New air tank tech tree

tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
Hi guys I was thinking that one day the players might dive 1000 +meters and a 100 sec air tank will not work at all so check this out


  • Mshelp19Mshelp19 Cananda Join Date: 2015-03-22 Member: 202441Members
    This is really well thought out
  • MaizelMaizel Join Date: 2015-04-21 Member: 203687Members
    I like the idea of upgradable aitanks. Mostly to save Inv space. But 5 minutes and an hour is just way too long.
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    thx ... yes at the current depth levels 1 hour is silly but since the devs are planning to go wayyyy deeper it will make a lot of sense ... imagine exploring a narrow cave 2000 meters deep... there is no chance in heck you are gonna reach the surface to fill the 100 sec tanks and you wont be able to go everywhere with the subs
  • BeigeAlertBeigeAlert Texas Join Date: 2013-08-08 Member: 186657Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts
    edited April 2015
    Agreed. I don't know what this guy is doing, but that he can burn through a whole O2 tank in minutes is... astounding.

    EDIT: In fact, I'd say I just like the idea of having more of the gadgets upgrade-able in general. Being able to keep upgrading your items is essential to a feeling of progression.
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    indeed ... I still remember in minecraft beta days .. the game had like 20 recipes ... now they are in the hundreds
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    yah plate-steel might make more sense for the finally tank upgrade
  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    Here's some (sea) food for thought...

    A single 'standard' steel air (pure oxygen is toxic at depths greater than 30 feet) tank has an approximate capacity of 72 cubic feet of air, pressurized to 2,250 p.s.i. This equates to a Real World dive-time of around 30 minutes at a depth of 30 feet. Theoretically, a diver could safely descend to 120 feet and spend about 10 minutes at that level. This is factored on an average breathing rate, no physical exertion or fatigue taken into account. As a guideline, 'The Rule of Thirds' applies. One-third of the tank's contents are reserved for descent and ascent, one-third for bottom time, and a one-third reserve kept in case of difficulties.

    Subnautica's diving rigs are far less forgiving. There should have been significant advances in diving technology by the time 'Aurora' left Earth.

    An 'Advanced Diving System' is well-worth including in the Fabricator menu. I agree entirely with Tarek's proposed design and recharging station concept.

    Breathing gases can be stored in cryogenic (super-cold liquid) form quite easily, and an ADS would be able to hold sufficient quantities of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Helium (or other suitable inert gases) to provide a bottom-time well in excess of one hour at 1,000 feet. Naturally, significantly deeper dives will incur a time penalty, and possibly include factors such as needing decompression stages on ascent to avoid 'the bends', nitrogen narcosis effects or even HPNS at depths exceeding 2,000 feet.

    For the sake of returning some realism to Subnautica's diving mechanics, I sincerely hope the Devs are watching this particular thread closely. I know that the First Aid Kit has already been implemented (Found out the hard way, and had to craft some in a hurry), and it would be a shame to conveniently 'forget' the actual physics involved in deep diving purely to get the gameplay design process wrapped up and call the project 'finished'.
  • AbyssalAbyssal The Abyss Join Date: 2015-05-01 Member: 204003Members
    well if you use the console command Nitrogen, it adds a form of Nitrogen Narcosis effect, albeit not totally coded. it does however tot up your time deep diving and doesn't go down till you resurface so at one point they must have had deep dive realism in mind. that said they have to carefully apply realism without the game getting bogged down and ruining any potential fun.
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
  • Hyp3rionHyp3rion Australia Join Date: 2015-03-21 Member: 202396Members
    edited May 2015
    I like your idea but think you just need to scale back the times a bit otherwise it almost negates the need for the Seamoth. I think creating an advanced air tank that has to be filled back at a compressor would take the space of 1.5 regular tanks & give you the equivalent capacity of 3 regular tanks. And I don't think you'd use it to travel really deep as you can do that quicker in a Seamoth without using your air supply that you'd use for extended exploring once down there.

    I would think having a good 15-20 minutes of air maximum after equipping enough advanced air tanks is enough and would allow you to do some extensive cave exploring where the Seamoth can't go or you're trying to quietly pass by some large sea monsters.

    When you are out of the vehicles by yourself is when you feel the most vulnerable but it's also the most enjoyable when exploring so I definitely think it's a good idea to extend the amount of time your air lasts for in game.

    Off course they could always just tweak the current tank values but adding additional levels of more advanced tanks adds to the content diversity & progression which keeps it interesting & gives you goals / objectives to work towards.

    - Hyp3rion
  • KalafingoKalafingo norway Join Date: 2015-05-04 Member: 204148Members
    edited May 2015
    Thats a very good idea for the oxygen tanks, enhanced 5 mins , and advanced should be 10 minutes for maximum end game state, everything else above is this does not fit into the game, for long term diving trips should be the exosuit more useful. Recharging stations could be nice for batterys aswell :blush:
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    yep I imagine people wont w8 on the surface to recharge a 1 hour or 30 min air tank :P
  • AnthonyH318AnthonyH318 Join Date: 2015-05-04 Member: 204169Members
    Another idea would be an ability to build oxygen station so that you may never have to leave the caves again...

    all in all I'm in for more efficient air tanks
  • Hyp3rionHyp3rion Australia Join Date: 2015-03-21 Member: 202396Members
    Another idea would be an ability to build oxygen station so that you may never have to leave the caves again...

    all in all I'm in for more efficient air tanks

    You can already do that with the oxygen pipes, just run a big length down and into the caverns. You can also top up on oxygen at any of the elbow joints.

    - Hyp3rion

  • AnthonyH318AnthonyH318 Join Date: 2015-05-04 Member: 204169Members
    Yah I know that, I'm talking about the inactive lava zone...
    Of course we have no need to go down there but still, our seamoth provide that so kinda destroyed that idea thereXD...
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    dont forget guys ... at 3000 meters it would take like 10 minutes to reach the surface at full speed .. I think
  • WillieWhiteWillieWhite USA Join Date: 2015-05-12 Member: 204425Members
    I think the advanced air tanks are a great idea. And it's kinda obvious and unrealistic that someone would want to freedice all that way to a depth of 3000 meters. But that's where the sea oath and other future subs come into play... They are used to get you there and the tanks are for the finer points of exploration... Actuall going into the nooks and crannys of the game.
  • ZourinZourin White Castle Join Date: 2015-02-27 Member: 201577Members
    edited May 2015
    Looks like they are in on X right now, although not really in this form. There's the 'heavy' air tank with double the air capacity of a standard, and the 'lightweight' with even more. Both require the workbench, which requires a reasonable amount of silver. Heavy just requires more titanium, while the lightweight requires lithium (they both upgrade the base tank) I can't tell the difference in player speed with either, but it's a welcome start.

    There are also two different fins.. one for speed, and one that supposedly recharges hand items.
  • SalmonJEDlSalmonJEDl Finland Join Date: 2015-05-14 Member: 204465Members
    Yes, we need better air tanks, and some are actually coming to the game pretty soon. But 1 hour is waaay too much. The best way to get to the deep see areas and explore there are the seamoth and exosuit. You need to leave those vehicles just for fairly short time periods. 10 minutes is more than enough for anything, especially when you can refill air in vehicles. I would say max 5 min air per 1 tank since you can have multiple tanks in inventory. Some future updates might change the need for air, but looking at the current game I can't imagine needing more. Your sketches are really cool, though.

    You can refill these tanks just by surfacing, something that you can't normally do. So maybe they are some kind of special tanks, that allow you to refill easily, but aren't as long lasting as normal ones. That would explain the low amount of air. :)
  • tarektarek lebanon Join Date: 2015-04-10 Member: 203241Members
    I imagined they would make longer lasting air tanks eventually... I mean exploring deep sea aint gonna happen on a 100 second air tank : /
  • conscioussoulconscioussoul Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204607Members, Subnautica Playtester
    One thing to keep in mind here is that one "day" worth of subnautica lasts what? one hour in game before it's night time? Which means that 1h of play equate 24 hours of "real life" time. So 30 seconds of diving time really means the player is exploring and diving for about 12 minutes. Two advanced air tank and you have a "real life" equivalent of almost one hour of air. Just saying!
  • TrystTryst UK Join Date: 2015-05-03 Member: 204138Members
    One thing to keep in mind here is that one "day" worth of subnautica lasts what? one hour in game before it's night time? Which means that 1h of play equate 24 hours of "real life" time. So 30 seconds of diving time really means the player is exploring and diving for about 12 minutes. Two advanced air tank and you have a "real life" equivalent of almost one hour of air. Just saying!
    Except you don't swim 24 times faster than you would in real life.
  • conscioussoulconscioussoul Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204607Members, Subnautica Playtester
    Tryst wrote: »
    Except you don't swim 24 times faster than you would in real life.
    Are you sure? You can go damn deep quite fast in the game. I never dived for real, so I don't know how fast you would normally be able to dive?

  • sayerulzsayerulz oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members
    I feel like I swim around as fast as the character without fins, and its nowhere near 20 times faster.
  • TrystTryst UK Join Date: 2015-05-03 Member: 204138Members
    Tryst wrote: »
    Except you don't swim 24 times faster than you would in real life.
    Are you sure? You can go damn deep quite fast in the game. I never dived for real, so I don't know how fast you would normally be able to dive?
    130 feet (40 metres) is the maximum for a normal scuba diver. With fins underwater, you can dive very fast but it's not advised for safety reasons since rapid changes in pressure can cause many problems, disorientation being the prime one. Ascent should be at a rate of 30 feet/minute to avoid the bends. That's straight out of the handbook of course.

    Although there are those who can dive deeper but this also involves a totally different air mixture, completely different gear, considerably more experience and a good understanding of the effects of pressure sickness and nitrogen narcosis.

    The number 1 rule for any diver in case they get disorientated: Bubbles will always rise to the surface, so up is the direction your bubbles are going.

    I have dived before, both with snorkel and scuba and it is surprising how fast you can move underwater, even without fins. You don't swim any faster in this game than an experienced swimmer would in real life. Also, check your feet when you're out of the water, even without the fins on, you still have small side fins on your feet that would aid your speed.
  • PhalaguimPhalaguim Scotland Join Date: 2015-04-06 Member: 203026Members
    edited May 2015
    Yeh I'd like to see some kind of tank amalgamation in the game, dual, tri and quad tanks.

    Maybe a slot on the avatar for a tank and doesn't allow a second tank in inventary, limit players to limited air until they have the tech to make bigger tanks allowing for longer time underwater. Each iteration of tank should also slow the swim speed down, forcing the player to make watergliders and powered units to assist with speed.

    Advanced tanks should absorb oxygen etc from the water, like fish do.. or use the liquid system that current advanced systems do, oxygen rich fluid that you breatth into your lungs for deep sea diving.
  • KelfaKelfa Join Date: 2015-05-30 Member: 205084Members
    One thing to keep in mind here is that one "day" worth of subnautica lasts what? one hour in game before it's night time? Which means that 1h of play equate 24 hours of "real life" time. So 30 seconds of diving time really means the player is exploring and diving for about 12 minutes. Two advanced air tank and you have a "real life" equivalent of almost one hour of air. Just saying!
    Except Day-night circle on some random alien planet may not be the same as on earth. For example take mercury. One year on Mercury has 88 days and one day-night-cycle lasts 2 Mercury years...
    Have been seeing this one quite a lot in the forums.

    By the way i think it would be nice if the seamoth also had limited oxygen supply. Maybe you could install additional tanks or upgrade her or build better versions.
  • conscioussoulconscioussoul Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204607Members, Subnautica Playtester
    Or you could recharge your cyclop in oxygen when it's docked into a base?
  • TotallyLemonTotallyLemon Atlanta Georgia Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204764Members
    edited May 2015
    No, the Cyclops should have limitless oxygen, just like today's military submarines. The only thing that limits a nuclear submarine's mission duration is the endurance of the crew and how much food can be carried aboard. The sub can literally run for 20 years strait. 

    This is accomplished using electrolysis which creates breathable oxygen from sea water. 
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