What Has Killed You The Most
United states Join Date: 2015-11-08 Member: 209096Members

Now keep this in mind When making your choice the bloodsucker choice is only valid if you get killed in their habitat area because then they are quite dangerous, so only pick that if they kill you a ton more than the other choices in their respective habitat's i have been swarmed by them a lot so I wanted to check up on others ^^ and if they toned them down please if you don't mind message me.
Yeah i was in there habitat the first time i played this and was completely overran and this seems pretty common for me lol they have been my bane for quite awhile.
yeah wholly agreed unless you get a quite spawn for your creation of map like i did
The Poll is not about reapers wrong poll.
The Poll is not about reapers wrong poll.
I've died I around 3 times to those. First not knowing what they do. Second time seamoth was very low. Third was not paying attention while grabbing item's.
Would be A much more "Appropriate" Discussion for you to be dropping this comment.
i dont see why its not appropriate in this discussion... but never mind.
Let me just crack open this limestone deposit in the grassy plateaus, and I'm getting nawed to death by a thousand tiny bites.
Just taking a stroll, collecting materials... and running over every bleeder in sight.
1: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/profile/Joe_HoganBLEEDERS !!! They are the smallest thing on the game an the most deadly especially if they are in packs.
2: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/profile/LordDerp I have never been attacked by either bleeders or sandsharks. Got lot's of hull damage on my seamoth through Bone sharks being aggressive, but I constantly get charged by Stalkers whenever I'm looking for silver, especially early game
In caves? because I have died from oxygen a few times in those (\^.^/)
I can agree with everyone that mentions early game death by stalker. how do you normally die by them Shury? I normally get attacked from behind by two when collecting stuff, this morning I started new one and went into my capsule and guess what I found there
I've died to them more than anything else in the game combined.
Maybe I shouldn't blast AC/DC while swimming around the shallow caves.