Lag problems with g-sync and v-sync
Join Date: 2013-06-18 Member: 185607Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Shadow

Hello guys,
when i enable g-sync or v-sync in the game my aiming goes really bad. i went from 23% without any sync to 8% with g-sync or v-sync. Why is that so? I tested a lot and realised that g-sync and v-sync give the mouse movement a little input lag. without the sync my mouse movement feels quicker and i feel more response from it. Does anybody know a fix or has similar problems?
thanks for your help
when i enable g-sync or v-sync in the game my aiming goes really bad. i went from 23% without any sync to 8% with g-sync or v-sync. Why is that so? I tested a lot and realised that g-sync and v-sync give the mouse movement a little input lag. without the sync my mouse movement feels quicker and i feel more response from it. Does anybody know a fix or has similar problems?
thanks for your help
So generally V-Syncs ends up with input lag on youre monitor.
But G-Sync is something different, it actually tells the screen how much FPS your GPU is sending and is completly Synced with it. But you need to have a G-Sync compatible screen. And I also don't know if NS2 would need to support G-Sync enginewise.
Btw: In the meantime i stopped playing with V-Sync, since (I don't know why) my tearing problem is almost gone. And if you want to have the best possible aim, you need the most recent frame on your screen. So you should turn V-Sync off and only use G-Sync when youre screen supports it.
* v-sync locks you to your monitor refresh rate.
* creates input lag.
* Removes tearing.
* Locks you to your fps. So 89fps? 89Hz
* No input lag. Im serious, its not there.
* No tearing
* IF you breach your monitors hz you have a problem. My monitor goes to 144hz. So if I breach 144fps then gsync can not sync with the monitor anymore. It will then either go 'normal' so no g-sync or v-sync, OR go v-sync. This preference can be setup in the driver.
Without more info its quite hard for me to understand what your poblem is. You sure you are in gsync and not hitting any limits? would help.
g-sync works fine in ns2. (I never tried windowed g-sync in ns2 which needs to be enabled manually in the driver. I use fullscreen g-sync)
You'll invariably feel the effects of input lag even with gsync. For me, I don't really notice it when I'm above 100-110fps. I personally stay above that most all game with 120-144fps. For anyone with a 144hz gsync monitor, if you artificially cap your game at 60fps with gsync enabled, you'll see what I mean about input lag. So don't let anyone tell you that gsync doesn't exhibit input's there, especially at 60hz/60fps. I run the Acer XB270H 27" 144hz at 1080p and it's fine. To make it clear, the XB270H is a gsync monitor at 144hz. When I'm gsync'd, my framerate stays at 143.01-144fps. My fps doesn't move until late game when I'll drop to no less than 100fps. Mind you, 100hz/100fps feels much better that 60hz/60fps in terms of input lag.
You have three options.
1. Sell your Acer for the 1080p 144hz version and no more than a 1440p 144hz gsync monitor. (PC's/GPU's still aren't up to 4k gaming and sustaining 144+ fps IMO.)
2. Drop your resolution to 1440p/preferably 1080p and game without any vsync. This will help with input lag, however you're still gaming at 60hz, so it's still there and there's no way around's a double edged sword and you might as well use a basic 60hz led.
3. Sell it.
People will pay good money for it. You will be very happy picking up a 27" 144hz gsync. BTW, I tried the Acer XB270HU 27" IPS 144hz and the Asus ROG Swift PG278Q 27" 144hz, both 1440P. Both are great monitors, HOWEVER, 1440p will suck your fps and that's not something you want when trying to sustain 144fps at all times. The Acer XB270H 27" 144hz, 1080p model allows you to play at higher framerates to enjoy 144hz gsync'd play for longer periods, especially in NS2.
i7-4790K @ 4.6ghz
GTX980 +200 core +400 mem
Phanteks PH-TC12DX Red
2133mhz CL9 Corsair
Case: Corsair C70 green
EVGA SuperNOVA 1000G2
Red Silverstone Tek Sleeved cables
Acer XB270H 144hz Gsync
Benq XL2420TE 144hz monitor
Benq GW2760HS
Corsair Gaming RGB K70 Keyboard
Corsair Sabre RGB mouse
Corsair M65 RGB mouse
Artisan Zero XSoft large mousepad - Red
Sennheiser G4ME ZERO Headset / Soundbaster Z audio
NS2 mouse settings: Sensitivity 1 in-game, 1200dpi Marine, 2000dpi Alien
With gsync enabled, you'll notice vsync is enabled in the nVidia control panel as well . This is by design so that you're framerate is limited to no more than 144fps. So basically, the traditional vsync function caps your framerate at no more than 144fps where gsync operates, 30-144fps. So you really can't go beyond your monitor's 144hz refresh rate.
...So, you don't notice the mouse input lag with those games or at least it's not as critical to the game. Those games are awesome with a smooth 60fps "gsync'd" 60hz monitor. They're even more awesome gsync's at 144hz and sustaining 144fps the whole time.
And gsync is imo very helpful, especially in 4k. With g-Sync 40 Hz feel like 60Hz and that is very helpful in games with lower fps
Also the input lag isnt technicly due to gsync but the 'running on 60hz' thing. (or windowed if youd run in that)
I fully agree a 60hz g-sync monitor is madness
Tangential question : Why?
4k gaming performance just isn't really there yet.. and I can't think of a game that adequately is designed for 4k, either?
Just seems like you are taking a crazy performance hit just to say you are using 4k?
People use 4k to get outstanding visual experience. I mean I could ask you the same: Why don't you play in 640x400 to get better performance?
The same can't be said with using 4k vs 1080p in most games
Anyways, my comment was a bit derailing, so I'll leave it at that.
I think folks are missing the whole point of the discussion. Besides, if you want a visual experience, then why watch stuff on a crappy 28" monitor and not a 75" 4k and stream your video library?
I was going to get a 1440p IPS screen, but changed my mind and got a 144hz lightboost monitor just for Ns2.