lethal weapons in Subnautica?
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204558Members

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P.S. You spelled it "lethatal" in the first option.
Really, because whenever I played minecraft or similar games, or watch let's play of said games, if the server in question was not explicitly labeled as Role Playing, peoples response to seeing something was almost always "let's kill it and see what we get."
I'm not sure I buy that argument. Dominant strategy in game theory suggests that if there is an easy way to deal with an obstacle, the player will use it. If you have lethal weapons and non-lethal weapons in a game, and the lethal weapons permanently remove the obstacle, while non-lethal weapons only temporarily remove the obstacle, which type of weapon do you think people will choose? The lethal weapons, of course, because it's just more convenient.
It's also less creative. If you have no tools specifically designed to kill, then you must think creatively to get past an obstacle. How can I use the propulsion gun to beat my obstacle? How can I use the terraformer tool? Depends on the creature in your way. How do I use a machine gun to get past my obstacle? Shoot it.
I've often thought about Reaper leviathans, "If only I had a gun to deal with you once and for all." But I didn't, so instead I tried different things. There's only going into Reaper territory in a cyclops sub, but I also created a base that went from my starting point to the opening in the side of the Aurora (admittedly using the NOCOST cheat). Once the next patch is in, I'll probably try to use the propulsion gun on them. While I may have wanted a lethal weapon at the time, I'm glad that wasn't an option, as it forced me to think differently about the Reapers.
And so, I reiterate: no lethal weapons beyond knives please.
I totally agree. I know that I would use lethal weapons, if they were in the game, because it's easier, and it's kinda weird to not use a game feature.
The creativity is exactly what I've been thinking. I just didn't find good words for it. It's more fun to fool around and try different things (and eventually succeed), than just blindly charge in.
Uniting the world through play.
Non-Violence appeals to more people than Violence does. Non-Violence means people of all ages can enjoy Subnautica and it's beautiful world.
Start adding lethal weapons and violence, and the game gets an 18 rating. Keep it non-lethal and Children and Grand-Parents alike can also join in the fun.
Polls like this are useless. Here is a quote from Charlie, UWE founder and designer of Subnautica:
from this thread -
This thread is exactly what Charlie wanted to happen with this game. Also the thread about people in their 50's and 60's playing this game.
This is a game for all, and it is that way because it is not violent.
I am sorry to break it to you but lethal weapons will never be added to this game, no matter how many threads, polls or opinions appear.
Hence why I am an advocate for mod support. Those who want lethal guns, can have them through mods, those purists who like to play without mods, will play the game as intended.
That's because minecraft rewards you for killing monsters, mainly by rewarding you with gear you need to survive. But they don't drop that gear if you deal with them in a non-lethal fashion. Killing creatures in subnautica does not directly reward you with loot, therefore less incentive to go out murdering everything.
Yes, it does, but why should it matter? It's a singleplayer game, if someone else blasts holes in the reaper leviathan, it doesn't mean the one in your world is going to die as well. It seems to me, that the biggest argument against lethal weapons is that it "Takes away from the game experience." but what it really sounds like is "Take them away from me, I'm too weak to resist the temptation to use them!". Also known as "I am completely incapable of taking anything but the easy route, don't give me an easy route, take that choice away from me and force me to play the difficult way."
At the end of the day, none of this matters, because Mod Support. Subnautica will end up living or dying based on Mod Support, it's what makes or breaks survival games. We wouldn't be discussing minecraft now if it wasn't for its amazing Mod Support. Space Engineers wouldn't have taken off like it did without the Mod Support it was given. Command and Conquer Generals, Sins of a Solar Empire. The list goes on and on, but these games wouldn't be around anymore if it wasn't for their epic Mod Support. Hence why subnautica will live or die on it's Mod Support or Lack thereof.
More defensive options: a suit with a stalker repellant (maybe it's build from extracting DNA from the hanging stingers, with the added benefit of making your suit bioluminescent?), lights or food that would attract hostile lifeforms away from you, fish nets and traps...? Way more creative and interesting.
I'd go for half and half so long as the tool you are using can also be used to combat other creatures.
some prefer to fight large creatures in a challenging battle while others explore the sea as peacefully as possible, some do both.
You are not there to start wiping out the animals and destroying the eco-systems, so you can suck the life out of the planet as a race then move on to the next planet.
This is why I hope we don't develop space travel anytime soon, we are still a virus on our own planet.
Subnautica is a chance to live on a planet in the right way, in harmony with the species that exist, not going out and unbalancing the stability of the planet. I guess it's hard for some people to understand that aspect of the game.
Or some of us are more interested in preservation than tree/fish hugging. I mean you know, like regular human beings. We're not all blessed with the transcended thought processes of hippies, because most of us don't smoke all that grass, or try to hug fish.
Once again I hear the recurring argument "I am incapable of making my own decisions, if you give me a gun I will hurt fish because I am incapable of using the gun for anything other than that. Please take the gun away from me, pat me on the back and change my diaper for me while you're at it."
Seriously, even if they DO put guns in the game, that doesn't mean you HAVE to kill with them, and you can spout on and on and on about the "Dominant game-theory" etc, but it does not matter, it is a single player game. If the fishes are dying in your world, it's because you're killing them. Not because Geoff is killing them in his world. I own several guns in real life, but has that made me a psychopathic murderer just because it's the "Easy" route? or the "Dominant theory". No, because I am capable of actually making my own decisions, and deciding NOT to kill people or animals with them. But if someone tries to break into my house, or harm me in some way, you can damn well bet I'm going to scare the mammaries off them with my gun, that doesn't mean I'm going to harm them, it means I'm going to scare them.
Guns do more than just kill things, they're useful for more than just killing, such things as self preservation, survival and whatnot. You know, everything we ARE doing on this planet.
I will say again, I personally do not give a monkeys butt which way they go with lethal weapons, but the people arguing against them need to grow up and start making decisions for themselves, instead of asking the game devs to coddle them like a small child and take their toys away from them because they don't trust themselves. What bothers me about that is that they always try to pass it off like it's someone else's problem, or someone else's fault. It isn't, it's YOURS for being too weak willed to simply say "If they add them I won't use them".
These are the things you think of people who argue against adding lethal weaponry to this game? Any more double-standards and insults you wish to add to that, Kodasa?
For someone who claims that this kind of discussion here devolves into flame wars, you pour a lot of gasoline into the fire yourself there. :P
The problem I have, is with the way people make that argument. They say "Oh it takes away from the strategy, it takes away from the experience." They make it sound like it's a problem with other people and they're "Much better human beings than the rest of us because they voted against guns". When you're given tools in a game, you don't always have to use them. But they make it seem like adding guns is going to turn every single subnautica player into some kind of psychotic fish murderer.
Speak for yourselves, sure, but don't make it seem like the rest of us are going to be affected in the same way. They say it like they're worried about other people, but all it really smacks of is being worried about themselves being too weak willed to resist.
I don't care what they do with lethal weapons, add them in, don't add them. But until a decision is made, the people arguing against them, need to come up with something better than what they've currently got. Because I for one am sick of being tarred with the gun happy psycho brush. These people arguing against it assume "Every player will take this option, and then it'll take away from their experience and my own!" If this were multiplayer, that'd be a more reasonable view, but this is a singleplayer game, the point of the game being play it your own way, regardless of the tools added. People arguing against lethal weapons need to stop acting like they're concerned about everyone else's experience and just admit they're only concerned about their own. Which means they're concerned they won't be able to resist the urge to kill the fish and that'll offend their delicate sensibilities.
Flayra (Charlie) has said all along subnautica will not have weapons in it and that will never change. I can't see why people feel the need to throw insults on either side. No lethal weapons in Subnautica is the way it is, was and always will be.
As I've said before, it doesn't matter how many times it gets discussed, or how many childish insults people throw at each other, the end result will be the same, No lethal weapons in subnautica.
But i'm going a bit OT, lethal weapons to protect yourself are essential, a knife isn't very useful when there's a Bone Shark coming straight for you...
Weapons? OK! But only simple ones and NO GUNS
Actually, my problem with guns isn't so much that i can't avoid using them. Its the issue that I feel Subnautica is all about exploration, gathering data, observing creatures in nature. Straight up killing power feels out of place in that aspect, and therefore would be no purpose to have a shotgun or BFG 9000. If this was a game where you have to kill oncoming hordes of mutant alien fish, that would be different. This isn't Serious Sam, Killing Floor, DayZ (thank fucking christ for that), or Postal 2. The theme of the game just doesn't match the tone of strictly lethal weapons. As for self preservation, plenty of ways other people have mentioned. Stunrods, gas repellants, floaters, tranqs, and trackers, ect.
Wait... scratch all that. We just use floaters. We make the fish take to the sky and claim the sea for ourselves. Floating fish as far as the eye can see.....
Well actually the propulsion cannon will be replacing trying to catch a fish by hand, so long as they improve the accuracy of it you can catch a fish with out having to sneak behind it
why not just make them motionless to make it real boring id personally prefer the hunt the chase