If you add multiplayer.. Please make it cross platform with the XBox1.

TaiphozTaiphoz UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
Yeah so I noticed on trello mention of testing things on the Xbox1 which is brilliant for those who do not own a PC, so I have one very big ask, if you add and we all hope you do multiplayer either server based, co-op or both can you please be sure to make it cross platform with the Xbox one.

The technology to do this has been around for a while now and there is really no reason not to do it as it would open up your player base for the players.


  • HydrophobicHydrophobic Reading, PA Join Date: 2016-01-08 Member: 211082Members
    This. This could be cool once they get more stuff into the game. Having other players build their bases in other biomes and you could go visit them and see what they are crafting or researching. Or you could do joint projects...
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I would very much rather they not.
  • IDTiaIDTia New York Join Date: 2016-01-04 Member: 210874Members
    From what I have read, multiplayer is considered, but at the end of the game development, and only if its feasibly possible without causing too many problems. It's not really a priority right now, but optimism is nice that they could
  • XamerzanXamerzan Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210713Members
    It would be nice to have a widened player-base if they make it cross-platform. At this time though, I'd be content with just having Multiplayer so my friends and I can have fun and explore together!
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    Cross-platform with PS4 is easy, Sony allows it and encourages developers to basically do whatever they want. xbone would be more difficult, because MSFT has a ton of prohibitions and restrictions.

    The only exceptions to these rules so far have been 1) Final Fantasy XI (only game to be allowed to support keyboard and mouse for controls, only game to be allowed an actual install on 360, only game to allow online play without XBL Gold subscription fees), 2) Shadowrun (required PC players to pay XBL Gold subscription fees if they wanted to play with 360 players).

    That said, I'm all for it. I'd love to be able to hop between PS4 and PC depending on what was convenient at the time, and to be able to play on the same servers.

    Unfortunately, and sadly, there's no timetable for multiplayer support at this time, never mind cross-platform multiplayer.
  • TaiphozTaiphoz UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
    Actually microsoft is moving everything to Windows 10 so that games will just run no matter what the platform device so getting the game to run on Xbox One will be far simpler than anything else because the environment is the same.
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    Taiphoz wrote: »
    Actually microsoft is moving everything to Windows 10 so that games will just run no matter what the platform device so getting the game to run on Xbox One will be far simpler than anything else because the environment is the same.

    The xbone doesn't currently run Windows 10, nor from what I can find is it going to be running a full instance of Windows 10 with the patch scheduled tentatively for "later this year." What's more, this still doesn't address MSFT's extreme animosity for allowing interactions with anything they don't control. As I said, in the past they required PC users to pay XBL Gold fees to play with 360 users. Similarly, their policies are why Dust 514 went to PS3 and not 360; MSFT's policies made patches a nightmare, and the integration with EVE Online on PC nearly impossible (if not completely impossible).

    While I'm not opposed to support, the odds are better for PS4, and I don't think you should get your hopes up (again, and especially, because multiplayer is currently not even on the radar, and may well not be until a full 1.0 gold release of the game).
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited January 2016
    Multiplayer, I dunno. Consoles are weirdly complicated with fees and subscriptions and such... BUT!
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    edited January 2016
    Kouji_San wrote: »
    Multiplayer, I dunno. Consoles are weirdly complicated with fees and subscriptions and such... BUT!
    -edited as this twitter stuff without spoiler tag is too big

    Not consoles, MSFT consoles. Important distinction. Nintendo and Sony are quite open and easy, leaving it largely up to the developer to do things how they want (including whether or not PS+ is required, and for which features to require it; for example, Destiny, which is always online, only requires PS+ for raids and matchmaking content; story and "patrol" missions can be done solo or cooperatively with anyone online, and patrol missions are in shared, public instances).
  • perseusstormperseusstorm Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210598Members
    they should make it cross platform for every consle
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    they should make it cross platform for every consle

    MSFT would never let them.
  • TaiphozTaiphoz UK Join Date: 2016-01-01 Member: 210749Members
    Sorry but your wrong.

    MS Are actively going out of their way to try and unify gaming over all windows platforms that was one of the driving forces behind Windows 10.

    Take my word for it or don't but Microsofts own website says it perfectly.
    PC vs. Xbox One multiplayer
    Team up with friends or compete against them in multiplayer games, Fable Legends and Gigantic, wherever they are across Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.


    There have already been games in the past that have done this, bridged the gap between PC and Console , with XBox One and Windows 10 (which is why they pushing it in the first place DUH!) it's going to get a lot easier, and with Subnautica in development still it's the perfect time for them to be looking into it.

  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    Taiphoz wrote: »
    Sorry but your wrong.

    MS Are actively going out of their way to try and unify gaming over all windows platforms that was one of the driving forces behind Windows 10.

    Take my word for it or don't but Microsofts own website says it perfectly.
    PC vs. Xbox One multiplayer
    Team up with friends or compete against them in multiplayer games, Fable Legends and Gigantic, wherever they are across Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.


    There have already been games in the past that have done this, bridged the gap between PC and Console , with XBox One and Windows 10 (which is why they pushing it in the first place DUH!) it's going to get a lot easier, and with Subnautica in development still it's the perfect time for them to be looking into it.

    They may well do so, but if they do they will likely 1) prohibit supporting PS4 (at minimum, prohibiting cross-platform multiplayer for PS4), and 2) require XBL Gold for PC players (this is what they did previously).

    I'd love to get proven wrong, but MSFT has over 40 years of history to make up for, and what you've linked does not rule out them doing EXACTLY what they have done before. All it says is they're making another push for it, not that they're not going to be imposing the same draconian restrictions and trying to nickle-and-dime people with their subscription fees, just like they do EVERY time.
  • 07Kennya07Kennya England Join Date: 2016-01-12 Member: 211293Members
    console port would require nerfing... not a fan. if they go to Xbone or PS4 the last thing I want is crossplatform with PC. The consoles could work cross platform though.
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    07Kennya wrote: »
    console port would require nerfing... not a fan. if they go to Xbone or PS4 the last thing I want is crossplatform with PC. The consoles could work cross platform though.

    Again, MSFT would never allow it. As far as needing to be nerfed or in any way diminished, not for a game like this. By its very nature, this game would do fine even on the previous console generation. Star Citizen, this game is not lol
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    PS4 only allows 3.5 GB of RAM to be used by the game. XB1 is a bit better, at ~5 GB.

    The recommended spec for SN is 8 GB of RAM. With the OS using 1~2 GB of that, that means UWE is leaving room for SN to use ~6 GB of RAM. This is partially confirmed by SN starting with ~3-4 GB of RAM used. (Notably, there are some memory leaks in SN, but those only appear over time). On top of this, SN is not yet finished, and may use even more RAM in the future. So, as far as RAM is concerned, the latest consoles can *barely* run SN, while the previous ones wouldn't have a chance.

    From the GPU/CPU perspective, I imagine the latest consoles could probably support 720p at a reasonable framerate. I wouldn't bet on 1080p, though.
  • SporkWitchSporkWitch Rochester, NY, USA Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211254Members
    Racer1 wrote: »
    PS4 only allows 3.5 GB of RAM to be used by the game. XB1 is a bit better, at ~5 GB.

    The recommended spec for SN is 8 GB of RAM. With the OS using 1~2 GB of that, that means UWE is leaving room for SN to use ~6 GB of RAM. This is partially confirmed by SN starting with ~3-4 GB of RAM used. (Notably, there are some memory leaks in SN, but those only appear over time). On top of this, SN is not yet finished, and may use even more RAM in the future. So, as far as RAM is concerned, the latest consoles can *barely* run SN, while the previous ones wouldn't have a chance.

    From the GPU/CPU perspective, I imagine the latest consoles could probably support 720p at a reasonable framerate. I wouldn't bet on 1080p, though.

    Halo 2 runs on the 64MB of the original X-Box, requires 2GB on Windows XP. Unreal Tournament 3 runs on the 256MB of the PS3, requires around 4GB+ on Windows 7.

    Bad comparison is bad. Being able to optimize for a single spec can provide incredible results, as it allows you to get every drop out of the available hardware. Developing for PC, on the other hand, means a nearly infinite array of potential hardware configurations, meaning fewer optimizations possible. This is why you see "made for nvidia" and such, it typically means they put some extra work in optimizing to take advantage of nvidia-specific features, while using more generic stuff if running on something else. It's not feasible to optimize for all possible configurations on PC, so between that and Windows being abysmal you end up with massively higher requirements compared to the same thing running on a console.

    This isn't to say that there aren't games that necessitate some corner-cutting to squeeze into a console, the only game we've seen like that in around a decade is Star Citizen. The last that really comes to mind is Doom 3, whose console version stripped out entire areas for memory and storage reasons.
  • bootsybootsy Uk Join Date: 2016-01-08 Member: 211087Members
    edited January 2016
    Just FYI they already have a build on the xbox one seen gameplay video and it looks sweet so those of you saying it wont happen might want to think about that.
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