TOP 10 Biggest Creatures in SUBNAUTICA
UK Join Date: 2016-02-25 Member: 213425Members
Hello Subnautica lovers!
I have been playing this awesome game for a while now.
One day i thought that it would be awesome to know about biggest creatures in Subnautica.
I searched Youtube for decent video but could't find one.
So i made it. It took more then 12 hours to make it so i hope you will enjoy it
I have been playing this awesome game for a while now.
One day i thought that it would be awesome to know about biggest creatures in Subnautica.
I searched Youtube for decent video but could't find one.
So i made it. It took more then 12 hours to make it so i hope you will enjoy it

Just let me add two things. First, the warper seems smaller to me. And second, you forgot the titanic floaters that keep the floating island floating. Although these big ones are not interactable like their tiny cousins, they are part of the world and definitely creatures.
The floaters would be really scary if they would attach to metal and be able to eat it. And the size of the big ones makes you wish to never meet one in the darkest depths of Subnautica. It could simply suck up the cyclops as a whole.
So my suggestion: Remove the warper and put in the giant floater.
Thank you for the feedback and your idea about Floaters is really nice! Maybe you have more information about them ? Those big ones, i was searching internet about it and couldn't find anything
About the warper you think it should be before Rock puncher maybe ?
Thank you for the reply and have a nice day!
There is a floater page on Subnautica Wiki
The small floaters are passive creatures you can use, while the big floaters lifting the island above surface level aren't interactive.
Unfortunately I don't know how to spawn the big floater.
I'd say, throw out the warper for now (it could be smaller than #10) and put in a picture of the big floater, which could be the biggest, although most harmless and inactive one. You'll know once the emperor is in the game.
As this creature produces helium, if the wiki is correct, I ask myself if it is possible to get flying islands. Theoretically this could happen, if the floater can survive in air and the island doesn't break apart.
Another question would be if the floaters eat the rock itself or just attach to the rock to get to the metal ore out of the rock with acid. This would make floaters the horror of metalic submarines, bases and even the exosuit. Imagine the nightmare if you get into floaters that start to attach to your seamoth, cyclops or even exosuit. You walk with your exosuit, than you suddenly hear a plop and you know that a floater has attached to the back of your exosuit. Will you make it in time back to the base or sub before the floater gets through? Or imagine your cyclops getting stuck with floaters and you have to remove them before the hull breaches sink the cyclops. Unfortunately the devs don't seem to have that in mind.
this would explain why they completely destroy bases if you let stick to your base
Thanks for the help, in future when Subnautica will have more creatures i will surely make another TOP 10 biggest creature list and most defiantly look for information on Floaters
hey! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you i am so glad that ~12 hours of my work did int completely go in vain
Top 10 creatures in Subnautica that give you the creeps
could be candidates:
Wow!!! thank you SO MUCH i will try and make this video one day!!! i promise!!!
In the mean time i made another about submarines