New base sketches
lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members

hope you like these babies
... devs if u want to use (or small parts of them) them feel free to do so...
I just wanted to have some fun imagining what kind if base extension you are going to add later

fixed the image embeds and spoilered them -Kouji San

I just wanted to have some fun imagining what kind if base extension you are going to add later

fixed the image embeds and spoilered them -Kouji San
just hadn't time to check the forum earlier
but sleep is for the w I-)
The meals would have the effect of completely refilling hunger OR having multiple uses (Meal + Leftovers). I am of the belief that I don't want to cook my food on the same work top I use to build my machines. I don't need motor oil in my salted peeper.
They all look pretty awesome, I like the idea of the refinery being used to double your metal output, perhaps a way to retrieve limestone chunks and the like, instead of breaking them, and when retrieved they can be refined to provide 2 or 3 of a random material usually found in them, with a chance to produce salt as a byproduct.
Not sure what use the tidal generator would have but it looks awesome and the HydroPonics I feel is an absolute must, perhaps one could find a seed vault inside the crashed Aurora, and claim some luckily uncontaminated seeds of plants found on earth. Things like potato seeds, carrot seeds, Broccoli and pumpkin seeds etc. That could then tie into the worktop idea of allowing your character to create proper meals, sometimes using earth vegetables to replenish more hunger.
those fish do look tasty its a shame we only get to laser them ...
and yes the tide generator would recharge ur power cells given time of course
The possibility for meals would be almost endless.
~ Creep vine + Raw fish = an appetizing sushi snack.
~ Baked fish + Steamed Coral with an acid mushroom sauce.
~ Peeper stuffed with creep vine and acid mushroom.
If earth seeds are introduced then the options just skyrocket.
I hadn't considered the tidal generator would refill power cells. I imagine it would be similar to using solar power in that it takes a while to generate a reasonable sum of power, but if attached to a set of power cells etc it could conceivably build up a buffer of power. It could perhaps gain bonuses from being deeper, or from being built in an active current or something.
Of course the habitation module would contain a bed as well for skipping the night time, which could provide some form of well rested bonus. I think the next base module you design should be a laboratory. Think about it, the game is going to be all about studying and cataloguing the alien life, we have DNA splicers and such now, so what if the splicing was more complex than it currently is. Currently it's jab a fish, jab yourself, bonus happens. So what if we had a laboratory to contain specimens, pictures etc. It should be a large module, or perhaps constructing multiple labs next to each other extend the lab out turning it into a larger module.
This is because you could go from having a workbench for studying etc, to having actual large tanks for containing specimens that you've managed to capture in the wild, Imagine walking into your lab and seeing a Crash floating around in your specimen tank. Some form of dampening field could be applied to the tank that prevents it from exploding, and through study you could perhaps find a way to make them like you, or at least something to make them leave you alone.
I think the first looks like a generator.. which is cool.
The second would make a cool looking seamoth like sub.
The third and forth are nice.