Should there be underwater currents and storms?

ROBOCOPMAXROBOCOPMAX Frechen, DE Join Date: 2015-12-29 Member: 210544Members
edited December 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
As it seems, the surface of the planet is almost comepleatly coverd with water.
Due to this fact, strong winds would be blowing over the water, resulting in motion of the water.
Please justify your choice in a comment if you choose "No" or "Maybe not".


  • nittelsnittels Austria Join Date: 2015-12-27 Member: 210441Members
    Optional (game setting) seldom regional earthquake which demolish the base would be cool. If the base is in the region it get scratches and if some parts are flooded and/or the airlocks are open the machines inside (power gen, water gen,...) stop working.
  • 6ismus6ismus Florida Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210592Members
    yes, after all, this is a game of water. I can't visualize the sea dragon without a thunderstorm and the currents should fit into the arches and mountainsides of the landscape. I think that the earthquakes should be pre-set, like the aurora's explosion. It would be a pain to constantly have to repair my base if I decide to build it somewhere 'shaky'.

    p.s. I also couldn't help but notice the huge/close moon - should there be tides?
  • ROBOCOPMAXROBOCOPMAX Frechen, DE Join Date: 2015-12-29 Member: 210544Members

    There could be, but it won't affect the game due to the fact that the whole planet is covered with water.
  • Ruslan_DRRuslan_DR probably terrorizing tourists along the coast. Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210578Members
    I have to agree that there should be some forms of storm, such as the ones we have here that destroy entire ships. Going above water in a sub or the life raft may result in some..... unfavorable consequences, let's just say that.

    AS for currents, why not? currents always exist, and something I'd like to see is known as the "blue hole" which is a naturally occuring phenomena, whereby whirlpools form in large, upright caves. The reason for this is there is an inter-weaving series of grooves in the walls, sort of like an exposed cross section of a mini cave. Essentially the whole thing corkscrews, and as currents rise and fall, they generate whirlpools.

    Many people are known to have died thanks to this. They got too close while snorkeling, get sucked in, and can't get out before they run out of air. It's an interesting potential hazard to have.

    thunderstorms? I guess, only if they're exaggerated though, so that they're high enough voltage to transmit to the shallow starting area's height , through the water, providing actual danger instead of just a pretty light show.

    Hurricanes? Well, they are a tropical storm, and the planet is essentially one big vacation island, if you count the floating island anyways. Other than that it's mostly ocean and a giant spacecraft. could fling the player into the sky, along with anything that happens to be floating along the surface.
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    There could be underwater currents that pull "storms" around underwater. These would be of course very different from above-water storms, but could work nonetheless. Use your imagination. Maybe lots of debris; wandering vortexes; certain dangerous lifeforms; etc.
  • XamerzanXamerzan Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210713Members
    edited January 2016
    I would love (and hate =P) to be exploring the ocean and then suddenly coming across a maelstrom! I can picture it picking up your character and Seamoth if you get too close and launching you in a random direction.
  • TaiphozTaiphoz UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
    I said Yes but would these not also push all the fish around as well , possibly knocking them out of their home area ?

    Also if we get this then all floating structures should gain an anchor ability, like shooting a harpoon into the seafloor or rock so that the currents dont drag off your sub.

    It's actually happening to me at the moment, my escape pod keeps floating away I keep having to swim to it and push it back into place the odd thing is the mobile sub builder is not floating away.. bug I guess.
  • XamerzanXamerzan Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210713Members
    edited January 2016
    Taiphoz wrote: »
    It's actually happening to me at the moment, my escape pod keeps floating away I keep having to swim to it and push it back into place the odd thing is the mobile sub builder is not floating away.. bug I guess.

    My advice would be to build in a shallow area with 4 rooms (or as many needed to break the surface) surrounding the pod so it doesn't float away until they give us something like an anchor. It has worked for me so far. =)
  • DarthdamonDarthdamon netherlands Join Date: 2016-01-02 Member: 210799Members
    It would be nice yes water currents and it would even be more awesome if the escape pod moved with it :D
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