BloodKelp Biome: Well Done
Join Date: 2014-01-01 Member: 191213Members

This is my favorite biome thus far, even in its newly minted state. It's very far away from the aurora and is extremely interesting as it actually starts at around 350m and goes all the way down to 600m (though maybe even deeper)
I can't wait to see what kind of terrifying creatures will be down here, as the only light is from the actual kelp itself.
Edit, use "biome bloodkelp" to reach the bkb easily
I can't wait to see what kind of terrifying creatures will be down here, as the only light is from the actual kelp itself.
Edit, use "biome bloodkelp" to reach the bkb easily
I can't seem to find it.
It should be between the Sparse Reef and the Dunes
Hmm, maybe it's somewhere else.
Would be great if people actually told us where it was instead of just saying "Wow it's cool!"
EDIT: Found it
It's currently west of the Sparse Reef, between the Reef, The Dunes, and the Red Plains.
Will definitely be exploring this section more...
This place would be perfect for some demonic beast to be spawned. Plus, what are those?!?!
Or maybe they're a Deep variant of the Crash that explode when you get too close
I have a question for those of you have been exploring it: are you finding it too difficult to orient yourselves and explore or is it ok? I think some disorientation adds too the creepiness and opens up gameplay options with things like the new Seamoth upgrade, but I want it to be fun rather than frustrating. There's definitely an issue higher up in the canyon where it's mostly empty water and rock walls you can barely make out, so I'll be working on adding more landmarks there.
It is a little disorienting. Maybe if we had a system in the Seamoth to help reorient ourselves then it could help. Maybe give us the option to blast the lights on our Seamoth, with the downside that it'll make predators down there attack you.
I don't mind a little disorientation. The world as it is now is very easy to navigate, so I would welcome a little challenge.
Something simplistic like this (link below) but with an image of the Seamoth in the middle:
This is 600m Deep, it should NOT be easy to navigate, in fact it should stay close to how it is. SN still has lighting issues where darkness will practically spawn itself into your game and you can lose all sense of direction... that aside, I think it is fantastic that a player can't just wander in and pick up late game materials (such as the blood oil
i must say the biome is absolutley awsome great work! i had a little bit to hard time finding my way out you should be avible to see a bit better.
i absolutley loved the blood moushrooms so i would like to some more of that if possible!
and i realy think the biome should link up with the jellyshroom caves biome and i would be happy if there where some more smaller biomes and where the only entence is threw the jellyshroom caves it would give a reason to explore more in there (the jellyshroom caves)
Aye. Deep places are currently too well lit in my opinion.
I agree, disorientation adds to the gameplay a lot. There aren't many truly dark places in Subnautica, so to me the Blood Kelp biome is a welcome addition.
I'd say almost none tbh. There needs to be a form of land over the player for it to be truly pitch black (unless you're somewhere ridiculously deep... the bottom of the floating island biome is truly dark)
It's marvelous right now, but once we get some monsters down there trying to make us lunch, it might be a different story.
EDIT: Sorry, I replied to the wrong person! I'm new to the forum.
Heh, all good. It's a dangerous swim though, even in a seamoth
Oh jesus why
Also I want a Blood Kelp Oculus, then.