's 10 minutes long and time is money so to speak- I watched about 4 minutes of it and don't understand really why it is relevant
I think the devs have indicated that they are interested in weather events that can effect the state of the ocean as well as the atmosphere. It would be really cool to build a weather forecasting station station to predict when weather events would occur.
The face suckers seem like they could be pretty cool. maybe they could be attracted to electrical devices and slowly suck to power out of them. Im thinking like those remora creatures that latched on the Millennium Falcon in one of the old Starwars movies, during the segment where the crew flew into asteroid worm to escape a star destroyer. You could pull a Han Solo and blast them off the cyclops with the stasis rifle.
A GPS mapping system would be great. Maybe you could set three or more long range floating beacons on the surface to triangulate signals for the GPS. Would be cool if the surface beacons could rarely get knocked out by storms on the surface and would have to be repaired before the system would work again.
I'm not sure if I like the idea of an end game though. I think i would rather stay on the alien ocean paradise.
I would really like to see more of the story behind the game expanded on. What happened to the other ships? Where did the EMP blast come from? Do the other vessels know you've crashed?
Some of these ideas are pretty far off, and probably haven't even been considered, but its cool to think about them. Anyways, keep up the good work, keep posting. And hopefully you will get to play sometime soon, it really is an amazing game.