Public Apology [Long post not for the weak] - Also a Siege Update and brief description etc.
Michigan Join Date: 2005-07-01 Member: 55067Members

Hello, Everyone!
To start this topic off.. lets start with Siege. For anyone not interested in my words, ramblings, blocks of text that stray from left to right. Go ahead and skip down some. This post is for anyone willing to read.
So lets start then right at the obvious. Siege has moved away from -MCG-. Why is this? Simple. MCG paid the bill for Siege from Feburary up until just a few days ago, by my decision. Practically, or basically I should say, It was time!!
Why is it time? Well frankly, this wasn't my decision. IT really wasn't. IT was the community. Forgive me for speaking for them, but basically my "job" is to observe a wave. I get to understand the consensus of the wave. Now if this sounds off topic, it's really not. Because after talking one on one with many individuals (yes, individuals with each different and strong opinion), I became to have the understanding that... Siege is still GROWING.
And when I say siege is GROWING. I'm not exaddering. I have data that acts like credit card data, locked in vaults and protected with antivirus protection. CREDITS. Credits I have set to log players userid, username, and credits amount.
What are CREDITS?
TL;DR of credits: Credits are tied to in-game score. 10 score = 1 credit. At the end of round, players are rewarded bonus credits, with the commander recieving +50% ontop of that bonus (Commanding in siege is REALLY complicated, with many new upgrades, researches, activations and miniscule responsibilities that are continuing-Ly growing.)
So basically, this credits file I have that saves all of this information has grown DRAMATICALLY over the past couple of weeks. IT's detailed information stating with fact how many users there are, how many active users there are, how many inactive (to an extent). Basically the file is so large I have to ctrl+f to find any familiar names I've come to familiarize myself with.
TO stick with the topic of credits. One of my goals with that is to SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, ONE WAY or another find a way to get this information onto a website with detailed rankings, for anyone curious.
And for anyone curious, credits are used for BUYING things! Practically anything in NS2 that a player needs without wanting a commander to drop it for them, can be bought. Armories, Robotics Factories, Arcs, Observatories, PhaseGates, Crags, Whips, Shifts, Shades, Eggs, Onos, 30 second Enzyme (with visual countdown timers), Umbra (with visual countdown timers), EVEN NUTRIENT MIST! Nutrient must honestly must be the #1 purchase aside from Low Gravity because both Low Gravity and Nutrient Mist are very benificial (mostly to Oni, +gestation speed for nutrient mist and Low gravity for Oni hopping onto top ceilings, boy that's a dangerous combination)
OK ok lets continue the ramble for anyone who has made it this far in the reading. Congratulations, you now know more about Siege than 50% of the players that come in stating "This is my first time playing siege", "What are the credits for", "OMG LERKS CAN LERKLIFT?!".
Etc etc you get the point. So I don't know what else to cover about all of that. So lets skip to the Threat title. "Public Apology".
First of all, this isn't about the porn. I'm not apologizing for the porn. Porn is great. I love porn. Porn loves me. Porn and I have lots of fun together. Porn loves you too, and you know it. I grew up in the age of 1999. Where playing Half-Life, playing Team Fortress Classics, playing Sven-Coop and playing Natural Selection. One similar thing all of these GREAT games shared is the ability to have customize-able Spray Paint logos. The beautfy of these Spray Paint logos is that it allowed players to share a glimpse of their personality.
Basically any player would be able to share with another player, in the same game, any ONE picture the said person so desired. So of course during any game you would have a BROAD range of genres sprayed on the walls. Blood, Gore, Anime, Comedy, Ridicule, Politics, basically anything the human imagination can conjure.
So this is the style that I've approached myself with. Expression. Not supression, but pure as free as can be.. expression. Not repression either. Anywho, a stress reliever in these maps I like, or I TRY to do something for myself, as a treat, for doing the "hard work". Something in the map that makes me laugh, or be satisfied, or giggle when other people may react to it (As the power of determining what 24 players SEE is quite a responsibility believe it or not).
Now, My choice where Flowers. Hand-Picked Flowers. As beautiful as the eye can see. Non-degrading, non-hardcore, just pure pictures of hand picked beauty. I love females, I love females naked. Bite me.
So before this goes off topic, lets skip more forwards to the public apology portion. As I am NOT sorry for my actions regarding the porn, in which I am banned for within the workshop for about a week longer, unable to update any map, or any mod. (Which to me seems counter productive, hearing for the first time, not a warning, not a request to remove, but simply a "You have been banned, this item which I have spent HOURS and HOURS of my life on, is now suddenly deleted, banned, hidden without my consent).
So cudos to those who decided on that aspect. TO remove my hard lifes work, which I do not get paid for, which I do not intend on taking original credit for the design of, as much as a revival, contribution.
By the way Siege has a bug and optimization issues that I am unable to address because I'm banned from the workshop. Also siege is banned on the workshop, so there's that. To anyone who wants to debate the topic of siege, why siege is banned on the workshop, that's a whole nother discussion that's had every single time I talk with someone, and as far as I know, there's no real consensus as to why Siege is banned. It just is. The "Reason" it was banned for does not match what the definition of "Ban" is, for example. "Banning" the mod is still "ALLOWING" players to play the content which was offensive enough to "BAN". The server can still RUN THE BANNED CONTENT. THE SERVER CAN STILL RUN THE BANNED CONTENT. Sorry, I had to repeat that. Yes, that's correct. THE SERVER CAN STILL RUN THE BANNED CONTENT, ALL THAT BANNED THE CONTENT DID WAS PREVENT MYSELF FROM BEING ABLE TO UPDATE THE CONTENT DEEMED BANNABLE, IF I WHERE ASKED TO TAKE OUT THE CONTENT, I MAY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO, NOW THAT THE CONTENT IS BANNED, ALL THAT'S DOING IS ALLOWING THE CONTENT TO BE SEEN. Now please, please imagine those capital letters as someone screaming for sanity. Because it really makes no sense.
Now some may claim, "Oh, he's been warned! HE was asked!". No. I wasn't. Correct me if i'm wrong, please. Of course you may bring up to contribute authors. But my philosophy is this: AS hard as it is for someone to believe, I can live up with it, basically this, this is it, you ready? Here we go. Running a mod on a server allows both the players and the server to raid said content. SO that's what I'm doing. Right? Right? I'm running mods, not hard to imagine, that players, and the server can use. Ok Ok Good. We're working together here.
Now now, Siege is banned, because I'm Running Content.. That Is Featured in A mod.. That other servers use.. That's Publicly Stated it's there To Use.. So what I do is use it... and I'm banned for that.
NOW, the response to that is the following "Ok sure, but you could atleast take out the mods inside of siege and run them as a seperate mod." AND "Well fine then other servers can run siege.
Lets explore both of these options shall we? And I beg you to read this post, as hesitant as you are, to get a little inside scoop on my thought process, which I Could happily live with, so If I can just not go through your petty feedback which I've addressed a thousand times, here we go:
"Ok, sure, but you could atleast take out the mods inside fo siege and run them as a seperate mod" - Ok lets address this one. Sure, I can. But holdon for a second. Siege began in September of 2014. A time where running more than one mod meant drastic gambling of if the server will make it or not. If the server will download it, if the server will run it, if the server will say it's compatible with Siege or not.
Ya got that? Good, ok, because I know that 90% of you don't run a server. You don't write mods. Instead you, well, do whatever you do. Anywho, I'm sure that's hard for anyone else to understand. There's alot of factors which say "Ok, this sounds good!".
So within siege, going off memory, I have multiple mods within. Where I attempt to mark my writings, and other writers attempt to mark their writings. But of course this isn't all 100% marked because the priority isn't to mark it as the priority is there to PLAY IT, to WRITE IT, yada yada yada.
Enforced Exo by Scooter
NS2C by Dragon
Badges+ by Ghoul
Pregame+ by Ghoul
But the thing is this, guys, It's this. Above running said mods. Above that, I have modified them to fit in a certain format. Is that where all the chaos is? "How dare he rewrite others work and not give credit to the original authors". Well, If that's how you feel. I apologize. I can see how that comes off that way, especially seeing as Rusty (From what I hear) is doing the same with Siege. My intention is not to *Steal* my intention is not to *take credit*. My intention is to do with Siege with what I am doing with NS2. Modify, Rewrite, Remix, Share with others AND MOST OF ALL, PLAY, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE'RE DOING HERE. WE'RE NOT HERE TO MODIFY THINGS FOR THE SAKE OF MODIFYING THEM. WE'RE HERE TO PLAY THE MODIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATE THE MODIFYING MODS UNTIL THERES NOTHING LEFT TO MODIFY. Please, once again read that with a screaming voice. Thanks.
Now, If some of these authors feel like how I do with "Siege_Unrestricted". Then It took for "Siege_Unrestricted" to come into being to understand the emotion. I don't like "Siege_Unrestricted". Why don't I like it? Others close to me would say because it "Interferes with my vision" (Para-phrasing). with "My vision" being the term that I hear those to a speak to about this scenario, call what this scenario is. "MY Vision" being what "I think siege should be".
Which, I guess, if "my vision" is the correct term, then I'll go with it. How could an external person continue with "Siege_Unrestricted" ? It makes no sense, I say. I say it took a year for Siege to get as is. I say it took a year of hard-earned playtesting to balance out the most balanced version of Siege I've ever seen. I'd say it took a year of balancing the mod to be in sync with the maps that make it the most version of Siege known to date. I say it took the restriction of one server for all players to be at for Siege so the most feedback may be gathered in a concentrated environment and harnessed like a farmer harvesting corn. I say Siege wil no longer continue to exist elsewhere. I say Siege has no chance elsewhere.
I guess that's "My vision", so there is "My Vision". Perhaps the authors felt the same about their mods, before I modified them into siege. Because honestly I do not know how compatible it would be to run the mods extenerally.
Lets start out as to why that is:
Enforced Exo- I do not want to run this externally as I have my own modified version of it to feasture "Regeneration" Exo's, mixed with "Phasegate" exo's, and Scooter, last I checked, has an exploitable command in the public version that he willingly used in Siege, and even brought in friends to exploit it. I've attempted to add Scooter as contributer to siege and he never accepted. I feel I never got his true response as to how he feels about everything.
NS2C by Dragon - There's no way I'm running entirely ns1 settings to siege. You know, I tried. I really did. And I did it on my own without running ns2c. I made my own hmg, crag stack, I made as many things in siege as I could like ns1, even dropp-able arcs, station arcs, having comm chairs built anywhere. I tried these settings after learning on my own and not stealing from ns2c, as much as looking how its done. I would say this mod inspired me the most. This mod I learned practically everything from. I continuously praise Dragon for his work on this genius combination of words that scripting is. I feel Dragon is fine with how I use a modified version of his Acid Rocket and Redemption, and when I say modified, I mean modified. I made them my own. I don't consider them stealing.
I made acid rocket not go through walls, have a different model, sound, have a time limit, I gave it my own balanced damage setting after players screaming how OP the original settings are. I gave it it's own research, biomass ability, I really made it my own. Redemption: This too I made my own, rewrote it only slightly for conveniance where as the basic soul of it is still there.
Badge+ - This one is complicated. It's as if the settings wheren't set right, IT doesn't respond at all, for whatever reason, and attempting to find out why is like attempting to decipher latin. Players LOVE to buy badges in Siege. I have custom badges set to 1,000 credits. It's one of the most popular things. Some may complain that I gave out CDT badges, but hey, I'm willing to work on that. I did it as a joke at first, only because I noted that trying to give out the badge doesn't work without some form of trickery that I was more concerned with solving the trickery than actually give myself a CDT badge.
But I've been told that it's Badges+ that deemed Siege as "Copyright" (Or whatever the reason may be, steam never said, but I heard by ear it's copyright.) So basically Siege is banned, which accomplishes nothing more than it not being able to be updated for bugs, or for even being able to remove badges+ from the mod and run it externally, for example. Which I'm ok with. I'm ok with running badges+ externally now that I know Ghoul wants me to. But now that the mod is banned, I can't do this, it's stuck in there, and Siege is... Well, You really think Siege is gonna stay banned? I'm stressed with that because it hides all of my change logs. I musta had a thousand or two or five changelogs dating back to last september. And now that's hidden. A year of my life, of working day to night, just plain hidden.
Obviously the players want it. Obviously the players donating $300 in a single day to fund the new Siege Server, for another 4 months says something. So If you, if you really want CDT to be banned, then something has to be done about the donations that are locked into NFOservers now. Because the players don't want another boring vanilla NS2 server with that money. They want me to continue what I'm doing with Siege. And I'm sorry if you don't see it that way. But i'm onto something right here, so you better listen up. I'm not taking the blame for having these donations not being able to be run on a Siege server just because it was deemed not worthy to be ran. Nor the players or I will take that. If anything, I apologize to the players that have to suffer. I apologize for the players that I can no longer babysit with hot fixes, map updates, siege updates, that I have so spoiled them with.
I apologize that I can't optimize siege for the time being to reduce any of your lag, or prevent hot-fixes, and I apologize for that.
So aside from that, from the porn, the ban, the yada yada yada. I guess i'm writing here, for anyone interested, to share a feeling that occured when discussing something with someone during some time or another. And that's my attitude of being animal. Of outright having these outrageous outburts that are extremely personal, filled with hatred, burning with desire.
I really have no excuse for this attitude. But I can say this as to why I have this behavior. The position I am in is very stressful. But I love it, I wouldn't change it for anything. I fight everyday to maintain it. I struggle everyday. I have many problems, flaws, things I can't explain. We all do, it's how we relate, it's no secret. That's just how humans are in this world, in this day and age, in this time.
To rusty, To Nom, To who else? Decoy, really anyone in the server I gag without warning, or unconsciously ridicule. My position isn't to be offensive, be rude, or to harm anyone. My intention is not to be mean, rude, crude, or bash anyone. I'm honestly sorry for anyone and everyone that I may treat not as a human being but as a point for my frustration to be vented torwards. I honestly am. Just please don't censor me though. That's all I ask. For my opinion to be heard. You're willing to decipher it in any way you deem necessary, just as I am feeling it necessary to express myself. Because if I hold it in, then I just explode.
I have trouble reading feedback that's not raw. IF someone covers up themself. I know it instantly, I life off of raw feedback. I want it to hurt, I want you to tell me how you feel, I want you to not hold back. So this is what I was doing. And it's what I ask for.
So lets end this topic with that before I get too off topic. I really am unsure how many of you will read this. How many of you will skip it, or even if it will be censored, banned, deleted, or read as I intended it to be.
So that's my public apology.
Oh also, one more thing. - a new forum to match the new siege box!
To start this topic off.. lets start with Siege. For anyone not interested in my words, ramblings, blocks of text that stray from left to right. Go ahead and skip down some. This post is for anyone willing to read.
So lets start then right at the obvious. Siege has moved away from -MCG-. Why is this? Simple. MCG paid the bill for Siege from Feburary up until just a few days ago, by my decision. Practically, or basically I should say, It was time!!
Why is it time? Well frankly, this wasn't my decision. IT really wasn't. IT was the community. Forgive me for speaking for them, but basically my "job" is to observe a wave. I get to understand the consensus of the wave. Now if this sounds off topic, it's really not. Because after talking one on one with many individuals (yes, individuals with each different and strong opinion), I became to have the understanding that... Siege is still GROWING.
And when I say siege is GROWING. I'm not exaddering. I have data that acts like credit card data, locked in vaults and protected with antivirus protection. CREDITS. Credits I have set to log players userid, username, and credits amount.
What are CREDITS?
TL;DR of credits: Credits are tied to in-game score. 10 score = 1 credit. At the end of round, players are rewarded bonus credits, with the commander recieving +50% ontop of that bonus (Commanding in siege is REALLY complicated, with many new upgrades, researches, activations and miniscule responsibilities that are continuing-Ly growing.)
So basically, this credits file I have that saves all of this information has grown DRAMATICALLY over the past couple of weeks. IT's detailed information stating with fact how many users there are, how many active users there are, how many inactive (to an extent). Basically the file is so large I have to ctrl+f to find any familiar names I've come to familiarize myself with.
TO stick with the topic of credits. One of my goals with that is to SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, ONE WAY or another find a way to get this information onto a website with detailed rankings, for anyone curious.
And for anyone curious, credits are used for BUYING things! Practically anything in NS2 that a player needs without wanting a commander to drop it for them, can be bought. Armories, Robotics Factories, Arcs, Observatories, PhaseGates, Crags, Whips, Shifts, Shades, Eggs, Onos, 30 second Enzyme (with visual countdown timers), Umbra (with visual countdown timers), EVEN NUTRIENT MIST! Nutrient must honestly must be the #1 purchase aside from Low Gravity because both Low Gravity and Nutrient Mist are very benificial (mostly to Oni, +gestation speed for nutrient mist and Low gravity for Oni hopping onto top ceilings, boy that's a dangerous combination)
OK ok lets continue the ramble for anyone who has made it this far in the reading. Congratulations, you now know more about Siege than 50% of the players that come in stating "This is my first time playing siege", "What are the credits for", "OMG LERKS CAN LERKLIFT?!".
Etc etc you get the point. So I don't know what else to cover about all of that. So lets skip to the Threat title. "Public Apology".
First of all, this isn't about the porn. I'm not apologizing for the porn. Porn is great. I love porn. Porn loves me. Porn and I have lots of fun together. Porn loves you too, and you know it. I grew up in the age of 1999. Where playing Half-Life, playing Team Fortress Classics, playing Sven-Coop and playing Natural Selection. One similar thing all of these GREAT games shared is the ability to have customize-able Spray Paint logos. The beautfy of these Spray Paint logos is that it allowed players to share a glimpse of their personality.
Basically any player would be able to share with another player, in the same game, any ONE picture the said person so desired. So of course during any game you would have a BROAD range of genres sprayed on the walls. Blood, Gore, Anime, Comedy, Ridicule, Politics, basically anything the human imagination can conjure.
So this is the style that I've approached myself with. Expression. Not supression, but pure as free as can be.. expression. Not repression either. Anywho, a stress reliever in these maps I like, or I TRY to do something for myself, as a treat, for doing the "hard work". Something in the map that makes me laugh, or be satisfied, or giggle when other people may react to it (As the power of determining what 24 players SEE is quite a responsibility believe it or not).
Now, My choice where Flowers. Hand-Picked Flowers. As beautiful as the eye can see. Non-degrading, non-hardcore, just pure pictures of hand picked beauty. I love females, I love females naked. Bite me.
So before this goes off topic, lets skip more forwards to the public apology portion. As I am NOT sorry for my actions regarding the porn, in which I am banned for within the workshop for about a week longer, unable to update any map, or any mod. (Which to me seems counter productive, hearing for the first time, not a warning, not a request to remove, but simply a "You have been banned, this item which I have spent HOURS and HOURS of my life on, is now suddenly deleted, banned, hidden without my consent).
So cudos to those who decided on that aspect. TO remove my hard lifes work, which I do not get paid for, which I do not intend on taking original credit for the design of, as much as a revival, contribution.
By the way Siege has a bug and optimization issues that I am unable to address because I'm banned from the workshop. Also siege is banned on the workshop, so there's that. To anyone who wants to debate the topic of siege, why siege is banned on the workshop, that's a whole nother discussion that's had every single time I talk with someone, and as far as I know, there's no real consensus as to why Siege is banned. It just is. The "Reason" it was banned for does not match what the definition of "Ban" is, for example. "Banning" the mod is still "ALLOWING" players to play the content which was offensive enough to "BAN". The server can still RUN THE BANNED CONTENT. THE SERVER CAN STILL RUN THE BANNED CONTENT. Sorry, I had to repeat that. Yes, that's correct. THE SERVER CAN STILL RUN THE BANNED CONTENT, ALL THAT BANNED THE CONTENT DID WAS PREVENT MYSELF FROM BEING ABLE TO UPDATE THE CONTENT DEEMED BANNABLE, IF I WHERE ASKED TO TAKE OUT THE CONTENT, I MAY HAVE BEEN ABLE TO, NOW THAT THE CONTENT IS BANNED, ALL THAT'S DOING IS ALLOWING THE CONTENT TO BE SEEN. Now please, please imagine those capital letters as someone screaming for sanity. Because it really makes no sense.
Now some may claim, "Oh, he's been warned! HE was asked!". No. I wasn't. Correct me if i'm wrong, please. Of course you may bring up to contribute authors. But my philosophy is this: AS hard as it is for someone to believe, I can live up with it, basically this, this is it, you ready? Here we go. Running a mod on a server allows both the players and the server to raid said content. SO that's what I'm doing. Right? Right? I'm running mods, not hard to imagine, that players, and the server can use. Ok Ok Good. We're working together here.
Now now, Siege is banned, because I'm Running Content.. That Is Featured in A mod.. That other servers use.. That's Publicly Stated it's there To Use.. So what I do is use it... and I'm banned for that.
NOW, the response to that is the following "Ok sure, but you could atleast take out the mods inside of siege and run them as a seperate mod." AND "Well fine then other servers can run siege.
Lets explore both of these options shall we? And I beg you to read this post, as hesitant as you are, to get a little inside scoop on my thought process, which I Could happily live with, so If I can just not go through your petty feedback which I've addressed a thousand times, here we go:
"Ok, sure, but you could atleast take out the mods inside fo siege and run them as a seperate mod" - Ok lets address this one. Sure, I can. But holdon for a second. Siege began in September of 2014. A time where running more than one mod meant drastic gambling of if the server will make it or not. If the server will download it, if the server will run it, if the server will say it's compatible with Siege or not.
Ya got that? Good, ok, because I know that 90% of you don't run a server. You don't write mods. Instead you, well, do whatever you do. Anywho, I'm sure that's hard for anyone else to understand. There's alot of factors which say "Ok, this sounds good!".
So within siege, going off memory, I have multiple mods within. Where I attempt to mark my writings, and other writers attempt to mark their writings. But of course this isn't all 100% marked because the priority isn't to mark it as the priority is there to PLAY IT, to WRITE IT, yada yada yada.
Enforced Exo by Scooter
NS2C by Dragon
Badges+ by Ghoul
Pregame+ by Ghoul
But the thing is this, guys, It's this. Above running said mods. Above that, I have modified them to fit in a certain format. Is that where all the chaos is? "How dare he rewrite others work and not give credit to the original authors". Well, If that's how you feel. I apologize. I can see how that comes off that way, especially seeing as Rusty (From what I hear) is doing the same with Siege. My intention is not to *Steal* my intention is not to *take credit*. My intention is to do with Siege with what I am doing with NS2. Modify, Rewrite, Remix, Share with others AND MOST OF ALL, PLAY, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE'RE DOING HERE. WE'RE NOT HERE TO MODIFY THINGS FOR THE SAKE OF MODIFYING THEM. WE'RE HERE TO PLAY THE MODIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATE THE MODIFYING MODS UNTIL THERES NOTHING LEFT TO MODIFY. Please, once again read that with a screaming voice. Thanks.
Now, If some of these authors feel like how I do with "Siege_Unrestricted". Then It took for "Siege_Unrestricted" to come into being to understand the emotion. I don't like "Siege_Unrestricted". Why don't I like it? Others close to me would say because it "Interferes with my vision" (Para-phrasing). with "My vision" being the term that I hear those to a speak to about this scenario, call what this scenario is. "MY Vision" being what "I think siege should be".
Which, I guess, if "my vision" is the correct term, then I'll go with it. How could an external person continue with "Siege_Unrestricted" ? It makes no sense, I say. I say it took a year for Siege to get as is. I say it took a year of hard-earned playtesting to balance out the most balanced version of Siege I've ever seen. I'd say it took a year of balancing the mod to be in sync with the maps that make it the most version of Siege known to date. I say it took the restriction of one server for all players to be at for Siege so the most feedback may be gathered in a concentrated environment and harnessed like a farmer harvesting corn. I say Siege wil no longer continue to exist elsewhere. I say Siege has no chance elsewhere.
I guess that's "My vision", so there is "My Vision". Perhaps the authors felt the same about their mods, before I modified them into siege. Because honestly I do not know how compatible it would be to run the mods extenerally.
Lets start out as to why that is:
Enforced Exo- I do not want to run this externally as I have my own modified version of it to feasture "Regeneration" Exo's, mixed with "Phasegate" exo's, and Scooter, last I checked, has an exploitable command in the public version that he willingly used in Siege, and even brought in friends to exploit it. I've attempted to add Scooter as contributer to siege and he never accepted. I feel I never got his true response as to how he feels about everything.
NS2C by Dragon - There's no way I'm running entirely ns1 settings to siege. You know, I tried. I really did. And I did it on my own without running ns2c. I made my own hmg, crag stack, I made as many things in siege as I could like ns1, even dropp-able arcs, station arcs, having comm chairs built anywhere. I tried these settings after learning on my own and not stealing from ns2c, as much as looking how its done. I would say this mod inspired me the most. This mod I learned practically everything from. I continuously praise Dragon for his work on this genius combination of words that scripting is. I feel Dragon is fine with how I use a modified version of his Acid Rocket and Redemption, and when I say modified, I mean modified. I made them my own. I don't consider them stealing.
I made acid rocket not go through walls, have a different model, sound, have a time limit, I gave it my own balanced damage setting after players screaming how OP the original settings are. I gave it it's own research, biomass ability, I really made it my own. Redemption: This too I made my own, rewrote it only slightly for conveniance where as the basic soul of it is still there.
Badge+ - This one is complicated. It's as if the settings wheren't set right, IT doesn't respond at all, for whatever reason, and attempting to find out why is like attempting to decipher latin. Players LOVE to buy badges in Siege. I have custom badges set to 1,000 credits. It's one of the most popular things. Some may complain that I gave out CDT badges, but hey, I'm willing to work on that. I did it as a joke at first, only because I noted that trying to give out the badge doesn't work without some form of trickery that I was more concerned with solving the trickery than actually give myself a CDT badge.
But I've been told that it's Badges+ that deemed Siege as "Copyright" (Or whatever the reason may be, steam never said, but I heard by ear it's copyright.) So basically Siege is banned, which accomplishes nothing more than it not being able to be updated for bugs, or for even being able to remove badges+ from the mod and run it externally, for example. Which I'm ok with. I'm ok with running badges+ externally now that I know Ghoul wants me to. But now that the mod is banned, I can't do this, it's stuck in there, and Siege is... Well, You really think Siege is gonna stay banned? I'm stressed with that because it hides all of my change logs. I musta had a thousand or two or five changelogs dating back to last september. And now that's hidden. A year of my life, of working day to night, just plain hidden.
Obviously the players want it. Obviously the players donating $300 in a single day to fund the new Siege Server, for another 4 months says something. So If you, if you really want CDT to be banned, then something has to be done about the donations that are locked into NFOservers now. Because the players don't want another boring vanilla NS2 server with that money. They want me to continue what I'm doing with Siege. And I'm sorry if you don't see it that way. But i'm onto something right here, so you better listen up. I'm not taking the blame for having these donations not being able to be run on a Siege server just because it was deemed not worthy to be ran. Nor the players or I will take that. If anything, I apologize to the players that have to suffer. I apologize for the players that I can no longer babysit with hot fixes, map updates, siege updates, that I have so spoiled them with.
I apologize that I can't optimize siege for the time being to reduce any of your lag, or prevent hot-fixes, and I apologize for that.
So aside from that, from the porn, the ban, the yada yada yada. I guess i'm writing here, for anyone interested, to share a feeling that occured when discussing something with someone during some time or another. And that's my attitude of being animal. Of outright having these outrageous outburts that are extremely personal, filled with hatred, burning with desire.
I really have no excuse for this attitude. But I can say this as to why I have this behavior. The position I am in is very stressful. But I love it, I wouldn't change it for anything. I fight everyday to maintain it. I struggle everyday. I have many problems, flaws, things I can't explain. We all do, it's how we relate, it's no secret. That's just how humans are in this world, in this day and age, in this time.
To rusty, To Nom, To who else? Decoy, really anyone in the server I gag without warning, or unconsciously ridicule. My position isn't to be offensive, be rude, or to harm anyone. My intention is not to be mean, rude, crude, or bash anyone. I'm honestly sorry for anyone and everyone that I may treat not as a human being but as a point for my frustration to be vented torwards. I honestly am. Just please don't censor me though. That's all I ask. For my opinion to be heard. You're willing to decipher it in any way you deem necessary, just as I am feeling it necessary to express myself. Because if I hold it in, then I just explode.
I have trouble reading feedback that's not raw. IF someone covers up themself. I know it instantly, I life off of raw feedback. I want it to hurt, I want you to tell me how you feel, I want you to not hold back. So this is what I was doing. And it's what I ask for.
So lets end this topic with that before I get too off topic. I really am unsure how many of you will read this. How many of you will skip it, or even if it will be censored, banned, deleted, or read as I intended it to be.
So that's my public apology.
Oh also, one more thing. - a new forum to match the new siege box!
No but seriously, why is there porn in your mod?
Not including credits for the work in your mod made by other people goes against their own copyright.
Not including the MIT Licence, which is required under a number of the mods used by yourself goes against the MIT Licence and is illegal.
You're lucky Steam have not banned your account.
Was it the onos humping in the disco room?
Was it the titty rooms? Ah shit, it was the titty rooms wasnt it?
Who is Scooter by the way?
Scatter's alter-ego
You need to take responsibility for what has happened which are direct results of the choices YOU made.
Regarding Siege, updating the mod multiple times per day in an attempt to balance things is generally the wrong approach. Barring major balance issues you shouldn't be making changes that fast, you will never be able to develop a good baseline of where the game is. I have played rounds of Siege, and honestly the thing you praise the most in this thread (credits) is probably the most unbalanced aspect of the entire mod. Also, taking ideas or weapons from other mods and slapping them in without other supporting changes just lends to balance issues. Its not impossible nor any more difficult to balance a mod run on 1 server or 100. More players/servers make for more games, and that alone gives you more data points.
In the end, Siege is a MOD for a niche game.. learn some humility.
The only times you've been censored on these forums are when you have been downright rude & unfriendly. And in those cases, I removed the places that you called people names without altering the core meaning of your messages.
If you put porn in your mods, you'll have to deal with Valve and their rulings.
You can't come into somebody else's house and get angry when they ask you not to put your feet on the table.
OP makes mod
Borrows (read steals) code from other mods and slaps it in his mod
People get mad but it's like meh whatever right?
OP throws tantrum #1
Mod becomes somewhat 'popular'
OP denies other server operators the ability to run their own server with said mod on it
OP throws tantrum #2
OP issues apology
Some time passes
OP makes mods that have porn in them of some description?
Valve ban mod and OP from workshop for 10 days?
And that brings us to here...
Am I missing anything?