Questions of biomes

Natan378Natan378 Italy Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208908Members
Since the first time i play this game,i think this is the best game ever made,and becouse it's an early acces, i was thinking:''will be added in the game more cool biome?''.
Now,first at all ,thanks devs for make this beautifull game... :)
I want to give you some questions:the biomes that are now in the game are are the most part of all biomes of the game or are only ''initial biome'',that meas will be more biome (maybe deeper)?
If you are working on new biomes,the most of these will be a cave or a open biomes?( i hope the second,maybe deeper open biomes :) )
Maybe other player like me can write an idea for new biome in the comment... :smiley:

Excuse me for my English,I'm italian and I'm trying to write in English ;)


  • OlmyOlmy Join Date: 2003-05-08 Member: 16142Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, NS2 Developer, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond
    The current plan is for more deep biomes under the seabed, some of which will be quite large. Lost river is a good example of this, some of the concept art was shown in a recent news update
  • Natan378Natan378 Italy Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208908Members
    ok,thanks for the informations! :smile:
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    edited November 2015
    There will be aliens and flying saucers and everything deep underground as well.

    That's if we believe everything posted by @Flayra :D (that is his Twitter handle, just so happens to also mention him in the thread).

    A closer look at the image:

    and of course a link to the original tweet...

    I do notice though that the alien biome seems much more lightly sketched than the rest of the map...
  • Natan378Natan378 Italy Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208908Members
    Yes,i alredy see this sketch...i think, looking better the sketch ,we are in the ''second stage'',infact if you see there are two subs:one should be the seamoth and one bigger than the first should be the cyclops...but there are another sub,which should means that can be added in the future...than there is a very deep cave,which should be the lost river cave,but first there are another open area deeper than the area of the ciclops and the area the grand reef( infact the smooker under the cyclops should be the smooker of the grand reef).
    Then is another cave which should contain sentiens alien creatures...and then nothing,game over.
    I hope i do a mistakes,becouse if will be like I say maybe we are at the ''final stage of development'',becouse if this cave is the cave of the lost river,than we explore that we finish the game...
    In effect the devs said that the lost river could contain the sea emperor,which have a important role in the story...usually the thing that have an important role are added at the end...
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    edited November 2015
    A story doesn't only have one important bit at the end.

    It is the combination of many important roles/events that make a story. I believe the lost river is the cave that dives of to the side, so I think there is much more depth to come.

    Also, I think the fact about it being accurate is a bit of a joke, I think there will be more :D
  • Natan378Natan378 Italy Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208908Members
    Yes,i agreee with you..I build a cstle of ideas that are all mistakes xD
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