As a game isn't expected to extend for years ingame, save some cases by players, it would be one source of re-newable energy that could go on for awhile. Maybe requiring a fair bit of rare uranium requiring a exosuit or rad suit to handle and refine into a rod. Could be a good idea
For a time when man has the technology to make dark matter reactors, anti-gravity and matter transmission and storage. I'd think a small fission reactor would be childs play.
Fusion would be better still. It generally runs on hydrogen or lithium, both of which can, at least on earth, be easily extracted from seawater for much less energy than they produce. For a subnautica scenario, it really would be effectively infinite power. I don't really get the idea of a "dark matter reactor", since the definition of dark matter is that it emits no energy .
Id say both fusion and dark matter reactors sit firmly in fiction, since fusion normally only occurs under unbelievably epic circumstances. Either fission or hydrogen generators would be feasible for our survivor. Although we could always go another rout and harness power from the sea. Like from the volcanic vents or even tidal generators.
Well tidal generators would be to be a little too extensive, however fusion power can be generated into controlled spaces, by putting hydrogen under extreme pressure and heat (namely the hot fusion), or since we are in the future, we could go cold fusion!
Fair enough, hot fusion is possible and cold fusion would be neat but if we are going futuristic we could do antimatter or warp reactors (derived from the warpers, not star trek lol)
So you'd have to get around the warpers to collect their DNA.