Submit Ideas for Research labs, Bases, Vehicles.

RustyRangeRustyRange Join Date: 2015-09-14 Member: 207955Members
edited September 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
I thought i would Create a Discussion for Research Labs and Observatories. As of Now, we don't have much for Observatories and Research Labs. Here are some of my Ideas for Research Labs.

-A Research Panel for Types of Fish you have discovered, also Minerals (Where to find them, Info about them)
^Personally I think this will change the game almost entirely, Knowing something about fish or Minerals you find, might make it easier to find and make the game funner. (Edit, Add a Microscope so that way you can find something about the fish and minerals, with in the DNA Maybe. Which the Info will transfer to the Research Panel, and you can link a Research panel to another one. Ex: Research Panel in Lab will be linked to another one on the Cyclops)
I Personally do not have any Ideas about Observatories. (May edit later)

Now onto Bases.
Many people have been asking for this, and i want this to be in the game too.
-Exo-Suit Moon Pools (Docks)
-Cyclops Moon Pools (Docks)
-Panel for a Map Layout of the Base (Change color of the Base if flooded or has no energy. Also be used to find your way around the base.)
-Panel for Map Layout of the Vehicle, Exactly like map layout of the base. (Change color of the Base if flooded or has no energy. Also be used to find your way around the Vehicle.)
^ Layout to find your way around it, I'm Implying that will be for Massive ships.
- Multiplayer added to the MAIN Game and not a separate game.

- Base Defenses, Maybe if you don't want Predators lurking around your base, the Defenses will take them out (Also for Multiplayer if a Enemy Player comes up with his Cyclops, and the Defenses Shoot the cyclops.)

- Underwater Warfare against Predators and Other Players, Cannons. (Much like what they did with the SeaMoth and the Torpedoes.)
The Reason why i don't have any ideas for Vehicles and Observatories is because i want you guys to put your Ideas for Research labs, Bases and Vehicles down below so this.


  • CMonster0125CMonster0125 United States Join Date: 2015-09-09 Member: 207850Members
    I put something like this in another discussion, but it works here as well.

    -Kitchen/Cooking Station Panel for food. Live storage for fish/plants. Unit can be upgraded for better results (more energy, less material used, etc.). Eventual goal is making nutrient packs for use in ExoSuit, SeaMoth & normal diving gear.

    -Water Purifier Station Panel to make drinking water. Unit comes with limited storage for treated water (expandable) and can make "water packs" for use in ExoSuit & SeaMoth & normal diving gear.

    -Pumping Station Panel for quicker results when base is flooded. Includes power cell slot for running when base is low/out of power.

    -Sonar Map Panel (limited range) that when in Passive Mode displays base and nearby terrain. Active Mode shows hostile fauna and other dangers, but uses more power. Panel could also include a 'sonic defense' system for temporarily driving away predators that lurk nearby (power use intensive, maybe 250 power units per use?)
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