Should there be a hardcap on Observatories?
asd Join Date: 2015-08-11 Member: 207026Members

Late game, when Aliens are cornered (GL spam, exo's etc.) practically their only option is the sneak a tunnel by and rush a base with gorges to either kill that base or distract the marines from the front and take out those forward bases. However, once in a while, a smart Marine Commander comes along and places observatories down everywhere (for only 10 res a pop) and shuts down any sneaking by.
This is smart of the Commander, but it gives the Aliens zero incentive to play on as there is nothing they can do at all and mostly these games end in a premature concede. Should there be a hardcap on obs (maybe 2 per CC or X amount per map), to give Aliens a fighting chance late game when cornered?
This is smart of the Commander, but it gives the Aliens zero incentive to play on as there is nothing they can do at all and mostly these games end in a premature concede. Should there be a hardcap on obs (maybe 2 per CC or X amount per map), to give Aliens a fighting chance late game when cornered?
Either way, if the marine team has enough res AND enough time to get all the upgrades, and then cover the map in observatories, your optimum chance for a lone sneaky GT comeback has long passed.
A comeback in this situation would be well-deserved, for surely it would require the coordination of skulks biting obs down to make blind spots for gorgie to get through, or at the very least parasiting all the obs so the blind spots are evident on the map. Its quite possible to pull this off (ignoring the fact your team has been outplayed to the point where they're stuckered in base).
If you're going to declare a hard cap on observatories, may as well hard cap crags, shifts etc. "How are marines meant to comeback when the entire alien team has fully upgraded onosseseses and cloaked heal/energy/whipdeath stations at every corner?" The answer is, they're not meant to comeback from that. Which makes it all the more impressive when it does happen.
A further point- obs or no obs, a bad team will miss stray aliens; a good marine team will make life very hard for the stray aliens, but they are by no means unbeatable.
It's been 10 for both for as long as I can remember. Apart from that I agree with you.
Better make an incentive for the marines to build a second base. It may help the Aliens delay some specific upgrades on the Marine side. Actually there is close to no incentive on that.
It's equivalent to create obs everywhere (price).
I often (if not always) see myself (as commander) not able to build a 2nd base. Usually it's already too late for the aliens. I still do like to have a backup. Especially when the Marines I have are god like aim but not really the smartest guys in the room.
Also :
Don't think so. Time for wasting 10 minutes+ playing a depressing loss because someone on the alien team hopes that some pubnub is in the com chair and won't see a rush, or for some miraculous comeback. Over and over and over.
Because "dude, I've come back from worse than this."
Yeah it's not nearly as fun to turtle as aliens than it is with marines.
Observatories aren't on the unit cap for marines. Armories, Factories, Macs, Arcs, and Sentries/batteries are, but not obs.
What he describes is the only chance for aliens to win there in 80% of the games:
"Sneaky tunnel near base, 14 gorges into the base and its gg"
Looks like the coms there have react to this, congrats.
And btw, no matter on what server:
The situation you described is just gg, marines win.
Aliens didnt deserve to win only by placing lucky tunnels again and again.
To answer your question:
Thats not true, the is a global number wich indicates the max ammount of structures, obs incl.
If you reach this number and its red, you cant build structures anymore.
I personally like it. I have had times, not many, that I have hit 200 res as marines. You can argue all you want, that you should never be in that scenario, but I have been before. I have built extra obs and arms labs, just to bank res. Then recycle them when I need to. I have only seen this happen in crazy long stale mate games.
It honestly has always bothered me that aliens don't have something equivalent. When you get to that res cap, your just at that res cap and can't do anything about it. At least it is asymmetric.
Drop weapons, drop lifeform eggs, do something remotely useful. I have a hard time believing you could sit at 200 when all the marines have every weapon they need/want, jetpacks, med/ammo/catpack support, arcs/macs where appropriate, and you STILL haven't won yet.
If you got into that position to begin with, you should lose. It meant your fades and onos didn't do their job properly but gorges are gorges on higher pop servers.
it's 21vs21
Correct, the amount of times I've gathered 2 like minded skilled gorges to do a rush with me is innumerable, the amount of times we've changed the outcome of a "certain" loss is laughable at best!
Gorge rush ftw!