I respectfully do not like the new skill system
Shanghai Join Date: 2015-08-31 Member: 207613Members

the forward edition is better than this .why we must lose skill when we lose?it's so ridiculous
now the high skill ones stack to make sure they dont lose skill.I dont really know how skill system became this
Title edited. Use the body of your post to vent in, not the title
now the high skill ones stack to make sure they dont lose skill.I dont really know how skill system became this
Title edited. Use the body of your post to vent in, not the title

If you want to know more about the current skill system read this.
Here is a fun thread with some basic statistics from the hive skill system, if you like that sort of thing.
Also, the skill points are not like your bank account. It does not matter if they go down. I really dislike that hive skill is called "hive skill" because it does not show skill, but instead probability of winning.
the old skill system depends on your personal performance and team performance.but the new one only care you win or not
Anyway, apart from that new change screwing up the equilibrium, the hive score/skill has shown to be a pretty effective measure of player ability in most cases. With some exceptions, I knew that someone with a 2000ish score was a tough fight, someone with 2500+ was basically impossible to beat, a 1000 was someone who knew the game but wasn't good at it, and that I really shouldn't expect anything from a <300. Not 100% accurate of course, but as a rule of thumb guideline it's been quite effective for me (my own score was in the 1300-1500 range until the recent change).
While shuffle based on hive skill hasn't worked to create even games, team average hive score has been very accurate at predicting the winner of games when there's a >300 point discrepancy, and even a 100-200 point difference heavily weights the odds.
From my experience, I believe that the win-based skill system is extremely accurate, at least as much as one could expect, but that an "even" game requires more than just matching up players of equivalent skill.
Are you saying the hive skill system is putting all the high skilled people on the same team?
That is actually improbable as it's precisely the opposite of how the system works.
In short, the team that is predicted to win will not earn skill points if they win.
This prevents that exact scenario you describe.
"But better players just swap teams or join later on in the round to cash in on the points!" Well.. not for long.
That all being said, there are definitely issues with the current system and they are all being looked at and revised. Look out for future cards in our trello there.
But its better than lose.Sometimes,i have done my best,be the top of my team.But its useless,lost skill 10+ even 20+.My kd increased my score per min increased,but my skill lost so much,isnt weird?
All in all,i mean the team performance factor is required in hive skill,but the personal performance is necessary too.We cant impose team on ones skill
It can happen when a player has a very different hivescore than the server average, one or two high-skilled players can definitely stack the teams without a big shift in the average team hivescore (especially if there are 1000-score rookies on the other team).
The current skill system works, it predicts how likely it is you are going to win, thats whats supposed to do. But if people really stack because of it, it should just be hidden.
It's really hard to think about how to solve this. Many times good players go on the same team because they don't feel like getting weighed down by their teammates, and couldn't care less about hive score. The solution should be to have enough good players so that no matter what team, it will be a good game.
Unfortunately, most of the time this doesn't really work since generally this only happens on captains servers and the captains mode is facking terrible since it takes so long to get a game going.
The number 1 reason is the vote even teams vote.
Then the second is the level icons in the serverbrowser which help you choose the server which is closest to your skill.
The next one is the quick join button, which will also be improved in the future, but which also looks at your skill and puts you in the best place possible.
In short, its a very important information that is needed (hidden or not) for many existing and upcomming features that help balance the game.
When "Force even teams" occure and people stack, it means that the people stack by switching teams in most cases. You see the offenders.
It also shows overall serverskill in browser, it's been more or less accurate for me.
Actually i really want the force even teams to really FORCE the even teams. Nobody should be able to change team after having been assigned, after all the server just voted to force even teams. Allowing people to change again kind of misses the point.
Sorry, but badges are just another example how good intentions results in shit, when trying building the community by some fancy badges results in the opposite.
And even if it weren't the case, that would mean there were enough players to saturate the average, and thus would one player on a team of 12 really be so much to handle for the other team that it guarantees a win? Even the best players can be suppressed through the teamwork of lesser skilled players.
Hmmmm. I play sometimes on a server with shuffle. It's just so annoying to be thrown into a team that is just not what you wanted.
Any descent distribution should move all players in ready room before anything. Also it should take under consideration all those who are AFK. And eventually player preferences.
So many games ruined by people who join then go AFK. So many game ruined by something unwanted. Not because it happens but simply because nothing is taken under consideration. I mean it's supposed to be fun to play in the first place.
Thats of course not always possible, but it does consider your preference.
The AFK players are indeed another issue.
If the skill system was reworked and re-released I presumse a hive skill reset be carried out accordingly?
I have so many doubts about that. What I see is usually all people who joined stay, as there is enough players to make the sums even for both teams. It leads to 3 to 4 people stacking. It's enough to ruin the game.
I have no idea, but i guess its likely.
I actually think its a bad idea, as the current values can serve as a good starting point for the new system. Its certainly better than setting everybody to the same skill value.
wait... people actually use that server hive ranking thing?
how good a predictor is it?
once you get to 2000 doesn't it just all turn into double down arrow anyway?
that's my experience anyway, it's all double reds, unless it's like 1 or 2 pug guys dicking around in a private server.