Well, that's a bit of a mess - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Today a new NS2 update was released on Steam. It seems it didn’t go quite to plan. There may be some major technical issues with it, centred on hit-detection. This is...
What will become of CDT then? I feel they will no longer have a place with this renewed focus on NS2, you said so yourself "The two can’t coexist, or we’ll get an uncoordinated crapshoot of conflicting changes."
Does this mean the remaining members of the CDT will slowly fade into the background and just provide "suggestive" changes in the future? Or will you bring them on board with this new build method you wish to implement?
Treat them as external contractors as it were?
I'm having trouble articulating a useful answer to this question. I tried in the big Ironhorse Q&A, but I don't think it came across very well. But can't keep running from it, so I'll try again now! I know it still won't be up to scratch, but please know I'm trying to get better at this. Here goes:
I hope not. The CDT is wonderful entity, I and others at UWE, including the newly hired NS2 development team, want to preserve, nurture, and grow it. We need to come up with clever ways to allow the CDT to contribute. 'Suggestions' would be pretty awful and I don't think anyone would be motivated by a suggestion based system. I am confident we will find a much better system, and that NS2 will be much stronger for it.
"The CDT is a brilliant entity. There’s got to be some clever thinking about how CDT and Unknown Worlds can coexist. There’s no value in conceptualising the situation as a binary model where either CDT exists, and Unknown Worlds doesn’t develop NS2, or where Unknown Worlds returns to NS2, and the CDT dissolves."
Now this:
"Either UWE is resuming NS2 development and experimenting with new methods, or the CDT is still developing NS2 as they have. The two can’t coexist, or we’ll get an uncoordinated crapshoot of conflicting changes."
So which one is it?
These random blog posts are confusing and I don't know that they add much value. They seem to have of words but don't really say much. Lots of fluff and not much stuff. Make it brief but with actual information: A patch was pushed, there were hitreg issues, if you can't resolve them quickly then the patch willl be reverted. You hear the community, this is unacceptable to both you and the development team, it will be fixed ASAP. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Thanks for the reply,
That's much better worded Hugh lol.
From a playtester perspective, I would hope the remaining CDT members and the close working partnership that was formed between the playtesters & maptesters will not be forgotten about, despite the build method that is used being considered old, it still remained a high effectively collaborative effort between UWE, CDT and playtester & maptester alike albeit with minor "hiccups" every now and then such as this hiccup with 278, I hope a clear solution can be created between ns2devs and CDT regarding what is expected from both parties.
There MAY BE, Decoy, not were. Just thought I wanted to make that clear.
Oh, I know that. But that was direct from the news post. Its pretty clear that why the blog post wasn't short and concise was because that wasn't the intention. Rather, it is a long attempt to absolve responsibility and its nothing new. See how there is no apology anywhere by the way.
Oh @RejZoR , damn you and your gorge rush the other day on wooza 42, marines were closing in on aliens platform hive fast, then low and behold, rush on reception sealed our fates!
@Aeglos You're right. Discussion has been happening all through early morning about it and how it's going to be addressed and why it happrned. Since there is no apology allow me: I'm sorry that this got through. It's a big deal and it's going to get fixed ASAP. The CDT is not pleased about it happening and always feels terrible about big bugs like this going live. I can promise that the CDT won't let happen ever again (but only because apparently the CDT can't exist anymore, ha
Revert to 277 right now. There are minimal changes in 278, losing a weekend worth of players -- new and experienced alike -- is the worst thing for NS2 right now. Just revert, take time and test the next patch.
Also, huge kudos the CDT, love what you've done. Don't have words to express my thanks. Not sure about this whole transition to UWE, but it's not like the community had a vote on this.
Anyway, revert the patch. Right now.
Of course it was. For many weeks, with many playtesters who play both public and comp.
The serious issues we're seeing did not show up during playtests because if it did, the patch would not have been put out. Only a very small number of anecdotal issues were brought up that unfortunately, were not able to be confirmed or reproducible.
Things like this happen in game development. As soon as @matso is online he'll be looking at the cause and if a fast fix can't be done, there will be a reversion to 277.
Of course, we greatly apologise for this and are looking to correct it ASAP.
Btw, UWE couldn't handle a slow update circle correctly in the past, why do you think a faster update circle will present a better result? Did something change in the way you do QA now?
And to be clear, "the newly hired ns2 development team" is just the CDT with less people or did you hire new personal specifically for the ns2 development?
Shine and NS2+ are MANDATORY and should be worked on at the same time... there is NO excuse to leave these FOUNDATIONS of NS2 out of the equation!!!
You can't call a process that involves 5 ppl... and a week of time.. playtesting... choose a public server next time and test it under REAL LIFE conditions.. INVOLVING NS2+ and Shine... everything else is just unrealistic and silly
THX for the CDT for all the work... I don't wanna be disregarding... but My real Life server has real fife problems right now
Asap is not a date and to tell the truth any date but today is not good enough, game as it is now is completely unplayable, roll back and then experiment as much as you want, unwillingness to do so is just lazy and irresponsible!
For me this seems like an excuse from UWE to get rid of CDT team and get in control of the game for 3months and after that quit again and start making some single player exploration game because they are burned out and their PR persons vision of millions didin't come true.
PS: I don't think UWE's PR/Business person can co-exists with NS, nothing but problems from the start.
You must understand, PT numbers are at an all time low which cannot accurately replicate real in-game scenarios that reflects the ns2 server average player count, this problem has been known for awhile and we simply do not have consistent applications to sustain a number that would match the server average e.g. 12 vs 12, 16 vs 16 or even 21 vs 21.
This is possibly one of the reasons why the hitreg bug slipped through the net.
We have implemented recruitment drives in the past and we do see spikes but afterwhile people lose interest in the game much less than take on the task of testing the game for bugs.
We are currently in talks with CDT / ns2news to come up with a PR recruitment drive again to reinvigorate our numbers. I am sure they will be willing to consider your well thought out and constructive PT application at some point in the future @HEllrunner2k
Hope this helps.
That's all fair and fine... I don't SAY "you are assholes"... I say things, in regard of the resources have been missmanaged... You can't tell me that there are no servers that would cooperate for a better game experience. the PR for NS2 is almost as bad as the game itself right now... Too much focus on the casual BS and no emphasis on the HARDCORE E-Sport is actually is... misscommunication kills... this is more like it
but that's a different story... like I said... HB for instance WAS testing for NSL Maps and the shine Epsilon Beta... there is NO reason to NOT involve server owners in the process of making the game better... infact it would be the sensical thing to do.. everything else is just hoping for the best and could potentially end up in a desaster like this
I haven't played the game in a week but from what I've gathered... there were problems with a patch. It happens. Hugh immediately throws the CDT under the bus to protect his/UWE's reputation during this development take-over (even though I hardly consider anything Hugh does to be aligned with what Charlie and UWE actually think) and people are unhappy.
@HEllrunner2k ... Bad patches happen. The CDT/UWE are obviously aware of the issue and are working to remedy the situation. I've talked to you before. Your normally a pretty cool guy. All @Decoy means by her post is settle down. Throwing a tantrum isn't going to fix anything any quicker. It just makes you look bad along with your server (which was pretty good last time I played there)... tl:dr Breathe
Regarding the CDT/UWE Merger... obviously everyone is still confused as fck about what is actually happening. The number of nonsense blog posts regarding the matter have been astounding. Y'all need to make it clear what is actually happening...
For the members of the community, don't worry, we are on it. Keep in mind that the people involved are scattered in all kinds of timezones and that reverting (if thats indeed the fix for the issue) is not as simple as to press one button. I know some are upset right now, but keep assured that everybody (paid or not) does their best to fix it. We had broken patches in the past and in the future certainly as well. I think we always handled them in a timely fashion in the past.