Further Underwater Base/Cyclops Customization...

CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
So you've got your Seabase or Cyclops Submarine all built and ready to go, but... hmm... that there metal base feels a bit empty and sterile, even with the Fabricator, Workbench, Lockers, etc, in it. But wait a moment...

What if one of the things you could make at the Fabricator - with some Glass and Titanium - was an Underwater Camera. You could then use it to take various pictures of the underwater world and sea life not only for research purposes, but also Camera Picture + Titanium for the Frame + Builder Tool = Pictures of anything in the game that you could place on the walls of your base as easily as you make a storage container.

Additionally, if you have an excess of resources, why not use some Titanium, Glass and the Mineral or Ore you want to display, to make a Titanium Display Case with the raw resource inside. Finally, what about doing something with those fish you can chase and catch besides cooking them. Titanium + Silicone + Glass + Seawater Sample = various sizes of indoor aquarium. 

Also, will fatigue eventually play a role in the game? You should sleep of a night, so a Titanium/Creepvine Fiber bed might be a nice touch. Something even more awesome would be if you could get samples of various plants and use them to make a small garden you could harvest from every so often. Of course, it wouldn't net you as many resources as actually gathering them outside your base, but it'd be a nice touch; that you could grow small coral tubes, tiny creepvines, a few acid mushrooms, etc and maybe get one or two every so often to 'top off' what you've gathered up outside.


  • RobinKumbaSyRobinKumbaSy France Join Date: 2015-05-18 Member: 204615Members
    edited June 2015
    These a great ideas. Good thing is that they are already looking to improve the base building experience. We'll have to wait a bit more to see pure decorative customization, but with the upcoming Moon Pool, the glass corridors, the Observation Room and some new Power Modules, I think we'll be occupied until they release more. 

    Also, you can see on this picture (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/subnautica/images/a/a5/TechChart.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150322233053) that the Aquarium is already in the list. So maybe we'll see it one day.

    I think the developers are pretty much hearing every suggestions that the EA players are giving, and that they will sort them out for sure but implement some, that the majority want. There's hope !

  • JP193JP193 UK Join Date: 2015-05-17 Member: 204597Members
    Picture frames are/were planned... But they turned out to require more time and effort to put in the game than was worth it for how many people would use it.

    Display cases have been mentioned... Haven't heard anything of them in a while but I'm not too excited to show all 1 players in my game proof that I once found copper xD  
    RobinKumbaSy has already mentioned a lot of the other stuff like the aquarium (which WAS spawnable in an early version but just like the workbench it no longer does anything for me.)

    Beds and fatigue have been said a LOT... That's not against you, I'm just saying it happened. I don't think people will want fatigue since people already complain about the needs going too quickly without worrying about another one. BUT a bed would be great decoration and useful for something like skipping time of day ahead.

    Forgotten what the devs called them but planters ARE coming. Likely in the form of glass tubes like a WIP on Sketchfab shows. I would really enjoy farming in safety, it'd be so satisfying in emergencies.  

    I love the possibilities of the game. Although the glass corridors and moon pools are already making me VERY hyped!
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