Dangers to Seabases/Cyclops
Germany Join Date: 2015-10-22 Member: 208671Members

I just recently tried out a hull breach at the Cyclops and it was really cool, it flipped over and I could barely move through it and repair.
It happens quite rarely though and I would love to see more ways such a thing could happen to the Cyclops or even to Seabases e.g. certain types of Fauna being able to breach through the hull or fragile spots like windows or being able to defend yourself against these attacks by reinforcements.
Thinking further, I had the Idea that maybe small kind of Fauna could even enter the Seabase/Cyclops after it's breached, it would maybe make the Bulkhead a little more useful but that's also maybe a little too much fantasy.
Me personaly, I'd love to see these things in Subnautica but I'd also like to know what other people think of it.
It happens quite rarely though and I would love to see more ways such a thing could happen to the Cyclops or even to Seabases e.g. certain types of Fauna being able to breach through the hull or fragile spots like windows or being able to defend yourself against these attacks by reinforcements.
Thinking further, I had the Idea that maybe small kind of Fauna could even enter the Seabase/Cyclops after it's breached, it would maybe make the Bulkhead a little more useful but that's also maybe a little too much fantasy.
Me personaly, I'd love to see these things in Subnautica but I'd also like to know what other people think of it.

That's not a comforting thought, Cyanaukki.
The Cyclops and base structures are the only places where timid folks like me can feel truly safe in Subnautica.
Yes, I'm prepared to go toe-to-toe with a Reaper on his own turf, but I also like the idea of being able to run for cover if things don't go so well.
As for having smaller fauna invading the base after a breach... Let's just say NOPE.
Trying to seal breached sections that have become infested with Bleeders, Cave Crawlers and Biter Fish is not my idea of A Fun Time.
Blasting them away with the Repulsion Cannon will only make things worse. Discovered this little nugget of information the hard way.
Not a good idea, at all.
I would definitely take away these "safe spots" but I think as long as it's balanced and there are good ways to defend yourself and/or protect your base by building and maybe fighting ( I'm not sure about fighting) I'm okay with it. Subnautica looked like it was supposed to be a little "spooky" in the trailer and I think things like that would fit fine if that's what they're going for.
Spooky is good. Spooky is already happening.
You should be very, very afraid of what is lurking down in the depths. The worst is yet to come.
Since I'm fairly comfortable with the idea that massively-lethal weapons aren't going to happen in Subnautica, your comment comes as a bit of a surprise.
- Not to mention sounding more than just a little bit masochistic. O.o
You actually want to be totally defenceless against Reapers and their nasty mates attacking your Cyclops or bases?
As far as I'm aware, there are no additional protective measures planned for bases or the Cyclops. It was an act of pure kindness that The Devs gave us the Vortex Torpedoes and the Perimeter Defence Field for the Seamoth, and my idea of base defence turrets has been shot down harder than the Aurora on many occasions. Not holding my breath until that situation changes, either.
No, I don't mean like the YAL-1, the LaWS, or any of the other modern high-energy, potentially lethal lasers. I mean something more like the PEP, which is not. Basically, it fires a laser beam, which makes a shockwave on impact that knocks humans off their feet. Have a similar, albeit stronger, thing in game, which will cause fish to be rolled over dozens of times by the blast, disorienting them. Not lethal, but very effective.
Hrrmm well idk maybe I just want the game to be more dangerous and scary but maybe it wouldn't even have to fauna but something else, I just think that the way Seabases and Cyclops can leak and drop to the floor are really cool but there are "not enough reasons" for it to happen
Basically I would want these things to be safer but not safe.
Yes, this is a survival game, so I want something that can be survived, that means NO TOTALLY SAFE SPOTS. At least when I get chased to my base, the chaser could go angry, not being able to kill me, and could do some show that MIGHT damage the base. Same goes for cyclops, quite realistically.
"Oops, I accidentally the button again."
And with those words, every hatch in the base opens, letting the relentless assault of the sea make its way into the deepest recesses of your once-sacred home. And then you're screwed.
All of the things that can be animated, I say, animate them.
I was really excited when I saw that the devs were adding ladder-climbing animations. Entry hatches opening and closing would be even better. Come to think of it, those hatches are one-layer systems. How does the base not flood the instant you use them?