"Some" crafting items and tech progression ideas
US Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207202Members
These are "some" things that I thought would be neat to craft and see in game, that would expand how we progress tech wise also how we interact and explore the world. These things would also allow the addition of a few new features to, that could effect gameplay in varying ways depending on difficulty. For example the player can suffer from the bends if they dive or raise to the surface to quickly from depth well swimming. This would allow the player to need something like the Diving Helmet to counteract this if they want to move between depths rapidly. Well something like the integration of weather could effect your seabase by have waves crash into it or currents putting more force against the structure, thus reinforcement and pumps become more important. But bad weather could also damage your surface vessels to if you wish to brave the storm. Also depth can be made more dangerous so know you need a diving suit or something else and not a wetsuit if you wish to go down past say 250m outside a sub or base. Well Seabases lose hull integrity as you go deeper thus more reinforcements and bulkheads are needed to counter-act the pressure. And at areas like the Lava Zone you need reinforced seabase structures since normal ones will just implode from the pressure.
*Note going to mention things involving growing and cooking since those have already been mentioned pretty well.
>> Anyways crafted materials with their recipes and explanation for recipe. *Note using raw and processed materials in game already and aren't experimental. This just makes everything simpler to understood.
-Pontoon, would be used to construct surface ships and platforms. Recipe would be 2 Floaters (or 4 Airsacks) and 1 Silicon, reason would be the floaters (or Airsacks) would act as well the floating part and the silicon would bind it all together and shape it.
-Small Engine, would be used to propel small and medium boats also small subs like the seamoth. Would require 2 Copper Wire, 2 Silicon, and 1 Battery, the reason for those materials is I'm assuming they are using a type of magnetic propulsion thus you'd have the wires making a coil around silicon tube/funnel with a battery providing power or something like that. Or maybe they are just water jets.
-Large Engine, used to propel large boats and subs. Requires 4 Copper Wire, 1 Wiring kit, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 1 Power Cell, and 3 Silicon. Same reason as the small engine just needs more stuff to make as well as more power and a way to manage that power.
-Water Filter, used to both purify and desalinate water as part for Water Desalination System. Requires 2 Titanium, 1 Gold, 3 Coral Chunks, and 1 Silicon. Reason coral and silicon would form filter/membrane, well the gold would be protective layer against oxidation and titanium would hold it all together.
-Reinforced Structural Plate, Used to construct very deep seabases for areas like the lava zone since normal bases would instantly be crushed. Requires 3 titanium and 1 Lithium. Reason meant to be the same recipe as the reinforced panel but instead used to build seabase structures.
-Reinforced Composite Glass, used to make windows for deep ocean bases as well as subs. Requires 3 Enameled Glass, 1 Titanium, and 1 Lithium. Reason is the glass in layered then framed and given a plasteel alloy (titanium lithium) mesh on both sides.
-Camera, used in construction of deep sea drone and deep sea sub. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 1 Silicon, 1 Quartz, and 1 Wiring kit. Reason the computer chip and wiring kit form the circuits well the quartz makes the lens and the silicon is the housing.
-Ballast Tank, used to make submarines since without they are boats or sinking chunks of metal with an engine. Requires 3 Titanium and 1 gold. Reason is the titanium forms the tank and the gold is to protect against oxidation.
-Electric Motor, use to create object like pumps and other items. Requires 2 Copper Wire and 1 Titanium. Reason the copper wires have power go through them creating magnetic field with turns shaft, well titanium forms housing and such.
-Diving Bell, Would be module for boat that would give player a portable air pocket down in the deeps but can only deep to say 100m max. Materials needed would be 2 Titanium, 2 Lead, and 4 Creepvines. Titanium would form hull well the lead would keep it down and the vines would well be the rope.
-Diving Helmet, allows the player infinite air well under water but limits players ability to travel to far since they are attached to a boat by umbilical cord with they receive air through. Note when using player can't carry air tanks but unlike diving bell can go down as far as 200m or 200m of path from boat. Would require 1 Glass, 2 Titanium, 4 Silicon, and 6 Creepvines. The glass would form the viewing port well the titanium forms the helmet also the attachment point to boat, and the silicon and vines would form the breathing tube. *Note to use you first put on helmet then attach air hose to boat, after that you can begin your dive.
-Anchor, module that keeps boat in place so you don't surface to find it floated away. Require 2 Titanium and 1 Lead, self explanatory this one.
-Pump, used to remove water from base, boat, or submarine as long as flooding exists also is used to craft other items. Requires 2 Titanium, 1 Electric Motor, and 1 Gold. Reasons, titanium forms the housing and pipe as the gold forms a protective layer to counter oxidation and the electric motor moves the water through the pipes. *Note pump will only drain water from near by areas and not the entire sub or structure. Also using up power when it's active.
-Transceiver, used to wirelessly receive data from devices the player have placed around the world. Require 3 Copper Wire, 2 Titanium, 2 Computer Chip, 1 Advance Wiring kit, 1 Wiring Kit, and 2 Silicon. Reason for the Copper wire is to form the array that collect the radio waves which is supported with titanium, well the computer chips, wiring kits, and silicon form the computer thermal you access. *Note this place using a builder inside a base or made into a module for your vehicle. If it's a base object you recover data from the transceiver terminal but if vehicle object you use already existing terminals.
-Electrolyzer, would be used to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen allowing subs and underwater bases to replenish their oxygen supply without needing the surface and also possibly use extra oxygen and the unused hydrogen for something. This would again expand sub construction but also add more to base building, since right now there isn't much there and nothing needs to be watched over. Anyways to craft this as base object or crafted object you will need 3 Gold, 1 Titanium, and 1 Wiring kit. Reason for the gold is it doesn't oxidize thus would be used to as the electrodes and to coat inside of tank and tubing, well titanium would be holding it together and wiring kit would allow power to go where it's needed and be managed. *Note system always uses power unless turned off, but if turned off oxygen levels will slowly drop (oxygen amount varies base don size of base or sub).
-Water Desalination System, base object that would pump sea water through filter/membrane and create clean drinking water as long as it is powered. Requires 1 Titanium ingot, 2 Pumps, 2 Water Filters, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 1 Wiring Kit, and 1 Gold. Reasoning the titanium ingot would be needed do to the force of the water being pumped through the system, well the advance wiring kit and wiring kit would manage the power to the system, and the filters and pump do what they do. *Note System creates about 80 Units of water a day (as 2 separate 40 unit water containers) also it's always using up power, but it can be turned off and back on.
-Item Crane, module for medium and large boat that lower a container to the players depths allow them to place gathered items into it and there for stay down longer and collect more. Requires 2 Titanium and 6 CreepVines. Reason titanium forms container and vines make the rope. *Note would have the storage space of a small locker also so you know where it is as it's deployed it will have a beacon on itself. Another thing once filled it will auto return and lock to ship until you empty it and redeploy it.
-Exosuit Reinforcement, allows exosuit to not only go past the seamoth in depth but also be able to reach the lava zone without being crushed. Requires 3 Reinforced Structural Plates and 1 Reinforced Composite Glass. Reason These items are meant to be for things that operate at such depth thus would just increase structural strength. *Note upgrade would reduce the size of the glass viewing port on the exosuit, since it's a structural weakness.
-Diving Weight, would be used to allow the player to rapidly descend thus a reverse air bladder. This would need 1 Lead and 2 Airsacks. Reasoning would be the lead would pull you down but not until you fill the ballast tanks which would take away it's neutral buoyancy.
-Fishing Net, Item can be used actively by player or attached to boat for passive fish catching. Would require 3 Creepvines and 3 Coral Chunks. Vines would form the netting well the Coral Chunk would be the weight dropping it drop onto the fish or hang off from the boat.
-Radar Balloon, a balloon that is launched and used to scan the ocean for islands and other object at surface level or above. Requires 4 Silicon, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 2 Computer Chip, 1 Wiring Kit, and 1 Power Cell. Silicon would form the balloon and also small housing for parts, well the rest would form the radar unit and transmitter which the power cell would keep going. *Note in order to receive data your cyclops, large boat, and/or base would need Transceiver Module. Also once launched balloon is gone and can't be recovered, because it a bit to high up to grab.
-Sonar Buoy, Used to scan and map the ocean floor but has limited range there for multiple units would be needed to form complete map. Requires 3 Silicon, 1 Computer Chip, 1 Advance Wiring Kits, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Power Cell. Silicon forms speaker and microphone along with Copper wire, which are controlled by the computer chip and connect with the advance wiring kit. Silicon also forms ballast so it doesn't sink or always float up, well power cell uses magic to summon spirits which map the ocean. *Note like radar balloon, data can't be recovered unless you have transceiver except since these are buoys you can manually collect the data. Also do to these using sonar they could attract animals with the sound, so might find sharks near them or a reaper or just fish.
-Mining Charge, Useful for "gently" moving rocks blocking caves out of the way or just making a hole in the ground or base. Requires 2 Crash Powder and 1 Salt. Reason would be the salt was broken down into sodium which is used to set off the crash powder, making a simple chemical explosive. *Note can't be thrown only placed and goes off 5 seconds after being placed, this is so people can't attack with them but these will stun animals (for maybe 5-10 seconds) that are near and kill if the animal if it's right ontop of it.
-Lure, attracts nearby animals using sound it can be used for escaping or drawing a predator way from resources. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 2 Silicon, and 1 Battery. Reason is the silicon would form the body and speakers, well the computer chip would send the date for the sounds as this is being powered by the battery. *Note Reaper Levitation will eat this device well others will just bump it around or grab it and move it a short distance.
-Map, it's a map. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 1 Silicon, and 1 Quartz. Reason the computer would hold the data and display it on the quartz screen which is all held in a silicon case.
-Seabase Constructor Module, this would replace the normal constructor and make it into a seabase object that uses power. Recipe would remain the same just it's built with the builder it's built and attached to the seabase like a hatch. Using it would be the same just go up to it and left click to access and then select what you want. If you don't have enough power or resources to complete build it will just leave it like it would if you were using a builder and ran out of materials. That way you can just wait for the power to build up or give it the remaining resources.
-Small Dock, floating platform that is about the size of a room that will charge docked boats and can have lockers built onto it. Requires 4 pontoons, 4 titanium, 1 Silicon, 1 Battery and 1 Quartz. Reason pontoons make it float as the titanium form the structure with the silicon and the quartz and some titanium are used to make a solar panel for charging the battery storage. *Note to build this you need to use the builder, also once placed it doesn't move aside from a slight bobbing from waves. Only small and medium boats can dock with it and only 1 of each. Should be noted it recharges things very slowly do to it's one solar panel.
-Reinforced Seabases, same recipes are the normal ones but instead uses reinforced structural plates in place of titanium and reinforced composite glass in place of enameled glass and glass.
-Remote Controlled Submarine, a cheap remotely operate sub that can be docked to a seabase, cyclops, or medium sub and controlled from within the sub it was last docked to. This is meant to gather material at extreme depths where it stores said items in an internal storage bay, that can be emptied when it's docked. Requires 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Small Engine, 1 Enameled Glass, 1 Camera, 1 Power Cell, 1 Ballast Tank, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Computer Chip. Reason the Plasteel forms the hull and storage neither of which are pressurized, well the enameled glass protects the camera with a very thick layer so you can see. The copper wire and computer chip deal with transmitting and receiving data and controlling the sub. And the engine and ballast tank provide control well power cell supply's wishful thinking. *Note this sub have 1/3 the operating time of the Seamoth, moves at about 50-60% of it's speed, and can only operate within 200 meters of player. But it's slightly smaller then the seamoth, stronger to, can be used to gather materials, and has 96 inventory slots to store those gathered materials in. *Note this is what you would use to gather materials down in the lowest levels of the lava zone and other extremely deep areas, that even the upgraded exosuit can't reach all in order to get the rarest stuff I would think. To Control it all you would have to do is order it to undock through a terminal in the sub or moonpool, which you would also use to remotely access it.
-Medium Submarine, Used to go down to the lava zone without being crushed and can carry reinforced exosuit or remote control submarine to extreme depths. Requires 1 Large Engine, 4 Ballast Tanks, 2 Cameras, 1 Reinforced Composite Glass, 4 Plasteel Ingots, 2 Reinforced Structural Plates, 2 Advance Wiring Kit, and 1 Computer Chip. Reason for the cameras and the composite glass is so you can see whats going on since there will be no windows for structural reasons. The Plasteel and Plates are to allow it to withstand the massive pressure, well the engine and ballast tanks control movement and depth. Also the wiring kits and the computer chip managed the electronics and all that. *Note this sub would be about half the size of the cyclops and move about the same speed maybe 1-2 knots faster. Also since this sub is meant to be where there is little to no light it has a number of light sources on it to illuminate the path or sea floor. Can dock to seabases if they is a docking hatch on the bottom of the seabase.
-Small Boat, very cheap and fast surface craft great for going places on or near the surface over a distance but thats about it. Requires 2 Pontoons, battery, and 1 Small Engine. Reason impossible to explain how those things make a boat. Note would be twice as fast as seamoth and use a lot less power, but all you can do with it is move around and hang 1 fishing net off it. Also it's built using maybe the Builder which the medium boat will be built with to.
-Medium Boat, decent speed and size great for earlier deep water exploration (100-200m) also you can place a few storage locker on it along with fabricator if you have solar upgrade for it or enjoy making powercells. Requires 6 Titanium, 2 Small Engines, 1 lubricant, 1 Power cell, and 3 Pontoons. Reason would be the titanium would form the hull and internal structure well the pontoons add additional buoyancy, as for the power cell it powers the 2 small engines. *Note this would be about 10-20% faster then seamoth since it's a surface vessel and would be the size of a room or just a bit bigger. Also the benefit of this would be the player can use the diving bell and diving helmet from this boat, both items greatly expanding how far and they can explore early on.
-Large Boat, a large ship that is simply put a floating base which moves and you can load your small boat and seamoth onto or dock your medium boat and cyclop to. Requires 8 Plasteel Ingots, 3 large Engines, 4 Enameled Glass, 3 Lead, 2 Anchors, 4 Pontoons, 4 Lubricant, 2 Advance Wiring Kits, 1 Uranium, 4 Copper Wire, 2 Wiring Kits, 2 Pumps, 3 Power Cells, and 6 Silicon. Reasons for all this stuff, well for starters it's meant to be that end game vehicle that can build all your stuff and recharge all your ships. Anyways the explanations, the plasteel is forming the hull and internal as well as the supports for equipment like the nuclear reactor and 3 large engines it powers. Well the Pontoons help keep it afloat and the enameled glass forms the viewing ports and the windows for the bridge. Lead is used to keep the reactor from giving you the super power of cancer, well the lubricant keeps all the moving parts from wearing down, also the anchors allow you to keep the ship in place or stop a bit faster. Now the copper wires, wiring kits, and advance Wiring Kits are all used to put power through out the ship and manage the power and system to, well the silicon is insulation for electronics and water proofing for the ship. And finally pumps keep any water out in case of damage or something and power cells store power along with the reactors power storage. *Notes this ship is slower then the seamoth but faster then the cyclops, it runs on uranium, it also produce clean water due to the heat from the reactor being used to boil water and then collect the condensation, The ship uses a crane to pick up 1-2 seamoths and/or 1-2 small boats which it charges, medium boat is attached to the rear well the cyclops or medium sub is docked to the bottom of the ship (both also get recharged), Also to built this ship all parts needed will take up every inventory space and this will be constructed at the constructor. The size of the ship will be larger then the cyclops by 50% or more, also just like cyclops you can change color and give a name but unlike it you can add more windows or reinforce plating if you want. Again this would be your end game vessel.
*Note going to mention things involving growing and cooking since those have already been mentioned pretty well.
>> Anyways crafted materials with their recipes and explanation for recipe. *Note using raw and processed materials in game already and aren't experimental. This just makes everything simpler to understood.
Building Materials
Items used in crafting
-Pontoon, would be used to construct surface ships and platforms. Recipe would be 2 Floaters (or 4 Airsacks) and 1 Silicon, reason would be the floaters (or Airsacks) would act as well the floating part and the silicon would bind it all together and shape it.
-Small Engine, would be used to propel small and medium boats also small subs like the seamoth. Would require 2 Copper Wire, 2 Silicon, and 1 Battery, the reason for those materials is I'm assuming they are using a type of magnetic propulsion thus you'd have the wires making a coil around silicon tube/funnel with a battery providing power or something like that. Or maybe they are just water jets.
-Large Engine, used to propel large boats and subs. Requires 4 Copper Wire, 1 Wiring kit, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 1 Power Cell, and 3 Silicon. Same reason as the small engine just needs more stuff to make as well as more power and a way to manage that power.
-Water Filter, used to both purify and desalinate water as part for Water Desalination System. Requires 2 Titanium, 1 Gold, 3 Coral Chunks, and 1 Silicon. Reason coral and silicon would form filter/membrane, well the gold would be protective layer against oxidation and titanium would hold it all together.
-Reinforced Structural Plate, Used to construct very deep seabases for areas like the lava zone since normal bases would instantly be crushed. Requires 3 titanium and 1 Lithium. Reason meant to be the same recipe as the reinforced panel but instead used to build seabase structures.
-Reinforced Composite Glass, used to make windows for deep ocean bases as well as subs. Requires 3 Enameled Glass, 1 Titanium, and 1 Lithium. Reason is the glass in layered then framed and given a plasteel alloy (titanium lithium) mesh on both sides.
-Camera, used in construction of deep sea drone and deep sea sub. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 1 Silicon, 1 Quartz, and 1 Wiring kit. Reason the computer chip and wiring kit form the circuits well the quartz makes the lens and the silicon is the housing.
-Ballast Tank, used to make submarines since without they are boats or sinking chunks of metal with an engine. Requires 3 Titanium and 1 gold. Reason is the titanium forms the tank and the gold is to protect against oxidation.
-Electric Motor, use to create object like pumps and other items. Requires 2 Copper Wire and 1 Titanium. Reason the copper wires have power go through them creating magnetic field with turns shaft, well titanium forms housing and such.
Items used to add onto bases and/or vehicles
-Diving Bell, Would be module for boat that would give player a portable air pocket down in the deeps but can only deep to say 100m max. Materials needed would be 2 Titanium, 2 Lead, and 4 Creepvines. Titanium would form hull well the lead would keep it down and the vines would well be the rope.
-Diving Helmet, allows the player infinite air well under water but limits players ability to travel to far since they are attached to a boat by umbilical cord with they receive air through. Note when using player can't carry air tanks but unlike diving bell can go down as far as 200m or 200m of path from boat. Would require 1 Glass, 2 Titanium, 4 Silicon, and 6 Creepvines. The glass would form the viewing port well the titanium forms the helmet also the attachment point to boat, and the silicon and vines would form the breathing tube. *Note to use you first put on helmet then attach air hose to boat, after that you can begin your dive.
-Anchor, module that keeps boat in place so you don't surface to find it floated away. Require 2 Titanium and 1 Lead, self explanatory this one.
-Pump, used to remove water from base, boat, or submarine as long as flooding exists also is used to craft other items. Requires 2 Titanium, 1 Electric Motor, and 1 Gold. Reasons, titanium forms the housing and pipe as the gold forms a protective layer to counter oxidation and the electric motor moves the water through the pipes. *Note pump will only drain water from near by areas and not the entire sub or structure. Also using up power when it's active.
-Transceiver, used to wirelessly receive data from devices the player have placed around the world. Require 3 Copper Wire, 2 Titanium, 2 Computer Chip, 1 Advance Wiring kit, 1 Wiring Kit, and 2 Silicon. Reason for the Copper wire is to form the array that collect the radio waves which is supported with titanium, well the computer chips, wiring kits, and silicon form the computer thermal you access. *Note this place using a builder inside a base or made into a module for your vehicle. If it's a base object you recover data from the transceiver terminal but if vehicle object you use already existing terminals.
-Electrolyzer, would be used to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen allowing subs and underwater bases to replenish their oxygen supply without needing the surface and also possibly use extra oxygen and the unused hydrogen for something. This would again expand sub construction but also add more to base building, since right now there isn't much there and nothing needs to be watched over. Anyways to craft this as base object or crafted object you will need 3 Gold, 1 Titanium, and 1 Wiring kit. Reason for the gold is it doesn't oxidize thus would be used to as the electrodes and to coat inside of tank and tubing, well titanium would be holding it together and wiring kit would allow power to go where it's needed and be managed. *Note system always uses power unless turned off, but if turned off oxygen levels will slowly drop (oxygen amount varies base don size of base or sub).
-Water Desalination System, base object that would pump sea water through filter/membrane and create clean drinking water as long as it is powered. Requires 1 Titanium ingot, 2 Pumps, 2 Water Filters, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 1 Wiring Kit, and 1 Gold. Reasoning the titanium ingot would be needed do to the force of the water being pumped through the system, well the advance wiring kit and wiring kit would manage the power to the system, and the filters and pump do what they do. *Note System creates about 80 Units of water a day (as 2 separate 40 unit water containers) also it's always using up power, but it can be turned off and back on.
-Item Crane, module for medium and large boat that lower a container to the players depths allow them to place gathered items into it and there for stay down longer and collect more. Requires 2 Titanium and 6 CreepVines. Reason titanium forms container and vines make the rope. *Note would have the storage space of a small locker also so you know where it is as it's deployed it will have a beacon on itself. Another thing once filled it will auto return and lock to ship until you empty it and redeploy it.
-Exosuit Reinforcement, allows exosuit to not only go past the seamoth in depth but also be able to reach the lava zone without being crushed. Requires 3 Reinforced Structural Plates and 1 Reinforced Composite Glass. Reason These items are meant to be for things that operate at such depth thus would just increase structural strength. *Note upgrade would reduce the size of the glass viewing port on the exosuit, since it's a structural weakness.
Tools and Equipment
Items used by the player by deploying or using in hand
-Diving Weight, would be used to allow the player to rapidly descend thus a reverse air bladder. This would need 1 Lead and 2 Airsacks. Reasoning would be the lead would pull you down but not until you fill the ballast tanks which would take away it's neutral buoyancy.
-Fishing Net, Item can be used actively by player or attached to boat for passive fish catching. Would require 3 Creepvines and 3 Coral Chunks. Vines would form the netting well the Coral Chunk would be the weight dropping it drop onto the fish or hang off from the boat.
-Radar Balloon, a balloon that is launched and used to scan the ocean for islands and other object at surface level or above. Requires 4 Silicon, 1 Advance Wiring Kit, 2 Computer Chip, 1 Wiring Kit, and 1 Power Cell. Silicon would form the balloon and also small housing for parts, well the rest would form the radar unit and transmitter which the power cell would keep going. *Note in order to receive data your cyclops, large boat, and/or base would need Transceiver Module. Also once launched balloon is gone and can't be recovered, because it a bit to high up to grab.
-Sonar Buoy, Used to scan and map the ocean floor but has limited range there for multiple units would be needed to form complete map. Requires 3 Silicon, 1 Computer Chip, 1 Advance Wiring Kits, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Power Cell. Silicon forms speaker and microphone along with Copper wire, which are controlled by the computer chip and connect with the advance wiring kit. Silicon also forms ballast so it doesn't sink or always float up, well power cell uses magic to summon spirits which map the ocean. *Note like radar balloon, data can't be recovered unless you have transceiver except since these are buoys you can manually collect the data. Also do to these using sonar they could attract animals with the sound, so might find sharks near them or a reaper or just fish.
-Mining Charge, Useful for "gently" moving rocks blocking caves out of the way or just making a hole in the ground or base. Requires 2 Crash Powder and 1 Salt. Reason would be the salt was broken down into sodium which is used to set off the crash powder, making a simple chemical explosive. *Note can't be thrown only placed and goes off 5 seconds after being placed, this is so people can't attack with them but these will stun animals (for maybe 5-10 seconds) that are near and kill if the animal if it's right ontop of it.
-Lure, attracts nearby animals using sound it can be used for escaping or drawing a predator way from resources. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 2 Silicon, and 1 Battery. Reason is the silicon would form the body and speakers, well the computer chip would send the date for the sounds as this is being powered by the battery. *Note Reaper Levitation will eat this device well others will just bump it around or grab it and move it a short distance.
-Map, it's a map. Requires 1 Computer Chip, 1 Silicon, and 1 Quartz. Reason the computer would hold the data and display it on the quartz screen which is all held in a silicon case.
Vehicles and Bases
Vehicles and base object/parts
-Seabase Constructor Module, this would replace the normal constructor and make it into a seabase object that uses power. Recipe would remain the same just it's built with the builder it's built and attached to the seabase like a hatch. Using it would be the same just go up to it and left click to access and then select what you want. If you don't have enough power or resources to complete build it will just leave it like it would if you were using a builder and ran out of materials. That way you can just wait for the power to build up or give it the remaining resources.
-Small Dock, floating platform that is about the size of a room that will charge docked boats and can have lockers built onto it. Requires 4 pontoons, 4 titanium, 1 Silicon, 1 Battery and 1 Quartz. Reason pontoons make it float as the titanium form the structure with the silicon and the quartz and some titanium are used to make a solar panel for charging the battery storage. *Note to build this you need to use the builder, also once placed it doesn't move aside from a slight bobbing from waves. Only small and medium boats can dock with it and only 1 of each. Should be noted it recharges things very slowly do to it's one solar panel.
-Reinforced Seabases, same recipes are the normal ones but instead uses reinforced structural plates in place of titanium and reinforced composite glass in place of enameled glass and glass.
-Remote Controlled Submarine, a cheap remotely operate sub that can be docked to a seabase, cyclops, or medium sub and controlled from within the sub it was last docked to. This is meant to gather material at extreme depths where it stores said items in an internal storage bay, that can be emptied when it's docked. Requires 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Small Engine, 1 Enameled Glass, 1 Camera, 1 Power Cell, 1 Ballast Tank, 1 Copper Wire, and 1 Computer Chip. Reason the Plasteel forms the hull and storage neither of which are pressurized, well the enameled glass protects the camera with a very thick layer so you can see. The copper wire and computer chip deal with transmitting and receiving data and controlling the sub. And the engine and ballast tank provide control well power cell supply's wishful thinking. *Note this sub have 1/3 the operating time of the Seamoth, moves at about 50-60% of it's speed, and can only operate within 200 meters of player. But it's slightly smaller then the seamoth, stronger to, can be used to gather materials, and has 96 inventory slots to store those gathered materials in. *Note this is what you would use to gather materials down in the lowest levels of the lava zone and other extremely deep areas, that even the upgraded exosuit can't reach all in order to get the rarest stuff I would think. To Control it all you would have to do is order it to undock through a terminal in the sub or moonpool, which you would also use to remotely access it.
-Medium Submarine, Used to go down to the lava zone without being crushed and can carry reinforced exosuit or remote control submarine to extreme depths. Requires 1 Large Engine, 4 Ballast Tanks, 2 Cameras, 1 Reinforced Composite Glass, 4 Plasteel Ingots, 2 Reinforced Structural Plates, 2 Advance Wiring Kit, and 1 Computer Chip. Reason for the cameras and the composite glass is so you can see whats going on since there will be no windows for structural reasons. The Plasteel and Plates are to allow it to withstand the massive pressure, well the engine and ballast tanks control movement and depth. Also the wiring kits and the computer chip managed the electronics and all that. *Note this sub would be about half the size of the cyclops and move about the same speed maybe 1-2 knots faster. Also since this sub is meant to be where there is little to no light it has a number of light sources on it to illuminate the path or sea floor. Can dock to seabases if they is a docking hatch on the bottom of the seabase.
-Small Boat, very cheap and fast surface craft great for going places on or near the surface over a distance but thats about it. Requires 2 Pontoons, battery, and 1 Small Engine. Reason impossible to explain how those things make a boat. Note would be twice as fast as seamoth and use a lot less power, but all you can do with it is move around and hang 1 fishing net off it. Also it's built using maybe the Builder which the medium boat will be built with to.
-Medium Boat, decent speed and size great for earlier deep water exploration (100-200m) also you can place a few storage locker on it along with fabricator if you have solar upgrade for it or enjoy making powercells. Requires 6 Titanium, 2 Small Engines, 1 lubricant, 1 Power cell, and 3 Pontoons. Reason would be the titanium would form the hull and internal structure well the pontoons add additional buoyancy, as for the power cell it powers the 2 small engines. *Note this would be about 10-20% faster then seamoth since it's a surface vessel and would be the size of a room or just a bit bigger. Also the benefit of this would be the player can use the diving bell and diving helmet from this boat, both items greatly expanding how far and they can explore early on.
-Large Boat, a large ship that is simply put a floating base which moves and you can load your small boat and seamoth onto or dock your medium boat and cyclop to. Requires 8 Plasteel Ingots, 3 large Engines, 4 Enameled Glass, 3 Lead, 2 Anchors, 4 Pontoons, 4 Lubricant, 2 Advance Wiring Kits, 1 Uranium, 4 Copper Wire, 2 Wiring Kits, 2 Pumps, 3 Power Cells, and 6 Silicon. Reasons for all this stuff, well for starters it's meant to be that end game vehicle that can build all your stuff and recharge all your ships. Anyways the explanations, the plasteel is forming the hull and internal as well as the supports for equipment like the nuclear reactor and 3 large engines it powers. Well the Pontoons help keep it afloat and the enameled glass forms the viewing ports and the windows for the bridge. Lead is used to keep the reactor from giving you the super power of cancer, well the lubricant keeps all the moving parts from wearing down, also the anchors allow you to keep the ship in place or stop a bit faster. Now the copper wires, wiring kits, and advance Wiring Kits are all used to put power through out the ship and manage the power and system to, well the silicon is insulation for electronics and water proofing for the ship. And finally pumps keep any water out in case of damage or something and power cells store power along with the reactors power storage. *Notes this ship is slower then the seamoth but faster then the cyclops, it runs on uranium, it also produce clean water due to the heat from the reactor being used to boil water and then collect the condensation, The ship uses a crane to pick up 1-2 seamoths and/or 1-2 small boats which it charges, medium boat is attached to the rear well the cyclops or medium sub is docked to the bottom of the ship (both also get recharged), Also to built this ship all parts needed will take up every inventory space and this will be constructed at the constructor. The size of the ship will be larger then the cyclops by 50% or more, also just like cyclops you can change color and give a name but unlike it you can add more windows or reinforce plating if you want. Again this would be your end game vessel.
Here's two of the Module/Upgrades that i couldn't fit in.
-Nuclear Reactor Upgrade, allows you to give your cyclops, medium sub, and/or medium boat a nuclear reactor for power generation. Recipe is the same as the base object one.
-Bio-Reactor upgrade, allows you to give your cyclops, medium sub, and/or medium boat a bio-reactor for power generation. Recipe is the same as the base object one.