Cyclops Catapult? (Ver. 17663 Apr-15)

RipredRipred United States Join Date: 2015-05-09 Member: 204341Members
Sometimes, when exiting the pilot's inerface on my Cyclops, I'll be randomly shot a great distance across the map. I'm usually flung high into the air, having to deal with a long fall and an incredibly long swim back to my ship. I've died more than once by predators as a result of this. I don't know how exactly to make this happen, as it seems to be random. Also, as a little tag-along, I suggest a respawn mechanic be implimented for necessities such as salt, fish, and quartz. It's getting really hard to find these resources.


  • 13FIST13FIST ON LAND Join Date: 2015-05-15 Member: 204504Members
    Having the same problem, sometimes I can play quite awhile without it ever happening while other times the cyclops is useless because I get launched out every single time.
    This just happened to me again about 30 minutes ago leaving the cyclops next to the aurora, meaning I'll have to swim through leviathans to get it back......
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    I keep seeing loads of 'Bug Reports' about these hilarious things happening, and no-one ever posts screenshots or videos.

    From now on, my mantra is "Screenshots/Video or it didn't happen".
  • netshamannetshaman france Join Date: 2015-04-07 Member: 203080Members
    This happened to me the last time , it was so weird !
    I had just the amount of oxygen necessary to return back, i entered the sub when my vision was faded to black, so i didn't saw anything and it was just a matter of luck .
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